Role Queue Made The Players Worse

Well, i think i’m done with OW. The matchmaker is the main problem. Rigging up matches to be even, without giving players enough PBSR to actually rank up makes the game pointless to play in the long run.


Role Queue has utterly ruined this game for me.

It’s not just queue times, which are ridiculous for any online pvp game. It’s the way Role Queue has made the game too limiting. Twice tonight, i got a “not my job” from tanks as a sniper was giving us a lot of trouble. Huh… i remember when it was just automatic to switch to a dive tank immediately and get on that. Now? “Not my job”

People pick a hero, queue up, play that hero, figure they’re doing their job.

Role queue is not only frustrating, limiting, with ridiculous queue times, but it’s also made the players WORSE. No one switches to counter. No one helps other roles out.

And the toxicity has gotten much much worse since role queue. That’s because the system is FAR too oppressive. And hey… describing Overwatch as “oppressive” actually makes me kind of sad. Because that is the opposite of the game they originally created.

Anyway. I believe i’ve finally had enough. There are so many problems with the game, that it was actually shocking to see Hero Pools introduced as an answer to one of the communities supposed top complaints. Huh. I’ve never seen hero pools even discussed. It’s the last thing anyone asked for. It’s a waste of time, and will only make Overwatch even MORE limiting.

I just hate the direction they’ve gone with the game. Role Queue, Map Pools, and now Hero Pools are the final straw for me.

But i have to say, above all, the main reason i’ve come to despise this game… The matchmaker, hidden MMR, and SR system. Horribly done, overly frustrating. I believe players have said enough about it, so i don’t need to go on again.

I realize this topic has gone all over the place, but the gist is that the devs have really destroyed this game with the last few changes, and by refusing to address the overly frustrating comp system that seems built to make you chase SR and artificially changes difficulty to cater to you… making ranks almost meaningless.


Oct 9, 2016
Probably quitting myself. I can’t stand the rating system. It’s all been said a million times. And the leavers suck too.

Jan 11, 2017
I quit.

Jun 27, 2017
I’m done with this game.

Jul 5, 2017
Uninstalled. Sorry Blizzard.

Aug 8, 2017
Done with this game until they fix the matchmaking and SR systems.

Sep 12, 2017
I’m done with Overwatch.

Sep 17, 2017
I don’t want to see or hear of this game ever again due to the terrible ranked system […] What i’m trying to do is not only uninstall the game, but remove it from my Blizzard app entirely so i don’t have to see the icon or the news about it on the main page.

Jan 14, 2018
I just uninstalled FOR GOOD due to these forced losing streaks.



I am 100% going to play whatever I want. If you have an issue, deal with it. Flex is dead and long live role queue.


Calm down…

*I have stolen calmdown quote so he doesn’t cheese this out.


Identity theft is a crime.


I just wish my crime was killing calmdown

Hahahahaha, you fool. You cannot kill a god.


You are right, I can’t, but he can
*xQc smashes keyboard in the background. loudly.


A new challenger has arrived


Why these forums have no Memes section. I mean, Jeff?!?!

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Every section is a meme section, if you have lvl 3 permissions (which I don’t anymore)


Is that tied to endorsement or am I n00b?

It’s separate, for forums specifically. Idr the exact specifics, but getting lvl 3 takes a certain amount of posts read per day, for a certain number of days in a row, and i think you also need some # of posts created.

Once you get it, you can respond to everything with gifs and images, it’s great


O sheet. Another grind. :confused:


What? They’re not “rigged” to be even. It’s not “rigged” to find a match where the average rating of the teams is similar. That’s just simple matchmaking. What part of the matchmaking is rigged?

Depending on the situation, sometimes it ISN’T the tank’s job. Sometimes swapping to a dive tank is worse than just hoping your DPS out-duel the sniper. Depends on the game, to be sure, but sometimes “not my job” isn’t an incorrect response. If it WAS their job and they lose a lot because they’re bad, they’ll drop.

It’s not worse than your only support saying “you guys suck, I’m going to play DPS to carry you idiots.” Games are better now than before. You’re misremembering the glory days that were 4 dps comps (until your tank and healer decide “dps bad, I’m swapping”, leading to 5 or 6 dps comps).

Role queue has made BEING BAD worse. It hasn’t made any players worse than they already were.

It seems about as toxic as before, maybe less. Just don’t join voice and turn off text chat if you’re not into it.

People asked for bans. Bans don’t really promote variety, just ban metas. Hero pools is basically just a slightly altered version of bans. I’m a fan of it. It’s less limiting because we’re less forced into the “play these 6 or 7 heroes or LOSE.” Varied metas means more hero variety. More hero variety usually means more fun for a lot of people.

The only real issue I have with the rating system is that it’s saturated with alt accounts, smurfs, etc. That’s not really a direct issue with the rating system or matchmaker though. It just leads to a lot of inconsistency with the ranking system. Having a huge percent of the playerbase exist in 2, 3, even 4 or more places (especially when the accounts are 500+ SR apart) in the matchmaking system results in weird games. If that wasn’t happening, I don’t think the matchmaking system would be doing such a poor job.

What’s the alternative?

Every competitive system is built to make you chase the next ranking. You don’t run a race and sit there happily in 124th thinking “I’m doing good.” You try to pass someone. No matter how far you go, you try to climb to first. That’s just competition.

The artificial change in difficulty also isn’t artificial. If you gain rank, you play against other people who also did that (aka better people). I don’t get your point here.


If matches are made to be even its only fair, not rigging.


…and you can’t have had any kind of account action, even forum ban.

I was able to post images for like 1 day. :rofl:


Im pretty certain Ive gotten it back after a suspension. Havent gotten it since the last time I got suspended for typing “@ss” Lmfao. I think I need to create a topic first

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there is a lot wrong with the mmr and sr systems but personally, I love role queue. It allows me to play the role that i am good at and that i like. I personally havn’t had any issues with teamates on flexing and stuff. It’s just one of them things you need to get through unfortunately

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If the NBA Basketball league switched up teams every game to make sure both teams had a 50% chance to win, i’d call that rigging. Who’d win the championship? The best team? Nah. Any random team could win it, because every single time a player got on a hot streak they’d have to trade his teammates out for worse ones just to make it fair. How is OW any different?