Hateful and sexist players

Just mute and avoid instead of crying on forums for attention.

We aren’t talking about disagreements. We are talking about blatant sexual harassment.

Perhaps you are one of the harassers? Is that why you are so against harsher punishments of harassments.

You would honestly not enjoy the game. Please don’t kid yourself. From the toxic males to purposely throwing because a female made a shot call.

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As stated multiple times. That is being done already. But then why play a game with a hand tied behind your back?

It is a team based team, communication is key to a successful win. (Yes yes you’ve won games with our talking, wait till you get higher up in the ranks)

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Classic “You disagree with me so you must be the people I’m targeting!”

You people love to pull that card and it’s hardly ever right.

Yeah buddy the mute button definitely touched you without permission.

I’m literally telling you I wouldn’t care.

Because unlike you my skin isn’t make of wet paper.


I promise you, almost every single one of us here has been asking this question likely our entire lives. I’ve been online gaming for two decades now and I still have to ask myself these same questions.

If you don’t have an answer, and we don’t have the answer you want even though you don’t know what it is yourself, and you don’t like the answers we give you that we have to deal with too…

At that point the answer is not to turn us into people who seemingly “allow” or “condone” harassment.

We are literally in it with you dealing with it how we can, with the same tools available to you.

In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to, but the ideal world isn’t one that exists.

Are you kidding me? Own up, don’t be a wuss with your words.

There we go, not answering a single question. I never called you the enemy, I asked if you were one of them.

But hey, if the shoe fits…

If you disagree with the sentiment here, rather leave. Mute the thread and don’t come back. :wink:

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If I disagree I can openly voice my disagreement, sorry you ain’t getting an echo chamber bucko.

Typical silence those who disagree with you, exactly the kind of people nobody should listen to.

How about you leave and go worry about how 13YearOldCODSqueaker69 told you he was gonna steal your fruit bites?

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What is a team based team? :open_mouth:

I am t500, do I have to go to OWL to have an opinion?

If you mute 1 or 2 people, you can still communicate and give call outs to them, since they can still hear you.

You are not tying a hand behind your back, those 1 or 2 players would not communicate in any meaningful way, if all they do is insult people.

You still here? Okay…

We do have some suggestions. But hey, they were shut down with ‘Do what you are already doing’…

Yes we are muting. Yes we are reporting. Yes we are blocking and avoiding.

But again, why must we play the game with a restriction while everyone else is allowed free reign?

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Are you kidding me? At least own your statements. For someone who’s hyped on being a vocal, front-liner you sure aren’t keen to sit in your own words properly.

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It isn’t free reign. Like, you’re literally spouting nonesense. That’s what the reports are for. What do you think will stop giving them free reign aside from you being in the room with them?

Do you even know what you’re actually trying to say or are you just asking the same vapid questions because you don’t get it yourself?

T500… Sure… I’ll believe you…

Let’s assume it is so. Well then you’d know exactly how important communication is.

Let me know how the harassers tend to try outshine/throw the game if you don’t bend to their will.

But hey… You be you.

Inb4 they ask the same questions

“but WHY are they t500? WHY do they need to be t500? WHY does it have to be that way?” fifteen more times.


B-b-but why do I have to press this button? WHY CANT YOU JUST RIP OUT THE GUYS LARYNX???

I’ve run out of questions because the answers have run dry. 2 or 3 of my questions were actually answered.

But hey… So tell me, since communication is a key aspect of overwatch… Any inability to communicate with a teammate is in fact a restriction.

Well… I’ve just shown the restriction… But hey… You have your opinion, this topic doesn’t fit with your ideals… So why are you here?

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I want them all scanned and filtered through a detection line and the moment any kind of toxicity is detected INTO SPACE THEY GET LAUNCHED.


It is not the point of the discussion if you believe me or not, get over yourself.

Communication is important, that is why the game gives you an option to mute people who do not communicate in any meaningful way, just say dumb stuff…

People insult each other but I do not see the need to complain about it on forums, just report and move on.

idk why im still here, but the guy literally hit t500

Dunno man Dragonwolf is kinda sus for how much hes venting anyway.

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Because it’s tedious to do it in every single game. When was the last time you cycled through avoids? Why does it need to be done every game. It just leaves resentment when you hear someone say “Why don’t you go to the kitchen and stick a D*** in your mouth and make me babies?” Why do we have to hear that in every day life AND in a game?