Here's the Real Tea on Valkyrie (Reasons Why Many Mercy Mains Hate It)

Ok so basically in this Post I’m going to be explaining why other Mercy mains, excluding myself of course as I like it personally, dislike Valkyrie.

There’s always going to be the fact that Mass Res existed. No matter how tired all of you are of hearing about it, it was a thing, and it will never be forgotten, as it was a very beautiful thing to many Mercy mains.
When you pulled off a 3-man res or higher, you were praised like no tomorrow.
You got “Oh my God!” and “Wow Mercy! HUGE Res!”, etc.

One of the main reasons a lot of Mercy mains despise Valkyrie is because while it is very powerful and it has its impact if used correctly, it lacks the “oomph” and aesthetic that Mass Res blatantly had.
The majestic " Heroes Never Die! " or the epic " Till Valhalla! " and of course the Devilish " Heroes Never Die… For a Price.~ "
We have those back now but we don’t have the epic visual effects or instant, goddess-like value that Mass Res had.

Heck, the devs can’t even put in the effort to change Mercy’s light wing color to match even her event locked, legendary skins and they don’t keep the color while in Valkyrie. (With the exception of Pink, which was $15 respectively for Breast Cancer.)
80% of the Overwatch League skins (Which are $5 a pop!) look horrendous because the light wings just don’t match. Not even a little bit.

Another Popular Reason is the description of the Ultimate:
" Valkyrie
Gain the Ability to Fly. All abilities are enhanced "

Yeah…all abilities except Resurrect
The core, defining ability of Mercy’s character is not enhanced in her ultimate.
If you buffed Resurrect in Valkyrie, even if only a little bit, I guarantee Mercy mains would be uncontainably happy.

TL;DR - No, this is not a #RevertMercy post or a #ReworkMercy post. It’s a #BuffMercyALittle post. People would like Valkyrie more if Res was buffed teensy bit inside Valkyrie and if it was more visually appealing. Enhance the particle effects on her Res, her beams, and her wings. Give it some pizzazz.


In Valk Rez should be instant. You only get one, and its still on a 30 second cool down, but yeah, Valk Rez needs buffed to be instant or at least way quicker than normal rez.


This is exactly what I suggest on every #BuffMercy post. It’s just the perfect way to make Mercy mains happier.

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Sigh…another Mercy thread. Can’t you guys just give up? Mercy getting any more buffs would throw her balance out the window.

Especially Instant Rez,as it has no counterplay.


It just makes sense to make it instant in Valk. No reset, no double rez. Just if Rez is ready or comes off cooldown during Valk then Rez can be cast instantly.


Or, if they DON’T want instant rez even in Valk, they could give her a second Rez (with the same cast time) in Valk. Would be hard to pull off, especially the second rez, but yeah.

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sips tea waiting for every dps main to be like “sHe ReqUiRes No sKilL dOnt bUfF!1!1!1!!”

i think rez should be instant in valk it’ll make the ultimate feel more impactful and just generally better. anyways, gl with the genji mains to complain about mass rez



Sorry chief, but that won’t be happening anytime soon.

Laughs maniacally in Sombra and Hitscan DPS
Kill her before she uses res in Valk…or how you say in DPS? What was it again? Git Gud?


:roll_eyes: just kill her 4head

Mercy is fine as she is. Rez takes skill to pull off while being able to be countered.

Sincerely,a Symmetra/Sombra/Mercy/Moira main


I dare them to accuse this of being a Mass Res post so I can sip my tea next to you and call them delusional. I blatantly stated, as I have before that I don’t want mass res back and I enjoy Valkyrie, just that it needs small buffs, especially to res.
:tea: :tea:

Sips more tea, as I’m a Mercy/Sniper/Symmetra/ Main
Yes, Res does take skill to pull off, and I’m not trying to rob Mercy of that skill requirement. I wouldn’t mind if res wasn’t instant in valkyrie, but even a reduction to the cast time and/or movement speed would be wonderful.

I also mentioned I, and many others, would like Valkyrie to look nicer and more epic like Mass res did (She rose her hand and turned into golden light with a huge flash of gold going across the screen when she had mass res. In Valk she just has a small wing animation, which is bugged in her Imp/Devil skins, making it look blocky and ugly when she activates Valk).
GG though.


I want to use ultimates for impact, not because of lame, boring nonsensical, overpowered resurrect-botting.

Unhappy. :blush:


I like how you purposefully cherry picked something out of an entire sentence to make an invalid point. I don’t want Mercy to be a Res bot inside Valkyrie. If Res were instant or had a smaller cast time and/or smaller movement reduction during Valkyrie, it would take anywhere from 0 to 1 seconds to res… You would still have 14+ more seconds of the ultimate. Chill sis.


Then can Widow get a nice new flashy ultimate as well? :roll_eyes:

Valkyrie is fine. Mercy is fine.

Leave Mass Rez in the past. I don’t care if Valk isn’t as flashy,it still has playmaking potential.

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If Rez gets a buff inside Valk,then she becomes a Rez bot. Just like when she had double instant Rez in Valk. Valk’s whole purpose would be to use Rez…again.

You’re excused.

This is actually something I’ve been striving for as Infra-Sight when used is usually only utilized by yourself or when an Enemy Widow pops it.
It’ll be even less impactful now that it will end if you’re eliminated after activating it.

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Before mercy gets any changes. I would wait for the after effects of the current ptr changes. (Goats nerfs) as we have seen in quad dps comps, mercy is perfectly viably at the highest level of the game, in comps that aren’t HP heavy, or dive in other words.

EDIT: honestly, the this might already be the devs plan. Because unlike the forums, they have definitely taken notice of her viability at the pro level.


She’s also very good for double sniper comps!


This is the real and only tea. That POTG syndrome is strong and Mercy players miss seeing it. I miss seeing huge pulse bombs POTG on Tracer but it’s AOE was nerfed along with it’s damage. I’m over it.

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It’s different with Widow because she isn’t a support. Playing widow you’re constantly killing the enemy and it’s satisfying to play. Support ults are more flashy because you need that element to make sure you don’t feel like a slave. No one playing a game wants to be the sidekick.


Supports are supposed to support their team. Shocker.

Mercy can have that if she gets her skill floor/ceiling increased.

No Lock on beams. Long cooldown on GA. A skillshot ability. Etc

Otherwise,with her easy to use kit,she’d become broken again