Having Mercy be non meta is okay

Bastion is a sheeee.

Negates in the sense that 300DMG makes the 300HEALS non-existent. Basically, in this scenario, Zen’s ultimate just sustains his team.

Who knows? I’m just an idealist.

After her ultimate nerf, I honestly didn’t think she needed to be nerfed even more. Imo, she was balanced at that point.

It’s not fine for characters to be underpowered. It’s okay for them to be not-meta, but it’s not okay for them to be hopelessly outclassed.

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Please stop acting like any other rework was wanted or asked. Devs dont take orders from anyone.
Please stop acting like Mercy didnt NEED a rework because stats and facts proved otherwise already.
Please stop acting like Mercy mains are the ONLY ones who are allowed to have a say on that.
Please stop acting like Mercy’s rework was not successful because you or some people dont like it.
Please stop acting like it wasnt Mercy Mains with threads like “Mass ress is a death sentence” who forced a reaction from devs that gave her immunity.



The vast majority of the Overwatch community.

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So, which one is it, huh?


Its totaly fine, but you know what its not fine? Totaly niche heroes, she became a bot for Pharah, also she is not fun to play.

To do reworks? No.
To listen for buffs/QoL suggestions? Yes.

Clear now?
Good pal.

Contradiction? If stats and facts prove that she didn’t need a rework, she quite literally didn’t need a rework.

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That’s without damage boost. With it, it damages through Trans.

Dragons are 150 dps per dragon. There’s two dragons, which means 300 dps total. With damage boost, it’s 390.

This was one of the things that made her meta during this period.

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Exactly. Without. Meaning, all you need to do is get the rest of your team to output some damage to the enemy team that’s getting Dragoned. You can counter it without damage boost.

Comprehension? Please re-read what you just write.
Some people act like she did NOT need a rework but stats and facts proved otherwise already (which means the opposite). Theres no contradiction pal.
The contradiction would have been if i didnt include the negative.

Wasn’t easy with all the shields and bubbles, and armor, and heals from the other healer. Much easier to just run a Mercy to guarantee the kill.

Noone ever said that.

Stats actually never proved she needed a rework.

Noone ever said that.

12, 13, 14 ? Nerfs show a bad design.

I personally don’t think invulnerability was inherently bad.

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Much easier. I’m arguing that it’s definitely duable without the need of dmg boost.

Apologies. I just assumed that was what you were saying because there are no facts and statistics that prove that she needed a rework.

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Also, the fact that the goals were to make her more fun and engaging. Flopped in that and hiding just got replaced with another iteration of it.

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Doable or not, reverting this change would likely make Mercy a strong pick.

Given Blizzard’s track record, that might take a while and I honestly hate waiting.

Its implied. Over and over and over and over again. Dont deny it, we all can see it. In every mercy thread theres a gazillion mercy mains saying a form of “we didnt ask for this” and that implies that for the other reworks someone did ask for that?.

They actually did. It was on 100% pick rate with 0 counters to mass ress. Look it up. Its there on google and on the dev update video with the rework changes.
There were literally SEASONS where if you didnt have a mercy, you had a brutally high chance of losing the game.

These are just facts, you can try to deny them but they will still be true.

And yet is implied. And yet, any non mercy user who thinks the rework is good are constantly thrashed and bashed 100% of the time. So yeah, you may not write that, but the ACTS speak volumes.

No when the character is clearly overpowered or has a mechanic that puts other heroes in the same role to shame. If something is a “must pick” not because of popularity but for effectiveness and value, a nerf should be done.

Skill balancing 101. You are welcome.

It was LITERALLY the reason of the rework. Because that skill had no counters. LOL.

Well the rest of us had to wait a year for Mercy to not be a must-pick.


Neither did Hanzo mains,but you all couldn’t shut the hell up about Scatter Arrow.
Neither did Symmetra mains when it comes to Sym3.0
I’m certain I’ve never seen a single thread on these forums where a Torb main was asking for a rework but here we are.

PvP games change all the time. They need to evolve in order to not become stale. Look at another Blizzard game,Heroes of the Storm. That game gets balance changes every two weeks and major content patches every month. So many heroes got reworked in the past 3 years since the game was released.

Change is a good thing. Sure,nobody is perfect and all devs have made mistakes,but change is needed sometimes.

This is false and her pickrate has always been high. That often never has anything to do with how balanced she was but rather how popular she was. Also, her pickrate would’ve been particularly high right before her rework because of rework hype.

Stagger deaths, save an ultimate, split the enemy up, then kill. Those are the ones that came up on the top of my head.

People have already refuted those reasons.

Here they are:

She was historically underpowered before her rework? Invulnerability was added just because of how underpowered she was and even then, Mercy was slightly underpowered.

These “facts” are objectively false.

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