Here's the Real Tea on Valkyrie (Reasons Why Many Mercy Mains Hate It)

No matter how you put it, rez remains stronger, than ultimate. May as well put it back as one, so it’s earned. On the other side, if Valkyrie is “power up” mode, then we can follow example of Lucio and make it E ability, same way Lucio has Amp-It Up.

Simple rework:

  • Ultimate: one instant rez;
  • E ability: Valkyrie with 30 s cooldown and 15 s duration. Can be subject to adjustments, if needed.

Versatility is needed in abilities. When you use ult, you want specialized ability, that is extremely good in that one task you saved it for.

there just needs to be a better way of getting res besides waiting imo.


That sounds very much to me like you are telling us that one of the reasons many Mercy mains dislike Valkyrie is because of Mass Res, you are simply focusing on a specific aspect of it…

Personally I really don’t care about visual satisfaction or if it is noticable. I just don’t want the need for skill to be taken away for over 10% of my total playtime. If I am good at playing Mercy I want that to be reflected in my effectiveness, but Valkyrie does not require a lot of skill; it dumbs everything down… and I think a lot of others feel that as well, and that has nothing to do with visual satisfaction…

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Valkyrie would be disliked less, if it was regular ability, as you generally don’t expect ability to do anything extraordinary.

The problem with buffing rez in valk (like making it instant cast) is that people would pop Valk JUST for the instant rez, which the devs clearly didn’t like.


Unfortunately for devs, it’s not going to change. You don’t make ability stronger, than ultimate, and expect different results.

Still often use Valkyrie to attempt that one risky resurrect from air, or to reach dead teammate easier, if one isn’t available for GA.

I feel like this only needs one word of explanation:


if you reply to a mercy post you’re bringing more attention to it… so maybe secretly you want mercy to be buffed…

OP said nothing about bringing back instant rez!

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I’ve talked about this before

to be fair and honest it doesn’t Valkyrie takes out a lot of decision making you have to do normally as mercy like

  • who am i supposed to heal right now? → everyone is healed at the same time
  • who am i supposed to GA to in case of danger? → i can freely fly
  • must avoid DoT since it won’t allow my passive to activate → passive is always active

the only thing you have to keep in mind while in Valkyrie mode is hitscans that’s it!

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And even that usually is easy to circumvent, by floating next to corner. Someone tries to shoot you? Move a bit to the side, and they can’t hit you anymore.

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It’d be fine in her ultimate but outside of it, not so much. I think Mercy could use some QOL buffs.

even though it’s not obvious having lock on beams enables mercy players to learn a different skill and that’s awareness
she gets to heal and at the same time check for flankers or look for escape routes

while i do agree with this sentence i don’t agree with your suggestions! mercy is known by her player base as a character that requires game sense and awareness! why not give her abilities that require those things? your suggestions will make the character awkward and clunky and we don’t want another character like that
>_> looks in torb’s direction

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That’s good thing from teamwork perspective: you can look out for threats to warn your teammate about without interrupting your support of them.

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i couldn’t have said it better myself!

Thank you <3

As long time TF2 player, it became natural to look behind for enemy spies, while healing your teammate.

Those who didn’t look behind on the regular were getting stabbed really soon. And since your teammate is busy engaging enemies in front of them, it falls on you to keep them and yourself from being surprised by someone sneaky.

the current version of rez isn’t skillful per se!
the only decision you have to make is that whether it is safe to rez or not and the answer to that isn’t always binary because in overwatch situations can change quite drastically and very quickly and even though you have to be able to predict certain things (like can they hear me rezzing? or based on the behavior i’ve seen from them are they going to try to prevent it from happening) some other things are out of your hands like what if they decide to push with nano-blade while 2 people on their team are down? (and people being unpredictable is the thing that makes online games so much fun compared to single player games because once you’ve seen the A.I.'s moves they can’t surprise you anymore) and mercy doesn’t have a counter play for that she’s going to be stuck in the animation!
remember that when playing a game it has to be enjoyable for all participants! rez needs a counter play you’re right but where’s my counter play how can i out smart my opponent when i’m stuck in the animation?

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Okay I dont care for a rework or revert, I just want a change for Mercy again. Mass rez had its problems (I’ll address some of them in a sec) but this Mercy has her own problems as well.

So first, let’s (regretfully) take a trip down memory lane. I am a Support main overall but here I will compare Zen’s Trancendance to Mass Rez. Both saved their team with a press of a button but one prevented deaths one undid them.

Using Reaper’s Death Blossom, one of the arguably hardest offensive ults to use, what would normally happen is one of two things with Reaps vs Zen.

  1. He would kill the Zen before he death blossoms
  2. He would just go all in and hope he kills Zen before he reacts.

If Zen pops trans during DB, the sweet 5k becomes maybe a 2k. Not only that, but Zenyatta is invincible. I have only had 1 complaint in my 3 years of playing this game of how “braindead” trans is.

Guess what though? I developed my thought process of when to use trans from when to use mass rez. The thought process is similar, with the added “okay dont die” stipulation on mass rez.

The biggest problem with mass rez (outside of invincibility) was that of you managed to kill the mercy but you took 5 or more seconds to kill her team, she still had that mass rez especially on point b 2cp maps when she is defending. You did everything right but took too long. As Zen respawning to 4 deaths is a “welp” moment. Meanwhile mercy was a race to get even 1 person and help they stay alive until the rest of your team trickled in.

So, yeah that reason makes me okay with the removal of mass rez. I have said multiple times “we shouldn’t have won that” by razing in the above situation. However the replacement is lackluster.

Zen gets damage and lackluster heals in his base kit but is compensated by having his healing increased ten fold.

Mercy has solid healing, nothing to right home about because it can only outheal moira and brig damage really and just delays death on everyone else and her ult that seems to be geared toward her staff only gives her +10hps and nothing on damageboost. If it were to give her double heals and her damage boost goes from 30 -> 35 or 40 in exchange for a shorter duration, sign me up!

Also, now that we have more healers, I do feel compelled to point out a few patterns ive seen emerging.

Main healers such as Moira, Ana, and now Baptiste have solid healing and abilities that give an oomph to their healing. Ana has nade, moira has orb, and Baptiste has his aura thing and invincibility disk. In exchange their ultimates are more offensive.

Off healers have lower healing or typically more sporadic heals in exchange for damage and utility. Zen has discord, lucio has speed, and brig is part tank. In exchange they have good defensive ults. The only thing is Brig needs to be a little more proactive with hers.

Mercy has the healing that makes it difficult to outheal damage at 50hps, no oomph in healing and a more offensive ult. To me shes in a weird place where she is both and neither and she needs to pick one.

That’s my problem with her and they’d not even really touching didnt rez.

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Mercy has so little skill expression she can do and so little individual impact that even the game doesn’t acknowledge her anymore, resulting in the lowest on fire rates in the entire game. That’s basically the gist of it.

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Ah, well why didn’t you say you were a plat mercy main, then I agree, as long as you’re not in gold and you’ve reached plat maining mercy you must be much better than i first imagined, i take it all back, you should of started with you were a plat mercy main lul

I find Mercy to be very impactful and particularly so in the hands of a skilled player, which is evidenced in how several high level players main her successfully in M, GM, and top500

This isnt an issue with Mercy, its an issue with the engine that calculates what characters are on fire. No changes to Mercy are required to fix this cosmetic issue