Healthy ideas for Widowmaker nerfs/changes?

Even then that’s only relevant to make only 3% of the total playerbase.

And high ELO only particular matters to Blizzard beyond roughly 3% of the profits, in terms of how well Streamers can market the game.

And like +90% of popular streamers hate dealing with Sniper diff or Hacker diff curbstomping their games, or making the game really frustrating and boring.

But what they would love is overall reductions in sustain caused by the reduced burst damage.

Wow its almost as if that is what widow does currently

Except while the winston is jumping the widow, your tank and team are jumping our team now that we dont have a tank. Once again because of the removal of a tank, and having dive tanks being able to harrase the widow being more or less removed, was a major soft buff to widow.

I have said it multiple times, Widow still plays as if there are 2 shield tanks in the game, Nothing changed with her but the game changed. GOATS became a thing because of hitscans like widow. Widow needs to leave OW1 and join OW2 with some sort of change

losing to obvious skill diff as a streamer is prob a loss of revenue unless you’re one of the few successful personality streamers

they and the ppl that listen to them should just be ignored as their tantrums rarely come from a good place

people like realkenzo are the minority of streamers b/c there’s not a lot of snipers in the game and ppl diversify to characters.

in games where anyone can use a sniping gun sniper players are often some of the most watched. People like to see demonstrations of skill.

solution? drown OW in sniper characters, get more streamers playing snipers :slight_smile:

We can both make meta changes based on what we’d like to see or use streamers as an argument. But it’s non productive.

I think OW is in a pretty ok place and that’s been really rare.

The main thing I dislike right now is some tanks/supports dominate pick rates and people trying to change the game to eliminate burst damage and skill expression. I also hate that the tank role has 40% of the match outcome tied up in their ROLE. It removes agency for every other player.

Or we just stop right there and say that the maybe 2-4 popular Sniper streamers, don’t really matter compared to all the other Streamers.

OW has a lot of characters. There’s dedicated content creators for every kind of class in TF2. That snipers take a piece of that pie compared to the rest is completely expected. As I said, games where everyone can pick up a sniper weapon, sniping is watched a lot.

It has nothing to do with one shots and everything to do with the maturity of some of the streamers.

She has to headshot.

Nope, this is very much a LaunchBrig or ValkRework 1.0 type of issue, where just the existence of ranged instantkill heroes redefines how everybody else has to play.

I said long range hitscan. Yes I was

She absolutely does the most buray damage.

No, it’s an archetype in shooters that you just happen to want to remove cuz you don’t like it.

she doesn’t look it up on overbuff.

So all Sniper weapons are identical across the entire FPS genre?

No, but OW is also not so special that it should have sniping removed. It’s also legacy too, OW has never NOT had snipers.

Anyway as expected conversation never goes anywhere with you and I have things to do.

Has any specific implementation I’ve suggested lead you to believe that it would remove Sniping from Overwatch?

Or is that just a hyperbolic strawman?

You’re effectively removing it if you remove the ability to one shot which is your end goal.

Ya see, that’s the issue. Almost every other FPS game either has servere counterplay against ranged oneshots, doesn’t have ranged oneshots or can be countered back with twoshots.

and again every example you’ve given of this “counterplay” that is greater is shown to come up way short of have misunderstandings.

if you think there’s not ways to counter widow with either of those things than you just don’t understand OW or any of the games you cited.

The counterplay in every FPS to sniper remains the same. Get close to them or use cover and kill their team with sightlines they don’t have. Or just be better. It’s universal.

With CS type snipers it can get really weird because they can be better than a shotgun up close but that’s definitely not Widow.

Anyway I have work to do.

Keyword “watch” its all fun to watch people geting kills with a sniper, or even getting the kills your self. However the people getting snipped dont enjoy it.

Its not like we are trying to get rid of Snipers, we are trying to get rind of 1 tap snipers. Widow has high mobility, high DPS, Longest range, Hitscan at range, and even decent damage with her shot range gun. Her only downside about her kit is she has low health, but that downside is midigated by the fact she plays outside of everyones range.

You can like a charater, you can enjoy a charater, the charater might not even be good competitvly. However you can still admit that many people have a issue with her. Its also not a recent thing, Going back to the launch of the game people complained about her, but goats became a thing, 2cp point maps had way more cover then alot of other maps. Other heros had soultions to her that were changed or removed over the years. Widow hasnt changed. Her counter were removed or changed over time yet she stayed the same. Its just recently again that people have relised that widow doesnt have as many counter as she had back in the day.

Sniper =/= One shot
Sniper = Long range

Widow escapes too easily for that.

+90% of heroes can’t just shoot back and kill her before she gets back behind cover.

The overall “problem” with Snipers in Overwatch is a small minority of heroes with “Tactical Shooter” killspeeds, in a game where +90% of the heroes have “Arena Shooter” killspeeds.

So either those “Tactical Shooter” heroes need to die at “Tactical Shooter” speeds against “Arena Shooter” damage.

Or they need to make it so that those “Tactical Shooter” heroes are converted to “Arena Shooter” killspeeds.

Or some other universal way to persistently prevent the “Tactical Shooter” speed kills.

I think the issue is less about Widow but Widow favored maps. Everybody hates Havanna for example because its a sniper map with long open sight lines for Widow to abuse. The devs should add more cover and reduce the number of good spots for her to set up.

That’s a ridiculous red herring evidenced by how little the cover they’ve added has done to prevent the high frequency usage of Snipers over the last year since Alpha.

Much less the ridiculously slow rate at which they edit maps, where even just changing the time of day takes them 4 months.

Heck, CounterStrike/Valorant have every square inch of their maps designed around snipe angles, and yet they still have smokes and make it take expensive/rare/risky to use Snipers that outperform assault rifles.