Having Mercy be non meta is okay

Her bad winrate is probably due to people not adjusting to her properly. People still haven’t figured out when it is a good time and a bad time to pick her. People are playing her still expecting her to fit into any situation.

I pick her in situations where I know she’ll work, and it almost always bears fruit. And I avoid picking her in situations where she’s bad. Most people don’t know how to recognize the right situations yet.

We’ve been complaining about her state since the rework, since she was OP. Her being meta has nothing to do with the fact that a lot of people didn’t like the direction the rework took because to them Mercy 2.x has essentially lowered both her skill floor and skill ceiling.

Her being Meta or not has nothing to do with the complaints because people have been complaining about her state since the rework. We’re not asking for her to be meta, to be op, whatever. We’re just asking for her to feel good again. Because she hasnt felt good even during the op state (because she felt like a chore) and the constant nerfs just made her less and less engaging due to her power coming from cd rez now rather than her actual healing output.


Idk man. It’s been 55 days since her nerf and her stats are still worsening by the day. Also, if this claim was true, we’d be seeing a upwards trend in her winrate as her pickrate is in a downwards trend. This is not the case and as of now, this argument can really only be applied to Zen; his winrate increases as his pickrate decreases.


WoW What a mindset…
Tdlr; Mercy was meta for so long , now when she’s trash she doesn’t need changes because you say she’s boring/unfun/underpowered.
She deserves to be in F-tier.

If we all think like that ^ , then Ana shouldn’t have received any changes.
Because she was meta for long too before she was nerfed.

Heroes not performing good need help - and right now , the only left in a bad spot are : Reaper, Bastion, Mercy (Roadhog and McCree are getting a buff , idk if it will help them or not)


None want have heroes being F tier only because, we want every hero to be viable and effective, and you still using the “mercy mains” thing to try prove a point, the “mercy mains” insult its a shameful and detrimental thing the community’s toxic people create to insult people, if you are using that as an argument or excuse, nobody is going to take you seriously.


55 days isn’t a long time. Just look how long it took for people to finally figure out how to play Doomfist.

Having her be non-meta is okay.

Having her be significantly worse than the other healers, including offhealers, is what the problem is.

I think it’s perfectly acceptable to have a hero who’s the “worst” at the moment by a bit. But to be so significantly lower in all areas to the point where her winrate is the worst despite fairly high pickrates is indicating there’s a problem.


Yes but the difference is, Mercy has existed since the games release and is, objectively speaking, one of the easiest characters to play in terms of mechanical skill. Also, how long did it take for people to realise that Ana was underpowered during the start of the Moth meta? :smirk: Finally, the claim is even more so dubious because again, you’d see an upwards trend in her winrate as her pickrate decreases. This is not the case however.

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Why even pick Mercy anymore when other supports are 10 times better than her.

I swear some peoples here stance on Mercy is like people stance on climate change and anti-vaccination.


“Mercy was op for months, so she should be useless for a long time”

What a joke dude

You act like mercy players made the rework themselves

You act as if mercy players wanted a rework


You ever just see a thread thats just swinging at a hornets nest

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The lower pick rate still doesn’t indicate that people are picking her at the right times. She’s a niche pick, but no one thinks of her as one yet. When she is played, people are still trying to play her like before.

You seem to be suggesting that Mercy being unfun to play and getting a buff for this reason are mutually exclusive, which I don’t entirely understand.

I have to say that most of the posts I have seen requesting buffs haven’t even mentioned the word meta, I don’t think it’s even relevant to the vast majority of players. Neither myself or my partner who is a Mercy main have even considered the meta or even had it brought up in our games.

Simply saying that peoples’ arguments are all meaningless doesn’t actually make it true. The arguments in favour have, in fact, been pretty eloquent.


Go to this weeks pick rate

Mercy is second most picked support in bronze and silver (behind moira)
Third most picked in gold and plat (behind moira and ana)

From diamond and above her pick rate is last for healers…broken down further you get this

Diamond mercy pick rate is 0.72% lower than lucio and her win rate is 2.43% lower

Master mercy pick rate is 3.6% lower than moira and her win rate is 2.3% lower

GM mercy pick rate is 0.9% lower than moira and her win rate is 1.43% lower

The reason for these stats is simple, from diamond and above we see Ana pick rate jump up significantly and that pushes mercy down significantly

interestingly there are 21 characters that have a lower pick rate than mercy

Having mercy not be meta is fine, an argument can be made that she is slightly weak…she needs a minor tweak at most

No, but the fact that she is being picked less suggests that people are using her in less situations meaning they are in fact adapting. And again, whilst this is happening, there is still no upwards trend in her winrate as her pickrate decreases.

But that is already disproven by the fact that her pickrate has decreased significantly since her nerf.

In short, there are too many things that make this claim false and this claim loses its value as the days increase.


I don’t entirely understand this statement.

I haven’t mentioned the word meta either.

Do you want her to not be a niche pick? Because I think she should remain one.

A character with her skill ceiling shouldn’t be a generalist.

No, it just means people are picking her less. Looking at the statistics alone, doesn’t tell us which situations she’s being used in.

The fact that she’s being picked less shows that she isn’t being played the same as before which was the assertion you were making.

But there are some heroes are picked less of her.

Why mercy must be treated better of this heroes?

Blizzard must before do changes to this heroes are picked less of mercy, before do change to her.

That’s plain untrue. Her lower pickrate simply indicates she’s being played less. It doesn’t tell us how people are playing her.

An increase in car accidents wouldn’t tell us how people are driving. We can make assumptions that it’s an increase in intoxication, or a bunch of other assumptions, but that’s all they would be is assumptions. Without additional data, all you know is there’s an increase in car accidents and nothing more.

We know Mercy is being played less. That’s it. We don’t know what situations people are playing her in.