Hanzo's Storm Arrows are INSANE

Seriously what are you on about?

Bastion does 450 DPS SUSTAINED. Hanzo doesn’t even come close to this.

You’re cherry picking examples as it suits you and making completely hyperbolic claims. You ignore what everyone says to recycle what you’ve already said like 8 times now.

No ones going to agree with you because you’re not saying anything sensible or providing numbers.

The fact that you’re saying things like “sniper or midrange I don’t care” means you don’t even understand the hero you’re complaining about, much less be able to form coherent arguments except WAHH WAHH X HERO IS OP NERF NOW THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

Please stop.


Ok if you think so. I just hope they nerf him soon because this in BS with him in the moment.

There is no “if you think so”.

I don’t “think” 1+1=2. I “know” 1+1=2.

We “know” Hanzo is balanced because there is clear cut evidence of such.

It doesn’t matter what you “think” or I “think”. There are thousands of people on this earth that “think” it is flat.


Then you have nothing to worry about.

a 4% win rate is minimal and easily accounted for in the plethora of potential skew. I think we all know there is a certain “RNG” in what you get for a team in MM, that alone skews Win Rate. Switching to a hero when the match is “already in the bag” also skews Win Rate and Pick rate. etc etc

The accuracy rise is natural. His projectile speed rose, and you don’t have Scatter Arrow automatically being a detriment to your accuracy %. Storm Arrow is direct fire, and fast RoF, therefore naturally equates to a high chance of a performance increase in the hit rate department.

a lot of what happened is noted by the devs as being intentional. other than his ult charge rate, there isnt much at all i’d change.

Evidence? Care to provide some? Because that’s a pretty bold claim when you have absolutely nothing to back it up.

All hail Shadowbane. The king of hyperbole

I’m surprised you haven’t called anything a “logical fallacy” yet, or are you waiting for the right time to pull that one out?

Stats don’t lie. I know you don’t like to look at pickrates but that’s what’s right in front of you. And if you don’t want to look at that we can look at his damage output.

And for the record, the whole “the only thing I’d nerf is ult charge” thing is not enough. In fact it mirrors entirely the argument of the Junkrat mains in season 8 when he was running riot, although I guess you’d say there was no evidence to suggest he was out of line based on your defence of Hanzo, since they both experience similar pickrates and damage output, albeit at different times.

It’s clear to anyone with either a lack of bias or any game sense that Hanzo was overtuned, and something has to be done. I’ve already put forward an argument of what i’d change, and it’s not ult charge, because that won’t fix a thing.

Anyway, the ball is in your court now, i’d love to see this evidence you have that suggests he’s not overpowered, even though plenty has been cited to the contrary.

A.) If I am the king of “hyperbole” feel free to quote exactly where I made one. I am waiting.

Performance averages (comp):
K/D = 2.72
Damage per match: 15,482
ult kills per match: 3.87

Soldier 76
K/D: 2.80
Damage per match: 14,493
ult kills per match: 4.4

K/D: 2.87
Damage per match: 15,917
ult kills per match: 5.26

so on and so forth.

What about D.VA who is a tank?

K/D: 4.02
Damage per match: 13,018
ult kills per match: 2.45

Source: Overbuff. Competitive.

  • Checkmate

BTW, making claims like “It’s clear to anyone with either a lack of bias or any game sense that Hanzo was overtuned,” is a logical fallacy, so is “Anyway, the ball is in your court now, i’d love to see this evidence you have that suggests he’s not overpowered, even though plenty has been cited to the contrary.”
still waiting on this supposed “evidence cited to the contrary”


dude i would take storm over scatter any day, but having it crit is kinda too


If it was “too much” his performance averages would have deviated to show such. They haven’t


You mention DVA, who at a level of Diamond or above doesn’t even feature on the top 10 most picked heroes. And in Grandmaster she’s not even in the top 15.

The stats on Hanzo are skewed due to the fact that his pickrate is so staggering that there is pretty much always a Hanzo on both teams. Which means there is a high likelyhood that 50% of the time he will be underperforming due to the fact he’s on the losing team.

At Grandmaster he is picked more than any healer…

Please think about that for a second. He is more of a must pick than Brigette right now. Correct me if I’m wrong, but AFAIK there has never been an instance in the history of the game where a DPs hero has had a higher pickrate than the most picked healer in the game. If that does not suggest there is an issue with him than nothing does.

If what you say is true and the effectiveness is intended, then every other hero whose job it is to punish tanks needs a serious buff lol

junkrat is fine. bastion does need work. as does reaper.

Oh look someone using terminology of which they do not understand.

Pick Rate and Win Rate are skewed, performance stats are not.

I can play a match on Zarya for the majority and when I know we are going to win, switch to Torb and Win Rate and Pick Rate for Torb gets boosted as well.
That is just one of many ways it is skewed.

Performance stats are not, as they are a recording of said performance on said hero therefore are completely relative to the output of said hero.

It doesn’t matter if Hanzo is on both teams. That is not how performance statistics work. Just because I play D.VA and there is a D.VA on the other team it doesn’t suddenly mean my damage is nerfed for the match.

Pick Rate and Win Rate, again, are meaningless.

So again, D.VA is factually overpowered according to the evidence, Hanzo is not in any way shape or form.


Maybe you’re smarter than me.

There’s a thread titled “Stop abusing overbuff”, read it, and it’ll give you some insight into pick rates and how they aren’t the be all end all.

Like I said earlier, Hanzo best fits the meta where there’s only one DPS slot. Of course he’s going to be picked.

What’s surprising is his average damage is only slightly more than Soldier, who arguably struggles more with barriers.

Your nitpicking the Dva example just shows you grasping at straws.

K/D: 2.56
Damage per match: 9,695
ult kills per match: what’s an ult kill?

Holy heck, Widow is in need of some -serious- buffing!

K/D: 3.64
Damage per Match: 12,238
Ult kills per match: 5.75

Which means D.Va isn’t an outlier among tanks. And I guess Zarya is in deperate need of a nerf too?

Zarya is factually overpowered as well, as is D.VA in their ability to perform the DPS role. Correct.

I really should research this comment before making it however, doesn’t it have something to do with how the damage is applied too? I mean I see mention of soldier above, but how many bullets need to land to = 6 trees from Hanzo’s bow? Wouldn’t armor work significantly different?

Basically I’m saying that damge numbers aren’t apples to apples here.

…are you joking, please tell me you’re joking

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I’d trust a dev over some internet forum poster any day.

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