Having Mercy be non meta is okay

And for some reason, you didn’t just decide to ask me a yes or no question and had me right out an answer to this:

Which you ultimately ignored. Furthermore, you’re argument can’t be proven either… That aside, I can tell you are not here to discuss and with that, I take my leave.

Have a nice day.

I’m curious how will it go too

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I didn’t ignore it. I said answer the question given the data. You started off by saying it’s an assumption, meaning, you’re not basing it off the data. I don’t have anything more to say to that. I don’t need to respond to it, but if you insist, I’ll respond to this.

She has the highest winrate in GM than in any other rank, with the lowest pickrate compared to any other rank. It’s also a 50% winrate, which is solid. So yeah, I’d say GMs have adapted to her fairly.

You do know that her stats are the worst in GM? Keep in mind that this is GM we’re talking about. You need a 54% winrate to even climb in that rank which is shocking since her pickrate is significantly low. For a hero with a low pickrate, there should definitely be some sort of upwards trend in her winrate. To summarise, since the ”adapt” argument doesn’t apply to GM, she definitely is underpowered according to the data given to us since what’s in GM is extremely similar to what’s in the ranks below it.

It’s totally okay for Mercy to not be favored in the current meta.

It’s not okay if Mercy is fundamentally unable to accomplish her role or contribute to her team, which is very different than just being non-meta.

Statistically speaking somone has to be the worst. I rather it be the easiest character in the game than anyone else.

Christ sake, McCree is second to her.

Nearly half the cast has a winrate below 54% in GM.

If you collect data, but do not interpret said data, why are you even collecting data ?

The principle of statistics is to establish a tendency from a large amount of people. If you’re not doing so, you are wasting your time.

They’re worse by a significant margin, no hero should be the worst and I’d argue that Rein is easier to play. Though he does have a higher skill ceiling.

He’s underpowered too?

13 heroes and that still doesn’t disprove what I said. For the sake of making lists, I’ll go through these heroes.

Reaper - underpowered
Tracer - balanced and has rarely been changed. Her pickrate mostly has to do with the meta if I were to make a guess.
Sombra - balanced. Just not meta.
Winston - pickrate is high so understandable.
Hanzo - honestly, idk.
Lúcio - slightly underpowered.
Moira - good in low ranks. Bad in high ranks.
Roadhog - underpowered.
Pharah - Not Meta.
Bastion - is bastion.
McCree - is McCree.

5 of these heroes are underpowered. The rest are either meta related issues or just have high pickrates.

I’m not against interpreting data. I’m against interpreting data and acting like your interpretation is not an interpretation.

You’re being hysterical and making up evidence that has nothing to back itself up with, but sure, I’m wrong.

But… I… Clarified. ;-;

Higher skill ceiling means you have to be good to get more impact out of him. Buffing Mercy would equate to getting more value without accessing a higher skill ceiling.

I’d also argue Bastion is worse than she is.

You could argue that for Mercy to. I mean, they really didn’t need to make Dragon Strike unboostable. Reverting that change alone, could easily bring her back into the meta without doing anything to her directly.

Pharah becoming meta could also do the trick. She has the forth lowest winrate and is the hero Mercy most synergizes with. Dive becoming meta, additionally could do it. Imagine if all three of those things happened.

I honestly think they shouldn’t do anything to Mercy directly. The only buffs she should get for now are indirect buffs.

Please stop acting like Mercy mains wanted the rework. The moment it was announced we were pissed but the Dev’s did it anyways, and now the rest of the community hates us. Why should we have to suffer playing an underpowered hero just because the Dev’s refused to listen to the playerbase?


In this specific case, I think the interpretation is fairly objective.

Mercy’s pickrate is droping => She is played less => She is less powerful than before. Considering that she have been nerfed recently, I think it is correct to assume the nerf caused the fall in pickrates.

Could you explain what you don’t like in this ? I’d like to know :slightly_smiling_face:

Even in past report WITH mass res she was widely regarded as F tier for nearly 1.5 years.

She in no capacity has been broken or overpowered at any point in time until her rework mercy mains like myself didn’t ask for.

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I never argued against this notion.

She is worse than Mercy.

Probably not. It’s not like that combo even had that many counters. Actually, isn’t the only only counter Zen’s ultimate? Even then, his ult is not hard to negate since drag negates it’s heals and then the Hanzo’s team can just do damage and kill the enemy.

Idk man. Her latest change doesn’t look like it did anything and was mainly just implemented for console.

Sadly, this isn’t the case as of now. Personally, I don’t even think META’s should exist. I believe all heroes should be equally viable.

I’d argue that they can and should bring back 60 HP. After all, the justification really isn’t there since all the other supports excluding Briggite got buffs which are all indirect nerfs to Mercy.

I’m not making up evidence?

The forums themselves are evidence. Just look at how many people are upset with the way she is now, as well as her stats dropping like a rock.

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She? She’s worse than Bastion, or he’s worse than Mercy?

Yes, Zen was the only one who could counter it (and Lucio to an extant).

It only negated heals when Mercy boosted him, which they removed, which was silly of them to do.

I wasn’t talking specifically about her current change. Just in general that if she became meta, it would indirectly buff Mercy.

Though there’s a few high level Pharah mains that think her change is a buff. They could be wrong, but I wouldn’t take what they say lightly.

Yeah, but is that feasible?

Brigitte has been nerfed a ton since her debut.

Mercy not being meta is OK. Mercy being a complete throw pick in the high tiers and significantly subpar even in the low tiers she is supposed to excel in is not OK. As simple as that.

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