Has Jeff given up on mercy?

Switch Valkarie to std ability, switch Rez to ultimate.

Rebalance as appropriate.

It’s that easy - doesn’t need a full revert or throwing away any of their work.

It looks like I have no self control when there is a troll to poke.

Well let’s take a walk down memory lane. When she was first released she was the only main healer besides Lucio, not a must pick. The introduction of Ana - she struggled to compete so she was grossly over buffed and Mercy became F-tier (season 3 stats - I don’t care enough to link them), Ana was gutted but still popular - Mercy still had a difficult time keeping up so she was buffed twice, to her healing per second and given invulnerability while resing. The invulnerability proved to be incredibly powerful but we still saw a lot of Ana play, especially in higher ranks. She was the only main healer that was easy to play compared to Ana so she had quite a high pick rate in ranks below master but Ana still had a place in the game.

Edit: now we have Moira

Fast forward to her rework she became a must pick, being the only character in the game in history to reach S-Tier (greater than 95% pick rate) which lasted for 6 months. The next 6 months leading up to now she has had varying degrees of 90%, still dominating the support meta till this day despite 11 nerfs.

A simple character with a game changing ability was grossly over engineered into a monster that took hold of the game. Even after this nerf she will still dominate, all because no one thought to try nerfs to mass res.

Get the picture or should I consult Picasso?

Devs are to dumb to see that

Let me enlighten you, even though it’s only been explained a million and one times before… her base kit isn’t the issue. It never was. And I’d say almost all people love the bunny hop, which was actually a complete fluke on Blizzard’s part that they capitalized on.

Mercy’s problems lie in her E ability and her supposed ult. Rez feels awful to use, slows you down, takes away the flow of Mercy’s kit to something that feels like you’re running through molasses, and is nothing but a dumb mistake eraser for people who can’t manage to position themselves to not get picked off the first five seconds of a team fight, or not even making it to the team fight at all.

Valkyrie is nothing but an uninspiring, not engaging wannabe ult that is nothing but an E ability that lasts for 15 seconds, allows you to heal miles away from the fight, negates a lot of Mercy’s weaknesses, and doesn’t allow her to counter any ults, when mass rez could. Mass rez also required a lot of mind games and strategy to use properly and get the most use out of it, despite what some people say. Valkyrie is a difficult ult to waste, and there is very little risk involved when determining when to use it. It’s boring, to put it simply.

There. Is that good enough of an explanation for you?


My observation of comparing old Mercy stats to today’s Mercy stats prove that this inference was in fact, incorrect.

Plus nice big words, I’m not even entirely sure if empirical is a word…

Haven’t most people given up on Mercy one way or another now?

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Nice little personal attack there. :rofl: The to-go strategy for people when they can’t deal with facts and objective analysis. Yeah, call me a troll.

So she was essentially a must pick.

:rofl: Do you mean Symmetra? Mercy has never ever been F-tier and that you think this way alone means you are absolutely out of touch with reality.

And accordingly was a must pick in the lower tiers, mid-tiers.

You are not saying anything new - Mercy has always been a must pick, for 11 seasons. She was OP compared to other supports before Valkyrie, she was OP during Valkyrie. She is finally getting balanced properly and the other supports are getting buffed appropriately. So yes, current Mercy is fine, old Mercies were bad. :rofl: I think you are really struggling mate.

Don’t make your head hurt dear. :grinning:

This is actually not true at all.

Amazing rhetoric, consider me extending the white flag. :rofl:

I cannot wait for Mercy to be nerfed again - hopefully people will finally realise how many mistakes were made. I could tell there is no point arguing with you but don’t you worry, judging from everything that’s by happening in the last year things will continue and we will begin to outnumber people like you and you will finally see how much of a negative impact that this iteration of Mercy has had on the game

Also I can’t find the exact link but this should give you the general idea: www .omnicmeta.com/2017/02/pc-competitive-ladder-season-3-report.html?m=1

Plus the only inference that I can believe from you saying Mercy was always OP is that you were in Bronze where Mercy was always a must pick - but that’s perfectly okay. We all just need to see the full picture.

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And how is what you said so intellectually stimulating? You responded with a blanket phrase and I did so in kind. Mercy was never once since the inception of the game a must pick until the rework. Saying otherwise is spreading a falsity.


If she continues to be a must-pick after the latest changes than by all means nerf her again. if not, than cool.

Yeah, when you remove everything else I said and just take one of my sentences out of all the posts I made in this thread it sure seems this way :rofl:

If you want to win, yes she always has been a must pick. At launch, she was the only main healer. Dive and it’s iterations was only executed in the highest competitive tiers which is a very small percent. For the large majority of players, Mercy was a must pick. Pretty sure though someone played a really sub-par Ana in a lower elo but that’s more an outlier rather than the norm.

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Isn’t that exactly what you just did to me though…?

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I’ve debated every single point you made and every single post. You said goodbye and called me a troll and yet here you are again. Make your mind please, this is getting boring.

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If you want to call it a ‘debate’ rather than turning facts into pixels on a screen or inaudible throat vibrations then you do you. I have tried my absolute best to understand everyone’s perspective on the Mercy situation and the situation of the game as a whole - I’d like to think everyone else has too but clearly that isn’t the case. But I will still continue to fight for a truly balanced game, where every support character can be played, whether people think an old ability was beyond fixing is my challenge to disprove and help people understand how its removal has had irreparable consequences on the game. Whether you continue turning a blind eye to facts is your decision but if other people don’t, don’t blame me if I say I told you so.

I still use Mercy’s ult to fly around and kill widows and hanzos, so I don’t know why you call it boring. I think you’re boring for not playing her in exciting ways.

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The overwhelming majority feels mass rez was a bad mechanic, idea, ability. Blizzard feels the same way evidently since they removed mass rez. The fact that the original iteration of Valkyrie was OP does not take away from the fact that mass rez was unhealthy and broken ability.

You can continue to try and convince people otherwise but these are the facts whether you like them or not. Call me a troll if you want but it is what it is.

That does not change the fact that is was easily repairable - that is what I’m trying to convey. Changes to make it less powerful such increased ult charge, and changes to make it less annoying - LOS requirements, enemies can see dead bodies, reduced radius and what not were all easy fixes. This iteration of Mercy, despite 10 and going on 11 nerfs has continued to prevail against all odds for nearly a year - making life for other support players difficult and dictating the meta for far too long. Mercy was never a must pick before her rework, no matter how many times you tell yourself. Mercy was mostly balanced just annoying. She needed tweaks, not a rework. The rework has clearly failed. Everyone who knows the definition of ‘nerf’ and can count to 11 can clearly see how big of an issue this is if a character can continue to be this strong despite 11 nerfs. Whether you have a personal vendetta on mass res is incredibly short sighted and also selfish if you can’t see the drastic impact this rework has had on the game. Old Mercy was the only state when the game was truly balanced and another rework is clearly in order.


If that was the case, Blizzard would have done it. LoS doesn’t change mass rez at its core - it deletes results, teamwork, efforts, coordination.

Ah so now I have personal vendetta against mass rez. :rofl: You are getting boring with inserting personal preconceived notions and feelings. Stop projecting your emotions on me. I only talk logic and facts.

I have still yet to see a proper comment on why Mercy is now boring. It seems to just be a go to criticism with no back up.

How is going from a slower less smooth flying time, an ult that most people just sat in a corner for a few mins.

To an ult that let’s you be free, fly about, actually be in the action, a new powerful ability, and smoother glide.

Like seriously all you have lost is play of the game. I garantee of if you played old Mercy. You would not enjoy it.