"Come to me for healing" is practically useless, suggestion inside

And here’s why:

  • There is no voiceline, just the “group up” line.
  • The “come to me for healing” only shows up in text-chat.
  • The icon doesn’t show up if the healer using it is behind you (which is 99% of cases, and should be its entire purpose).
  • it actually needs to be aimed, with quite unforgiving precision to boot.

Add a “Wait for me” command to the comms-wheel:

  • Have it fully voiced
  • Healers would say “I can heal you” instead, every time
  • Injured teammates would see the cross icon appear, even on the edge of their screen if the healer is not in their FOV
  • (Bonus) If the healer aims at a specific teammate, the voiceline includes the hero’s name as well (e.g. “Genji, I can heal you”)

Not sure if the last one is a reasonable request or not, but I’d really like the rest.

PS: a “Fall back” command would be great on the comms-wheel as well.


I’d welcome this. It’s infuriating when your teammates decide it’s a brilliant idea to run ahead, away from the objective, to feed the enemy ults, then yell at me for not following them into danger. ._.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. It’s absolutely maddening when you’re playing a support without a mic, and have to go out of your way into danger just to heal someone.


Mercy has ‘‘Come here, and I will heal you.’’ and I know other healers have lines too. The problem is, I found that, you can only say it when YOU are in critical health. For example if I’m critical health as a healer and press X when facing a teammate, I will say ‘‘Come here and get healed.’’ I tried this many times and this is how it works. Try it. It’s strange… I think it’s a bug. They should take a look at it.

I love it when your teammates are running around corners and it feels like they are trying to avoid being healed. Something like this could help a lot.

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Oh for sure, there is no player on Earth that has better LOS skills than a critically injured teammate.

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Im against for a simple reason.

The player who is injured and ask for healing KNOWS that healer can say come to me for healing without voice line but only through chat, so they wont be suddenly surprised that they can not see a indicator of a healer nearby, and should actively seeking for his teammate

Second an injured player and ANY player should have awernes of his teammate’s positions - thats the indicator of good player. You do it for the good of your team and for your safety, its YOUR interest to know where your team mates are.

And third why on earth would you think that another command would be any more effective since the players cant manage to take advantage of the already existing mechanic…

“We all know something is bad, but it’s what we’re used to, so let’s just leave it that way”. What???

A flawed mechanic with almost zero effectiveness, the reasons for which I went over point by point in the first post.

Also this whole “it’s up to good players to be aware” argument may apply to a military sim, but not to Overwatch, in my opinion. It’s already hyper-casualized in so many aspects, and I think most of us don’t find it beneath us to enjoy these features.
Why did they add the “come to me for healing” command in the first place? I have a mic I can use, all my suggestion’d do is save me some time and hassle, and help those without a mic.

Oh, and as an example, Team Fortress 2’s “medic” callouts wrapped around to the edge of the screen, and could even be set to play automatically