Happy Friday to the OW forums

My problem with games like it and Anno is that I suddenly look at the clock and it’s 6am on a Tuesday.


Positivity? On these forums? Preposterous!


I don’t feel positive with these forums right now. :yum:

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I tried, but the other team ganked me twenty times and rode all the fun to the end of the map. I’m walking a pinata around the water fountain atm.

Not to be found in OW, except in the minds of the smurfs who gank me in every match.


“Say bacon one more time…”

Surely with this mindset you are gonna suffer in any game u play

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he can read


I wouldn’t conflate understanding with ability. There are plenty of people out there who have a deep understanding of their game of choice, but are not competitive participants themselves.


You yourself must be owl player then . Elitist mind at its best .


They’re just living up to their name.


Well goodluck on your climbing then. Maybe one day when youll be in the higher ranks the balance is gonna start to improve. But then again, no hopes of that when you guys play favorites with heroes.

I don’t think Andy balances the game… They’re just communicating with us.


From what I know CMs relay info from the devs to the community and also the opposite, take feedback from the community and give it to the devs.

Unless blizz does it a little differently.

Of course if anything was a problem, would a person that isnt as good at the game even be qualified to determine what is genuine stuff that Should be relayed - and what is just some low rank complaining about a literal troll pick character thats easy to deal with if someone just told them how? I dont think so.

Dude you kinda just ruined this positive thread with your arrogant complaining, hope you’re proud


Yeah, that is kinda sad. But I wasnt going to make a whole new thread to ask him that.

I just want the game to be in good hands and when I hear they got bronzes doing the stuff I am not surprised why its in the state its in. No hate to the guy himself, he might not just have enough free time to climb higher like most adults.

But it is strange to hear that they just freely hire people who arent pros.

Given that Andy isn’t Geoff Goodman, since their jobs are simply not that same, obviously he’s not making balance changes.
This much should be obvious even to you.
You’ve proven with what you said that you neither understand nor deserve any conversation about balance. All this does is make you look like a negative person.

Andy has been great recently on these forums and I would hate if people like you drive him away from communication. This kind of speak doesn’t help anything.


Trust me, if they only hired pros the game would be even worse. If anything, you should be happy that there’s a bronze/silver player on the team, since it’s important to have a variety of skill levels within the team so they can provide accurate feedback for all ranks. IIRC Jeff Kaplan was a diamond tank player, and there was at least a few in masters and above so it’s not like the whole team is made of gold and below.


Careful, you might get false flagged and the moderators delete your post, inept as they are.

Based andyb this is what we like to see