Hanzo's Storm Arrows are INSANE

Straws. You’re clutching at them.

How about Roadhog?

K/D: 3.10
Damage per Match: 12,765
ult kills per match: 3.18

Guess him too. Oh and btw, that’s not what you said earlier. You singled out D.Va specifically as an outlier. Apparently she’s not any more overpowered than Zarya. But go ahead and change that tune.

Also, no comment on the massive buffing Widow needs? Right?

I just love that the “scatter arrow takes no aim” crowd are now crying about an ability that takes aim doing too much damage.

Those skillless, can’t aim Hanzo’s are wrecking you now? You don’t say…


You need to use the data from the all heroes stats page
https ://www.overbuff.com/heroes

Switch to the “This week” tab over “this month” Otherwise you are seeing his data pre-rework.

Using post rework data:
Grand Master;
K/D = 3.2
Damage per match: 21,172
eliminations: 28.87

Soldier 76
K/D: 3.1
Damage per match: 15,803
eliminations: 27.02

K/D: 2.9
Damage per match: 19,729
eliminations: 26.91

I notice you didn’t add Widow since both Hanzo and Widow are in the sniper class I feel its good to add her in too

K/D: 2.5
Damage per match: 11,265
eliminations: 23.41

I don’t actually understand how anyone can argue with a straight face that Hanzo is not straight up brokenly over powered at the moment.


Just as usual. You making claims and not backing them up.

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Widow is a sniper. Hanzo is not.
Widow role is for picks purely, not for damage done.

Anything else?


Nice Try.

The only thing switching the sample size on Overbuff does is show the trend changes for things like Pick rate, and Win rate.

it does not show the performance stats.

You are attempting to restrict Sample sizes and there is no option on Overbuff that nets the statistics you posted.

So now that you literally got caught posting in random numbers that have no basis in fact, ergo got caught lying. Enjoy the flag…

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i gave you a link directly to the page I used. I am not using random made up numbers at all.

Go to the link I gave you I will post it again.

https ://www.overbuff.com/heroes/

Select “this week” it will be right next to “this month” which will be highlighted since it is selected.

beneath that tab you can select Grandmaster - by default it is on “all” so select “grandmaster”

beneath that tab there is options for “overview” “primary” “eliminations” “medals”

All the data I posted is in the primary and eliminations tabs.

Selecting “this week” ensures you are selecting data only since Hanzo was reworked.

Since you want to flag me for lying does that mean the stats look OP to you ;p?

That’s right just ignore the proof by your own measure that D.Va is not any more ‘overpowered’ than Zarya. And your own quote that she was ‘the most by far’ Or for that matter Roadhog.

And then ask ‘anything else’. Lol.

Come on now.

Whoa hold on now. That has no bearing! That’s not evidence of anything! Performance average is what matters. What is this ‘role’ stuff? Junkrat is a grenadier. Pharah is a rocketeer. Tracer is a pistol user.

So the ‘statistics’ only matter when it’s convenient for you. I see.

I’ll keep waiting for you to actually address the point about D.Va and Zarya. Instead of trying to be cute and flippant and pretend it doesn’t exist. Or not start more flip-flopping about Widow now and ‘roles’.

So you are actually admitting to skewing the performance stats by limiting to Grandmaster?


Learn how statistics work please.

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That does not even make sense.

D.VA is more overpowered than Zarya. I never stated she wasn’t. Her performance stats agree with this statement. Zarya is also showing as overpowered, just not as much as D.VA. The performance stats agree with this statement. Roadhog is showing as performing a DPS role, but his statistics relative to tanking are showing as lower than average. Therefore while he can be “argued” as being overpowered, there is no clear cut evidence. This is what people usually mean by “borderline”

Nice logical fallacy. I clearly did say that performance statistics are relative to their role. Otherwise Mercy could be netting a 2.5 K/D with 13k average damage per game and it wouldn’t be a sign of something broken.

So again, learn how statistics work. There are no metrics nor written roles for “Grenadier” nor “rocketeer”.

There is for Sniper. Roles are relative to performance statistics, Sombra…is one example of this.

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I am not really sure how that is skewing the stats, after all I am using GM stats for all heroes not just Hanzo.

That is where the heroes are played as close to their optimal output as possible imo, so I considered it the best rank to look at data from.

Do you have anything to actually say in response to the stats, or do they show that Hanzo is so clearly op you have to attack other aspects of what I am putting forward?

That is not how statistics work. You are admitting to skewing the performance stats.

The rest of your post is completely subjective. Both ends of the spectrum represent skew. For example. You could have plenty of players in the top brackets that have barely any solo play if any at all. This alone is a skew. At the same time you could have players who just troll or feed with a hero. This is a skew at the bottom. By limiting the sample size to a rank, you are showing clear bias.

Secondly, there is Skill floor and Skill Cap.

A hero like Hanzo with a high skill floor and skill cap, compared to someone like Soldier who has low skill floor and skill cap, is supposed to be out performing Soldier in the higher ranks. That is how balance works in relation to skill required for given output.

In other words, limiting the sample size to the top rank you are literally doing nothing other than proving “working as intended” for heroes with higher skill requirements… and therefore more maximum potential… performing better than those heroes with lower


im a tank main on xbox and i think this was a bad change to hanzo like they made briggete counter main tanks they cant just make tanks so countered so they are unplayable

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It’s posts like you that make this community a trainwreck and a half to be a part of.

Just because the maximum damage potential is strong doesn’t mean that Hanzos can land half of those shots. Have you ever seen top tier Hanzo accuracies? Most of them range from 20-40%.


I’m going to assume the higher ranked widows are actually going to do less damage because they straight up kill their target.

I honestly don’t agree with you regarding how you view stats, there are clear differences between the tiers in the skill of players that significantly impacts the stats. I would rather take stats from the tier I consider the most optimal play. All characters are compared at that tier, so I don’t agree anything is heavily skewed.

To your second point - I would argue Widow takes more skill to play than Hanzo - yet she is vastly less effective, Tracer and Genji take a lot of skill - and are again less effective than Hanzo since his rework.

Besides that, it should not be ok for a hero to be vastly superior to all others just because they are hard to use. This is a team game, heroes have been designed with strengths and weaknesses, and the games has an element of working as a team to achieve victory together.

I don’t believe the game should be about who has the most skilled Hanzo.

If any of y’all look at the average for storm, even the top hanzo players including the #1, wraxu, get 1 kill per use of SA with 2 being a rare exception. Stop with the extreme overhyping of what comes out to a fine ability. Yeah it can be spammed for kills, but that only works if you don’t stay behind shields/stand obliviously in chokes… so maybe don’t do that yeah?


Or maybe its because she can’t burst down tanks and barriers as easily and effectively as Hanzo can at the moment.

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More the barriers I would say. If she has a shot on the tanks it would probably be a headshot (assuming GM+ widow)