Healthy ideas for Widowmaker nerfs/changes?

Is it though? I dont mind facing a Widow on lets say Kings Row for example. You still have to respect her, but she isnt nearly as dominating on this map as say Havanna or Junker town.

Yes, because it isn’t going to happen before PVE launch, and it’s very likely it wouldn’t work at all in the first place.

And even if they did, that’s a catastrophic waste of development resources that could be put to better use.

I dont see why it wouldnt work. There is a clear difference in Widow dominance based on map pool.

If that worked, then why is there more Sniper hero usage in Season 4 than Season 3?

Also what makes you think “redesigning almost every map in Overwatch” would be a better usage of resources, than putting out 3+ new maps?

They dont have to completely redesign the maps. Just add a bit more cover on long sight lines here and there. Thats not the same amount of time and effort as creating a whole new map from scratch.

I really don’t think it’s that simple considering how either Sojourn/Widow/Hanzo have had high usage rates for the last year.

And that guarding almost every possible sightline in the game is somehow a trivial effort.

By comparison if they were going that route.

They could do this in about 5 minutes with a hotfix.

And even if they did magically redo all those maps, they don’t need to wait on doing “good enough for now” changes in the meantime.

Since that could take them anywhere between 6 months and 2 years to do it properly.

And meanwhile they got about 6 major patches before a likely November PVE launch.

If they did something like this then they would have to add more severe damage fall off to force her into the effective range of other hitscans. But then again she would be a mid range sniper just like Hanzo.

I’m confused.

Yes. What kind of dmg does Soldier and Cassidy do at like 35m ?

Hard to say exactly, but there’s this:

Damage: 21 - 70
Falloff range: 25 to 45 meters

Damage: 5.4 - 18
Falloff range: 30 to 50 meters

Her criticals hit for 150 damage and add a dot damage that deals 25 DPS for 4 seconds so you still die in 2 seconds if you don’t get healed. Or something along those lines with maybe different numbers

What i meant to say is that your suggestion still gives her room to oneshot these heroes while they have dmg fall off. I rather take the approach of nerfing her strong maps to force her into more riskier positions than nerfing her fall off so much that she becomes basically by default just another mid range hero.

Well that’s basically what the damage dropoff changes would do.

And if they need to adjust it closer they could. I.e. Widow dropoff between 35m to 45m.

Ideas, not all of them at once, but ideas to make her more balanced.

  1. Make it so when she takes damage her graple goes on a 1-3 second cooldown
  2. Make the charge to 100% take 3-5 secs instead of 1 secs
  3. Make it so widow cant move when ADS, this prevents the hiding behind corners, wait for charge shot, peak shoot, then hide again
  4. Widow can’t ADS while in the air, while its cool when pulled off, it negates the biggest way to deal with widow, which is hiding behid cover.
  5. If they want to keep her current fire rate, a fully charged headshot should do ~180. That way they can still try and pick of targets but require at least 2 shots, giving the other team at least a second to react. Or it would make widow into a finisher, where she waits for her team to deal damge first then finishes them off.

These are some ideas that would at least try and keep her Sniper theme, though she would probably need something else to buff her if she loses One shot.

Did you actually do the math for sustained 100% critical DPS versus other heroes or are you going with your gut? What are Tracer, Reaper, and Soldiers DPS rates at 100%? How about Bap, Orisa, or Hog?

While you are correct she isnt the highest dps, she is the highest burst dps. Widow can get 7 shots off before reloading, that a maximum of 2100 damage in a single ammo clip.
1 Headshot from widow does 300 damage, that just a single shot not dps

Widows DPS if she gets only headshots is ~175
Soilders DPS if she gets only headshots is around ~220
Tracer DPS if she gets only headshots is also around ~220
Reaper DPS if she gets only headshots is around ~314

Granted this is just dps with reloads, tracer is higher same with reaper, but because how how often then have to reload they get lower.

soilder has recoil, reaper needs to get close, same with tracer and she has the lowest health. Widow it across the map doing 300 damage headshots every ~1.5 seconds

If you’re going to list DPS factoring in reloads, kindly be consistent and do the same for Widowmaker, which should work out to about **Edit:**170 DPS (originally had 175 here, forgot to factor in scope out animation before the reload starts)

That said, I do think among reasonable first line nerfs, reducing scoped shots per reload and increasing reload time is a good idea to include in whatever the total nerf package would be.

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sory about getting widows dps wrong im doing really basic math and its friday so my mind is a bit spent, i went back and eddited