Hate OW So Much i Uninstalled Every Blizzard Game

Many of the original blizzard founders left last year. With them went Blizzard’s ideology IMO. The Blizzard many of us came to love and trust is now fully and completely ‘Activision’.

Expect more polished turds to be pushed out on a regular basis as that is the activision way.

Vote with your wallet.


Chamomile could help you to relax and look at the situation differently .
For instance, speaking for myself, when I stop having fun I log out.

In OW, the step between noob and experienced players is very thin, most of the learning is in the team composition & the maps knowledge, other than that it’s very easy playing.
Entertainment is meant for something that you can’t find anymore in video games, at least this is what I see in your post.

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You sound like this kid that I made break his tv because I ran attack torb on dorado… what will we do without you!? :joy:

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lol? .,.,.,.,.,.,.16

Yeah the game is rigged. Intentionally puts you in losing games once you start winning. I’ve noticed it too.


Yes because you are that good to not lose and steadily climb into top 500, lol, keep dreaming.

If you want to keep higher rank, you have to get better at the game first.


Nah the game is rigged. Can’t climb.


You cant climb not because game is rigged but because you are not good enough for higher elo.


Nah. It’s because the game conspires to hold you back.


And what would be the purpose for doing that? Or do you think that the entire playerbase should be able to rank up?


OP already said why…


When it comes to slot machines and such, you’re playing against a house that’s obviously trying to make money, and everyone, especially the people actually playing, knows that.

Competitive PVP, you’re dealing with human players vs human players, especially considering that Competitive is NOT mandatory to play. Buying loot boxes and whatnot is 100% irrelevant to evaluating where players are in relation to the other players, even if someone like the topic creator wants to deny it.

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Let’s assume that you’re correct then and that ranked is rigged. What is your correct rank and why?

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The problem is with the large range of possible skill levels in each match.

Say I am 1800 SR.
On a bad day I play at 2200 level, and on a good day Im equivalent to a 1600.

I win 7-8 games in a row by a large margin.

The next day I am around the 2000 mark and I am grouped with some golds and the enemy team have some golds and a plat player.

Say the plat player on the other team is playing dps and is having a GOOD day. His normal SR is 2800 but he is playing around 3200 level today because he took extra ritalin this morning or w/e. I did not, so I am having a BAD day today.

So now we have a scenario where I am playing at the 1600 skill level playing against a dps player who is playing at the 3200 skill level in teh same match…

The only possible solution is to narrow down the SR range to around 100 SR difference per match, but Q time would be astronomical.

It’s a chaotic system with so many factors, that at times it doesn’t seem fair. At the end of the day though if you play A LOT and you win more than you lose, you should rank up.

Otherwise the best solution is just to stop caring about what rank you are.

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One hundred percent correct hidden MMR is a handicapp. It does not belong in this game.


I have no idea. But when you start winning games, blizzard starts putting you in games with teams that throw. Everyone that plays overwatch sees the same trend.

Just dropped around 500 sr the last few days. From gold into silver now. Playing better now than I played when i was 2400. But I’m still lower. Because it’s not about how well you play. This game is just bad.

Edit: The games in silver now are harder than my games in 2400 sr. The game makes no sense. It’s bad.


Correlation isn’t equal to causation. You’re looking for a pattern and you find it.

…I don’t. I see good games and bad games. I recognize that I can’t win them all but that I can turn more draws and losses into wins by improving myself.

It definitely works, and a heck of a lot better than whining on the forums.

…you’re fighting weaker opponents.


No, the opponents are better in silver, is what im saying.

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They’re better than they are in Bronze.

No, what you literally said is that you are playing better than when you were 2400.


I have no idea what you’re talking about.

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