"Help me!", "Sorry!" and Other Voice Lines We Desperately Need

2 voice lines from TF2 that I feel like would be great is “Incoming” and “Go go go!” Maybe “Go Go Go” can be changed, “Push now!” or something along those lines.

I’m assuming you’re joking, but just incase, it says “We need a healer” if you say I need healing when there is no healer on the team.

I’ve hit the button with no healer on the team and it just says I need healing.

Sorry, but the game isn’t going to do callouts for you. It’s fine if you don’t want to use a mic, but then you will just have to suffer with poor teamwork. You have to do this stuff yourself.

Or invest in a mic :slight_smile:

How would people feel if we had domination lines in OW?

This, and “Wait for me/I can heal you”, and I’m happy.

The other ones on your list are automatic, or sort of “cosmetic”

Or maybe a simple “let’s coordinate our attack” works

has a multi monitor setup BUT WHICH ONE?!

I agree, we need better voice line commands, but not all the ones listed. We don’t need “sorry” and “negative”.

A “backup” and “retreat” are very helpful.

Also, we don’t need “hello” and “thanks”.

“We need a teleport” should replace “I need healing” when facing teammate sym

I keep telling you guys.

That stuff is hard to program into loot boxes.


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It shows up as “We need a healer” on everyone else’s screen, yours will still say “I need healing” but everyone else will see “We need a healer.”

We need an “that’s almost as funny as the fact that you’re both silver portrait and hard-stuck in plat,” voice line for reaper.

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Oh ok

I guess I just hav smol bran

Just spam it until someone says - ahem - “Then play tank!”

“We have Mercy main playing Doomfist. G-hecking-G”

Yeah lol they should simultaneously release a bunch of new voice lines and let us mute them. Then we can all be happy :slight_smile:

There’s such a thing as having 2 tanks and i can’t exactly switch of healer…

It was more of a joke on how people act, not an actual opinion

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