Here's the Real Tea on Valkyrie (Reasons Why Many Mercy Mains Hate It)

What would genuinely make me believe the developers want Mercy to be fun

  • Make her wings look less like actual straw during Valkyrie
  • Make her beams look a lot better during Valkyrie
  • Change the animation of her revive to make her look less constipated
  • Fix the now three year running bug where the animation finishes too quickly and make it look like you’re having a seizure

That is all

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Of Course! Infrasight lets you see through buildings AND makes your shots go through buildings/cover as well for the duration of the ultimate :smiley: (not shields though)

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They could try lots of stuff if they actually try.
Heck they can make her give speed boost or make teammates fly if they want.

If her ult made teammates immune to CC for example, We would have Dive back. (So dont do that please)

They are just being conservative

I actually never said I wanted it to be instant in my original post. I did, however, agree to it being okay to be instant in some of the replies. And it would not be a full revert to double instant res. It would be one res if it was off cooldown during valk. No extra charge or cooldown reset.
It is not a revert post. It’s a buff post.

Yeah except for I’m not and I did not mention Mass Res in my post as one of the reasons Mercy mains dislike Valkyrie in a strong manner.
What I actually said was that one of the reasons is that Valkyrie did not have the visual satisfaction Mass Res had and it wasn’t as noticeable as Mass Res was for anyone but the enemy team.
So I’d appreciate if you’d stop trying to tell me what I said because I know what I said. You’re simply reading and interpreting it wrong, which isn’t my problem.

Another buff Mercy thread by a gold mercy 1 trick lul


Platinum.* I main Mercy along Widowmaker, Symmetra,, Ana, and Ashe.
And buffing Mercy has nothing to do with my personal issue with Valkyrie. While buffs would be welcome, because let’s be honest there’s not a single main out there that wouldn’t enjoy their hero getting buffed, no matter what they say, my issue with Valkyrie lies in the visual design and aesthetic of the ultimate.
At least you tried. :tea:

no it really isnt. Has your team ever said, we have valk get ready. or have you yourself heard heroes never die from the enemy mercy and thought, oh no we’re screwed? Somehow I doubt that. Compare that to trans or nano and you get the picture of why I don’t like it.

And that’s the tea periodt

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It’s an incredibly powerful Ultimate if you know how to use it.

Yes, as a matter of fact, they have, as I play with friends and we have a strong team bond. We know what we’re doing and we’ve climbed ranks together.
Damage boost is key when it comes to Valkyrie and you can’t just use it whenever. It’s best used when you’re pushing and you’ve got one or two picks (attack) or when the enemy team is pushing and they have one or two picks (defense). It’s just not visually or aesthetically pleasing to me. That’s really my only issue with it.

Stop pretending it’s astro physics. You have a choice of being a weaker supercharger, being an extremely weak version of trans or secret option no 3 battle mercy which is a MEME

If that was an accurate description of Valkyrie, I might agree with you

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I’m not pretending that it’s anything. I’m simply stating what it is. Zen has high damage but barely any normal healing which warrants a powerful healing ultimate. Ana has good damage and heals but 0 mobility, there for her ultimate is powerful and life-saving for another hero.

Mercy has reliable healing provided you know how to juggle beams correctly, incredibly high mobility, and arguably the most powerful ability on a static cooldown in the game (Resurrect). She has a good kit outside of Valkyrie which means that Valkyrie shouldn’t be a great deal stronger than she normally is. You have free flight, group healing at 60 hp/s, group damage boost at 30%, Faster Guardian angel, increased beam, GA, and Res range, increased GA speed, Increased movement speed, uninterruptible health regeneration, and infinite ammo for the Caduceus blaster. Valkyrie is overflowing with amps to her main abilities and while it may not be blatantly obvious it has a large impact on a team fight.

Anti nade > rez. Rez is trash and 100% useless mid battle

As for the rest of your post you are justifying why it’s weak not refuting the fact that it’s such a weak ultimate that nobody really cares if Mercy has it or not. GA and healing are so good and yet at 60hps, GA and mass rez she was still trash tier but now with 50 hps, GA and an out of combat ability she is suddenly just too good to have a good ult?

Resurrect is as powerful as you allow it to be. If you’re communicating with your team (which you 100% should be in a game like overwatch) and they rally to protect you (which my friends do) Resurrect is easy to use mid-team fight and a cinch while hidden behind a wall or outside of the fight while the enemies are distracted.

Anti-Nade is also incredibly powerful as it increases allied healing by 50% and cancels enemy healing by 100%. I’m aware of the fact that such a thing is oppressive and feels unfair but Resurrect feels the same way for a lot of players.
Resurrect stops allies respawn and then instantly heals from 150 to 600 hp in under 2 seconds. Anti-nade can be misused and if your team takes no action upon it’s use then it could be wasted entirely and it only lasts 4 seconds. A resurrected hero lasts as long as you and the person playing them decide with their and your actions and decisions in a team fight. They may not die at all for the whole fight provided you and your secondary healer are good enough to keep the team alive and they’re good enough to get picks and evade attacks.

So instead of:

What it really comes down to is Good Skill/Decision Making > Stupidly using your abilities at the wrong time.

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Lucio Boop, Reinhardt charge, Sombra Hack, Mei Freezing, Roadhog Hook, there are so many… so yea no counters…sure…lets go with that lol

I’ve always said Valk needs serious visual and audio improvements to make it feel as strong as it is. I know the ult is strong, but it feels and looks so lackluster from the Mercy’s perspective in every way. They need to reflect the power if it’s to feel any good at all.

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It’s almost ALMOST as if I don’t get to decide the specific place where my allies corpses drop and ALMOST like having 4 people protect me while your ability effectively turns a 6vs5 into a 6vs4 is not the best thing to do in the middle of a team fight. If you manage to pull that off and the enemies do not capitalize on the fact that they not only have a pick but an alleged main healer cannot heal then they are the ones playing like potatoes, you aren’t doing anything yourself.

It’s not, I dropped mercy and let me tell you. Rez has never secured a fight for my team in it’s current form the way a good anti nade has. The fact that you have the power to turn 2 or 3 enemy supports completely impotent makes alot of difference. Have you seen a Frustrated moira trying to heal an anti naded ally? How about a naded hog trying to run and take a breather or reaper who landed in the middle of the enemy team thinking he is invincible and realising his self heal is gone.

Meanwhile on the flip side, you remove yourself from the battle to rez someone that got killed already and hope that the rest of your team holds out in an outnumbered situation and it’s up to the person to capitalize on being rezzed. Anti nade is all you and even if your team doesn’t 100% utilize it, you can always do it yourself since you are still in the battle.

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I dont think you truly know the meaning of “Instant” mate. :rofl:


I agree with Rosethorn and many others in thinking that rez is the strongest utility in the game, bar none.

That said, it is a judgement call, so I can see where some might see other powers as stronger, even if I dont agree with such an assessment

Given that I have been able to use rez (and watched others in many tiers do so as well) in many situations (including but not limited to mid teamfight) to turn the tide of battle in my team’s favor, I dont see rez as trash in any way, shape, or forum, and I certainly dont see rez as useless in mid teamfight

I and many others find it to be a very powerful and versatile ultimate, and not only do we care if we have it or not (we do), we enjoy using it as a power

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as I see it, adding another teammate back into the battle is the opposite of removing yourself from the battle - it is a battle tactic along the lines of “if I add rein back our battle, I think that’ll give us a better chance of winning than if I so some other thing for the 1.75 seconds it takes to rez”

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