Hate OW So Much i Uninstalled Every Blizzard Game

Just had ANOTHER streak of unwinnable games. For 20 seasons, i observed this system, and watched how it would hand you 4 auto losses every single time you won a few games. I knew my hot streak at the start of the season would be cancelled out before long. Not by natural difficulty, but by the obvious handicapping that takes place each time my duo partner and i win some games.

I feel they’ve done this on purpose. They WANT the game to be frustrating and for you to keep grinding SR. Win some, have it artificially stolen.

So guess what. Unsubscribed to WoW. Uninstalled Diablo 3. Modern Warfare even, gone.

The message is that Overwatch is currently SO BAD, and INTENTIONALLY FRUSTRATING due to the hidden MMR that Blizzard created. Not players. Players are just trying to play a game. BLIZZARD made this mess. So, the best thing i can do is speak with my wallet, and uninstall ALL OF IT.

Not saying goodbye Overwatch. I’m saying goodbye Blizzard. You know darn well this system handicaps matches to make winning players carry idiots. You skated around any questions about how teams are made. You see people complaining about the obviously fake streaks, and you leave it in the game to try and make it noob friendly and to sell lootboxes. Hidden MMR is used to rig matches up, handing hot players Hard Mode just because you don’t want people ranking up too fast. I feel this is done on PURPOSE in some attempt to keep people coming back. That, i can not take.

Due to the hidden MMR, and the resulting long term effect of constant streaks of unwinnable games…

I’m done with everything Blizzard forever, and it’s all because Overwatch is that horrible and INTENTIONALLY frustrating.


Mate if I could, just give it some time to cool off. You paid for those games right? So Blizzard already has your money, as much as you may be angry, reinstall those games and take a break off overwatch. Trust me I was in the same boat, I was angry and even got banned off the forums. You being angry is fine, but I can tell you honestly after a horrible losing streak, you should take a break and play something else. Unwind a bit, find something to do, if you still want to keep everything uninstalled that is fine, but I’m just saying just being mad at overwatch isn’t a reason to uninstall everything.


That struggle-feeling is real. Just don’t soloq if you think you deserve a better rank. Find a good tank and healer and climb.


Join the train man just looking at forums to see who else is enlightened


So long. Don’t let the Doomfist slam you on the way out.


I have to agree. it’s the most toxic and aggravating game i have played.
Why am i still playing it i have no idea.


Friendly reminder that this is the very same person who posted this on a request for a VOD review and thought that there was absolutely nothing wrong with making this kind of response:

Probably not the kind of person that should be playing team games if he’s going to automatically think that way about other players because of a loss.

Also Kapoof, this is probably not the time for you to deny your Zelda account.


What I find annoying is that I am level 2650. Diamond border. And 90% of my matches have 1-3 players below level 100 on the enemy team, while my team is level 400+. It’s never the other way around. As a level 2650, I almost never have teammates below level 100. It’s always only on the enemy team. Why does the game prefer to make me fight smurfs and hackers so frequently? It’s actually insane.


You will never climb unless you will forget everything above. Its frustrating to see how deep you are in the false theory of rigged matchmaker. Others who came up with it feeds people like you with it so you will start believing it instead of actualy trying to fully understand how to get better at game and how to climb. Its honestly sad.

Why dont you try to find a coach for a change? Forget this nonsense about rigging, find player willing to help you and work with him, listen tips and advices and follow them and most importantly focus only on yourself in your games, avoid reacting to anything which could make you tilted in games. And you will climb, trust yourself more.


Yes, your RANK SHOULD be your standing in relation to the rest of the playerbase. That’s why we have SR.

What we don’t need is… MMR.

MMR is there to force even matches based on player’s current play. So, if you play very well you just get rewarded with bad teammates in order to force this even match.

SR should be it. 2100’s play 2100’s. Not… “oh, you’re out playing your rank so guess what, you get to play hard mode now.”

Which is what we see, and what players have been saying for years now.
This is intentional and extremely shady. It’s ignoring rank and forcing players into matches where they are asked to carry just to make an even match. It’s unethical to me, and that’s why i’ve come to the conclusion that Blizzard is a horrible company and no longer cares about the player experience. Otherwise, they would have fixed that system long ago because all it does is cause toxicity. Instead, they want to continue making people chase their artificial SR by rigging games based on MMR and tossing new players into games they don’t belong in just to try and sell lootboxes.


I have very good tip for you which could open your eyes. Find a discord server where are scrims done, do few of them and ask others what they think about your game play maybe even review it. It could seriously help you.

You can try Jayne or SVB discord.


That’s what happens when you fight against players better than you (cause your MMR went up)

I can understand that.

There was only two times that I can recall when Blizzard actually communicated with us on a regular basis: Tseric and Ghostcrawler… and we all know how those ended.

SR is just a visual representation of MMR, though. More or less.


Yes, and it already is, no matter how badly you are not able to admit it. However…

The entire rest of your post is egotistical BS. Seriously. You’re too immature to play with others in a PvP team setting if you’re so convinced that what you’re thinking is correct.


Dafuq, why tell him to reinstall hence he payed. Thats what they want, your investment souldnt be a miss and thus addiction, participation and spending is created, stay free Kapoof, stop giving a f***.The game also ruined me this monday and i for sure had my final spending until d4 in that WC3 remake. Enjoy life therefor, pick up another good game by a less shady company!


How about getting better at the game?


You clearly aren’t done enough that you bother posting in a Blizzard forum though :see_no_evil:


Really the logic behind forced lose/wins is founded, think about a slot machine…they let u almost win or even win sometimes to keep u pulling the lever…never to the beifit of the player its always to pad the wallets of the casino. Bliz is in the business to make money…hence them keeping u pkaying or getting u to buy more accts dos just that makes them money. Now this is only from observation we can determine this as there is NOTHING bliz has told us to confirm or deny this. :wink:

This can’t be real. Guess what, I’m quitting the forums, that was the last straw.

Here’s the thing. If you are around the rank you “belong”, you will eventually come across players that are better for you. Mistakes you make in some games don’t get punished while in other games they do. If you want to climb you have to play at a level at least 2 ranks higher than you are now. And the only way to do that is to review your games and correct mistakes.

I have been playing since Season 2, and been around the 2300-2400 mark for so long. This past season I got to 2800 just by reviewing mistakes. I have dropped a bit, but I am 1 tier higher than I was for many seasons. And I continue to improve.

The two big things for me have been role lock and the replay system. Role lock has forced me to focus on one role at a time. I am currently almost Diamond on tank, but low-gold on support. This difference is rank has to do with my “play style” being improperly applied to different roles. With replays I am learning to adjust and I’m climbing in both roles.

Basically, if you do not take responsibility you’ll always be stuck where you are.


Nice. But it is so sad, How hard you have to work for get a tier and how easy you lose it. How hard you train and train to find a boosted player or smurf around. makes you wonder how are those players around. You are punished by playing as team in a team-based game. You are punished for being good, to pass a tier you need to be better than any player around it, If there is one smurf around you will face him and it is not suppose to happen. Meanwhile you will get matches with some Deadweights to make matches “Even” for one handicap player, who should be in a lower tier.

Me for example I have many accounts. Differents tiers and I have seem better silver games than low plat, it is a strange thing to see, however, but it does exist. I get boring trying to climb and when I want something more I went up with the current account for tha tier. Then that account will have the same problems with less skilled players, but the same thing over and over.