Help Wanted, Gameplay Reviews

Anything works.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be bad gameplay, just stay away from cherry picking good games, you won’t get as much out of those. Try and choose an average game, maybe one you lost and aren’t entirely sure why.

Ok one thing that may help right off the bat, is don’t aim for a rank. When you aim for a specific rank you’re only setting your expectations too high. I have been a High Gold to Low Plat since Comp introduced those. I never aim to go higher, I simply play the game and try to win. If I rank up, great, if I don’t, then it’s fine.

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Omg im really bad to help console players. Everything in console looks like really slow for me.

But let me ask you, are you playing with headphones? Because we can listen to your TV.

Try to get at least cellphone earphones, to help you to understand what is going on around the map

I saw your video. Right off the bat, I noticed some problems, and it was mostly these things that screwed you all game. Let me start with your team. (LONG POST sorry)
Firstly, for your entire defense I never saw a main healer on your team, and only near the end I saw a main tank. These two roles are essential to winning games, because if they’re not there, the team gets shredded over and over- like in your video. I’d suggest using LFG, hopefully with locked roles, so you know you’ll be getting the heals and shields you need.
Secondly, when you did have healers or tanks, they switched off to different roles (I saw one guy go Hammond->Lucio->Torbjorn), making the comp more inconsistent and more individual. OW is a team game, so if the team can’t coordinate, you’ll almost always lose. There are only 1-2 characters who can do their own thing w/o the help of a team.
Third, some of your team were using high skill characters like Sombra and Hammond. You can use them of course, but unless there’s a smurf in your ranks, chances are a bronze player won’t be able to use those characters very well. They’ll be more a detriment to the team than anything else.
As for the enemy team, you’ll see they worked together well. Always had at least 1 tank (usually Orisa, a good choice for solo-tanking on Rialto), and one healer (Moira’s close range multiple target healing kept them topped off as they stayed close for most of the match, and the Zen was able to focus more on the farther teammates like Pharah). Speaking of, I know Pharah is basically a god on console, and I won’t say that I know exactly how to shut her down, but the best ways I saw your team could’ve is either keep her hacked (grounded, she’s much easier to take down) or try to get the Torb’s turret aggro’d on her (it’ll be much easier once Torb 2.0 hits live).
Now on to your game play specifically.
You mostly played Hog for this game, and thats fine. All the characters have their strengths and weaknesses, but they also come and go in the meta and their potential rises and falls due to patches. Hog’s not in a good place rn, what with the hook issues since the game started, his status as a tank (but one that doesn’t have any abilities or use in protecting his teammates), and mostly recently the falloff damage nerf. Hog was really good at busting through shields with secondary fire, but now that it’s been nerfed he can’t even do that. He’s mostly a very tanky DPS now, and when 4-5 of you’re teammates are already DPS in bronze, you’re gonna have a bad time. The only players getting max value out of him are the enemy team using you as free ult charge.
Something else I saw you doing was being out of position and not coordinating with your team. I know you used comms, but combining abilites, ults, or just attacking as a group really makes a difference. On attack, you were mostly flanking right, trying to hook the healers and take them out- thats good, but it’s a DPS’s job more than a tank. You should’ve been more on the frontlines, tanking damage for your teammates while they wear down the enemy.
Another out-of-position mistake I kept seeing was you rushing the enemy team- on your own. That’s akin to suicide. Again, OW is a team game, so a team of 4-6 characters will constantly and consistently crush you if you charge in alone. Coordinate more with your team, attack in a group, and focus one enemy at a time so you’ll be more effective.
So, to recap, there’s really 3 things you should focus on:

  1. Know what the team is going to do. Have them choose roles and stick to them, or make a team comp and stick with it. LFG is a great way to find and make these teams.
  2. Coordinate with your team. Working together, attacking/defending is much easier and you’re more likely to survive more fights, kill more enemies, get more Ults, etc.
  3. Think before you act. OW is a fast-paced game, but if you say what you’re going to do before you do it, you might realize it’s not the best move you can make. Don’t rush in to attack if you saw the Orisa take down 3 of your team and she’s heading back to her team for help.
    That’s it for me. I hope this helps, and good luck with your games!

This gameplay is what I get in most matches regularly without using LFG. I get very random teams with no shield tanks or primary healers in sight on my team. From now on I’m going to use LFG more often or always with role restrictions just to reduce the randomness in my teammates. I even tested LFG with the entire team as flex & still get random team comps.

As far as me, as you said I shouldn’t be out of position & was on attack. There has been a lot of times where I wasn’t out of position & still died. I was attacking the team by myself (which is dumb), but I’m use to being around my teammates when I do attack the enemy team. I didn’t know my teammates kept switching to different roles, but this is what normally go through.

Pharah isn’t hard to kill on console, however I keep getting teammates who never look up & shoot her. I was playing as Reinhardt in 1 game & kept saying “Can someone shoot Pharah?”, the Soldier on my team never looked up, but the Zenyatta did.

Thank you for reviewing my video, but I have some more, in this video I think something went wrong that I’m not sure of.
Busan (Win with problems)

I’m not the only one! I normally have L3 bound to jump but for Widow and Ana, I have crouch bound to that button. Not jumping all the time has helped me quite a lot.

Haha! Right? I have no idea where I even picked up the habit. As soon as I take my jump, I just hippity hopped! Though I think, in the back of my head, I was worried that because in scope I move faster, I’d get hit more. But really, crouching and coming out of scope momentarily is better xD

8 elims was Gold for your team and the enemy Pharah had 41?


I can help. I have multiple hundred hours of coaching experience and play DPS/support at mid master-4k level.

Depends on the hero you want me to review.

For the most part, your Busan video is similar to Rialto. Of course, there are some differences- you had a more stable team comp, there was more comms (please fix the audio though- I barely understood anything through the echoing), and in general there was more teamwork. I really liked that you used Soldier more- seeing people play different characters in similar roles helps pinpoint problems that arise from bad gameplay rather than lack of familiarity with a hero.
However, you said you’re used to attacking with a team. I saw that you did more of that in this game, and it shows how much better you can do grouping up and working together. Switching to LFG should make this more consistent in your games, especially if the group enforces both roles and mics. If, however, you’re solo queueing or you get a flex only/no mics LFG group, you can expect more people doing their own thing. This is Bronze, after all- teamwork isn’t a strong suit in this rank.
Keep it up, and I’m sure you’ll start ranking up, especially if you can find good LFG groups. Or even better- get some friends you know are good at their roles and team up. You’ll know these guys better than strangers, and ultimately will work better with them because you know what they like to do and how they play.
There is, however, one issue that bugged me the entire game. Point two, on Sanctuary, you lost a team fight about mid-way through, and at the beginning of the fight you had a chance to kill a sleeping/stunned Zen. However, you ran up to him and meleed, which didn’t kill him and gave him enough time to get up and Trance. It’s not a major gameplay issue, but I’m fairly certain you could’ve won the fight if he died. So next time- don’t take chances, and take him out ASAP :stuck_out_tongue:
Good luck in your next game!

First of all:
-You had no healerz, while the enemy had two
-You didn’thave a shield tank.
-Your positioning is bad :confused: No offense.You just stand there in the open field.Try hiding behind walls and corners and doing peek shots.
-Your aim is good.
That’s all my wisdom

its better to review a loss than a win.

learning from losses is better than from wins.

there’s so many areas to improve, you should really focus on just one aspect at a time. it also depends on which heroes (or hero if you one trick) you play.

If you want to play genji/widow/tracer, you should focus on improving mechanics. they are highly reliant on having good mechanics to be effective.

if you are playing tanks, you need to improve positioning. most tanks aren’t mechanically difficult, but always need to be in the right spot.

If you want to play support, you need to focus on communication and call outs. like tanking, playing support isn’t mechanically difficult, although a little bit harder than tanks. However, communication is super important for nearly all support.

All heroes need situational awareness, so you can also focus on that. You can practice always turning left/right when passing doorways, or looking up on buildings for longrange dps.

There is so much to do, but don’t try to do it all. Just mastering positioning can get you out of bronze.

I want multiple heroes reviewed, but for now here’s a video on support.

Only watched rialto defense for now.

You are trying to break shields way to much. Get an angle on it, or go around it, but don’t just shoot at shields. Don’t just shoot at shields. Even if you somehow stayed alive long enough to solo the shield, then what? She drops another one.

You are standing out in the open with multiple enemies with clear los on you. Play your corners and always have an escape route to safety and then…

Take a breather. Often times rather than it healing you, you ended up with less hp than you began with. This is your money cooldown with hog, popping it while 4 people shoot you is a complete waste.

If youre gonna switch, stay til ult. The soldier swap did nothing but set you back on a possible whole hog.

You tried to 1v6 on multiple occasions. The 2nd to last death you had a good position with a fallback, used breather correctly, then jumped right into their entire team. Then the final death was charging headlong into a shielded supercharged Orissa.

Largest single outlier was positioning. You were never in a position to actually do anything valuable. And always in a position that got you killed if not just walking right up to your death.

In that game I was probably playing through angry or tiredness. I usually don’t like this. I think I thinking that I was fighting a team on my own, which got me killed multiple times. I don’t remember if I even tried being with my team at all due to not knowing where they were a lot of times. On top of this my teammates were switching a lot, which I didn’t know & were always uncoordinated.

I really wish the tutorial was a lot better, & teach you a lot of this, it would be a great help to new players. I also want the practice range to be a lot better too. They kinda didn’t tell my anything but how to use abilities.

I’ll have more gameplay to review when I record more. I’m currently working on the audio problems.

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I have a few AMAs with potentially important information in them here:

I upload my 1-on-1 VOD reviews with students on my YouTube channel here:

The Brigitte play was fair.

Largest criticism is passivity. Many opportunities to get inspire up that just weren’t taken. You see the dva engage, and yes there’s a mercy stuck to her, but had you engaged, it would have relieved the focus on her and proc’d inspire which might have been enough to keep her from getting demech’d multiple times.

Often you were in a position that a zen or ana would be in, viewing the team fight rather than being directly involved.

Other than that it was solid enough, you secured the kills you chased, and didn’t die.

Get inspire up at the breath of a team fight. And pick somebody to brawl with, you are front line support. Hanging with the mercy is one thing, but you diminish brigittes value by being passive.

A few general simple pieces of advice on that path to “got gud” early on.

Pick a role and stick with it until your gamesense is sophisticated enough to grasp every single player on the field.

Whatever heroes you want, but pick that role and stick with it.

Learning how to tank is gonna pay off the largest in the long run. Nobody does it, and the higher you go the more value they obtain.

Ignore tanks, kill squishies. This will win the most team fights up to plat. Don’t tunnel shields, or dump damage into tanks that just gets healed up. Find the squishies and kill them, then it’s just a matter of cleaning up.

Don’t obsess over the payload or the point. Winning the team fight is how you take it and defend it. Giving up a tick or two is perfectly fine if you win the team fight, but brawling on the objective just gives them the space for free.

I agree with slumcat, that was very good Brigitte on Numbani, but it could’ve been better. Be more liberal with Rally, especially if a team fight is going to start. Again with positioning, but this time you need to be in the fight on the frontlines. Most supports hang back but Brigitte is very similar to Reinhardt- get in close and bash enemies, so you can make the most of her passive AoE healing.
Overall, seeing your 3 games here I suggest sticking and specializing in a role (DPS, Tank, or Healer) so you can make the most of it and contribute to your team. Start flexing once you feel confident playing a couple characters in each role.

Well then, this works in my favor, 'cause I wanna play tank the most. I do still wanna play the other 2 roles, even though most of it will be tank.

I’ll have more gameplay when I record more, currently working on audio problems, it might be my speakers.