Hateful and sexist players

I’m here for the same reason you are

We’re bored and have nothing better to do than talk smack on the forums and be fools.

You dont, because the MUTE BUTTON FREAKING EXISTS.

Literally every match to weed out bad players on my team. It’s a strategy most people use to get better team comps.

Strawman argument.

No, that isn’t what we want.

But I guess you guys endorse harassemt and have no actual solution to what is already being done…

It was a dumb question they asked to begin with. They’re arguing with someone or bickering or busy having a dramatic moment, they wouldn’t be communicating to begin with.

You’re harassing my brain cells


How many times must I say it’s already been done? It’s been done. It’s been done.

But why does it have to be very game? Sheesh… Just be a decent person. Gosh.

Or just use the tools given to you instead of being lazy?

Gosh my friend has to work 9-5, why dont they just GIVE him the money? Just be a decent person, gosh!

Good, keep doing it.

What really sucks is there are actually people out fighting the fight you’re pretending to fight and you’re riding off that like a brat with nothing better to do.

Why does there always have to be one of you

bro whats your obsession with the strawman argument like youve said it a total of 7 times. also your making assumptions like no tomorrow. i think im starting to see a pattern here…

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He’s calling so many strawmen he might have a scarecrow army ready at any moment.

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Me? Don’t make me laugh.

I do love how your arguments wittle down to insults. Please, it isn’t needed here.

It’s just a troll using a very real world problem many women face to fuel their boredom.

It’s really sad.

grow a pair lol just mute them


You’re literally abusing an issue women world 'round face for you’re own fun.

Get help and get bent. Stop sucking people’s real problems for your own empty gain.

Thats the problem.

The newer generations lack backbone.

Back then, if you had a disagreement, you’d just throw hands or people would blatantly call you out for being stupid.

Now you’re censored for disagreeing with someone, and they can just pull way too many coward stunts to get their way.


I’ll google it for you.

“A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.”

Because the argument isn’t being refuted.

There’s no argument, there’s just you letting your mouth flap nonsense while using other people’s strife for fun.

Please tell me what you are doing here?

You’ve said countless times you are leaving. So leave.

You are literally trolling the place now -.-

The argument is being refuted, but you’re just too deaf to hear anything that doesn’t pander to your liking.

I’m here to make sure you know that you’re FoS and getting a kick out of something people actually suffer through. You’re sick.