Have you gotten in?

I’ve still not been able to get through the queue and into the game once since release…


Update: Been trying since yesterday morning and tried again right now and still have not gotten in once

Xbox One / NA


I tried to… my phone number was rejected cause it’s pre-paid :confused:

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Are you an OW1 player who’s played semi-recently?

Yep, last played on the 2nd, played since release too

Same here. Haven’t gotten in since release.


The sad part is there’s people out there that when the servers do work they aren’t gonna give the game a chance because of how mad they are about this whole situation

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Sadly I don’t think this is gonna get fix soon especially with the weekend coming.

I think is gonna take about a week epecially for console players.


9:30 am, Oct 6, 2022 - Its been 42.5 hours and i STILL cannot login, in any region across 2 platforms. Xbox doesnt even lauch game anymore than provides and error code that doesnt exist. On PC, it just comes up w/ “Unexpected error has occurred” than resets the queue.


Nearly 36 hours later and still can’t login. The new merged queues is trash and probably more of a DDoS protection as I don’t believe it is a consistent 200 player queue. I’ve made it to the intro video once and was promptly booted right back into another 200 player queue that doesn’t move.


the queues on the EU server is not as bad during the day, but of a night it’s bad! i dunno about elsewhere though.

Then tomorrow, you won’t have to worry about SMS verification because it’s being removed for anyone who’s played since June 9th 2021.

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Managed to get in once on my series x on launch day saw the main cutscene then got booted. Since then not been able to log in at all on either ps5 or series x. queue goes down to 0 then the ‘in queue’ message disappears and im just left with the overwatch 2 screen and nothing else happening as if its got stuck, no error message or pop up or anything.


The best thing for blizzard to do is to give a date that they know will be good (let’s say 10/11) and keep us updated if anything changes but they just say stay tuned and have people waiting in this non existent queue for hours a day


Oh, sweet, I just hope blizz takes into account that previous accounts will also be returned like that, I had 2 alts but just made them as warm up ones really, and to play with friends. I hadn’t used them in months though, but I know people will take advantage of that with preexisting accounts… Just something we’ll have to live with I guess, thankfully I never have or will use them as smurfs or something, it’s just not right to do that

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I’m still having queue trobles. I start at 199 players and after a lengthy wait, it goes down and as soon as it does I get an error message.


PS5 here. Haven’t been able to log in a single time since launch and get the same LC-208 message as everyone else.
This is so frustrating. :unamused:


I am just trying for the first time this morning and mine started out at 199 as well. Good to know not to get my hopes up. :sweat_smile:

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Loaded the app, waited for about 15 minutes to move throught the queue, got in and started an arcarde game, got into the game, picked Mercy, 15 seconds before the doors open to start the game I get booted from the server. Get back into the queue and haven’t moved for 20ish minutes from position 200. So I mean yes, but no.

Btw thanks to all who are contributing and letting me know I am not alone. It’s comforting knowing we are in this mess together, even though it really sucks.

Seeing all my friends able to eventually get in after long queues is really bittersweet - I am happy for them but at the same time I feel completely left out. I’m not in a good headspace this week as I’m struggling with my health (I’m a type 1 diabetic), and then having something I was really looking forward to taken away has really bummed me out. My online friend group only plays OW really, and I just feel completely isolated at the moment. Also knowing that my account clearly has an issue is further making me feel down because I have no idea when I will be able to play at all. Whether the servers are stable or not isn’t going to fix the error many of us are getting when the queue reaches zero.