Healthy ideas for Widowmaker nerfs/changes?

Make her scope aim visible like a laser outside of her ult.

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Fair enough, happens to all of us, and thank you for making the correction.

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For that matter, I made a mistake too.
Widow still needs to spend the 0.32s descope time before her reload animation starts. Factoring in both the fact that her first shot is a 0.32s scope in plus 1s charge, successive shots 1.5s, the. 1.5s+0.32s for reload, her sustained crit DPS actually works out to 170. Sorry about that. I had to double check in game to make sure she needed descope time.

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Do you mean you hate watching it, or are you a GM player?

So let’s examine your scenario against the weakest tank, in their OG OW1 state which is a lesser version of their OW2 state.

Widow gets the pick on Zarya… but why? Misplays on the part of the tank!

    1. Didn’t save bubble for critical health retreat. This is OW 1 however, OW2 Zarya has TWO bubbles, so she could have bubbled for charge and still kept a reserve bubble for retreating with critical health. Zarya would have lived if she had saved bubble for when it was needed instead of trying to farm charge in an open area without cover.
    1. Did not stay with the Rein to use body blocking or the shield for retreat. This is a lack of communication and planning.
    1. Pushed up too far, or not far enough. There is only a mini-health nearby and behind and no cover that can be defended. The mega is more in front and would require pushing up right to spawn. They should have played mega in the ditch or risked a spawn camp to keep a mega behind them.
    1. Wrong tank choice for that stage of the map. They really should have played tanks that could use high ground more effectively. Rein/Zarya is not ideal for holding that section of Gibraltar which put them in that scenario to die to Widow more easily. If they were up high with the supports, their supports would have resisted the Winston/Mercy dive and would have had a chance to heal them.

Let’s look at another scenario. Hook shots.

What happened here? Misplays!

First clip, Genji stood out in the open in LOS of enemy spawn. He actually COULD have survived here, the hook is actually audible. A more aware Genji could have moved to cover or attempted a deflect upon hearing the hook. An even better Genji would NOT have been in that position at all (he’s looking for cheap poke, which is not his role).

Second clip. Moira is out in the open jumping like a lunatic, ahead of her team/tank and gets picked. That’s a huge misplay. The second misplay is the Mei, instead of walling directly in front of their Mercy they wall in front of the Widow, which allows for line-of-sight to Mercy with a hook-shot when she attempts to resurrect the Moira. If the Mei had walled closer to the resurrect spot, the hook-shot could not have gotten line-of-sight. The third misplay was Mercy attempting a res with a Widow watching and an ice wall that will not stop LOS to her Res. Any of the three players not making a huge misplay would have negated all the picks Widow got here because either the Moira would be alive and there is no need for res, or the res is successful because the wall is positioned properly.

Mistakes like this will get punished.

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I meant what I wrote, I’m GM but I wasn’t talking just about my games.

You obviously meant what you typed out, but until I can peer into your mind to find out your experiences, I’m forced to ask for further clarification.

You really just replied to my first message only for the sake of chatting and you’re doing it again to add virtually nothing to the conversation, 12k posts btw.

Unless healing gets universally nerfed, players will totally rely on high damage output heroes.

Impose 100% healing penalty on targets which received damage in last 2 seconds. Remove all those bonus shields and HP’s
It will instantly reduce players reliance on heroes like Widowmaker or Hanzo, they will play whatever they feel like playing.

This is a forum; we’re supposed to be chatting just to chat. Were you here to discuss buisness?

And my first reply was a legitimate question; I wanted to know if you were talking as an outsider looking in, or if you had experience.


This is a forum. For posting. Should my post number be low? Is me using a forum a bad thing?

I think widow should get soldier 76 ult and cover penetrating shots

I mean, if you gave her armor and shield piercing rounds you could absolutely take away her one-shot. She would still be able to force players to take cover instead of lingering out in the open even without the threat of a one-tap and she could pick off low targets behind shields.