Hanzos new sonic arrow buff makes widows ult useless

Right. Which could potentially end up being a stealth buff for Widow by making the “global” wallhacks worth more than area-of-effect wallhacks.

It could also go the other way too, Hanzo could have his wallhack uptime increased to the point where he gets it on such a short cooldown that he always has an enemy tagged with wallhacks. Instead of wallhacks maxxing out at exactly half of the alive match time, he could have wallhacks for over 3/4 of alive match time… making his version of wallhacks more valuable than Widow’s.

We don’t know yet, without testing.

Sonic arrow will cover the whole map? Holy that’s big news right there, OP.

I’m not saying I DON’T want that, I’m just saying that if Blizzard would follow through with that, Tanks would get deleted by her (and me, respectively). Her damage output would be way to massive IMO.

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It really depends on the Sonic changes. We don’t even have numbers yet. I doubt it’s less than 10 seconds.

Besides, wallhacks are not reason enough to pick Hanzo over Widow. 300 damage hitscan is soo strong. Even if Hanzo could have Sonic up all the time, I’d still rather play Widow for hitscan and global wallhacks.

From what they’ve said, this is what I would assume will be the change to the cd and uptime - 20 second cd 10 second up time changed to 12 second cd 8 second uptime. That would be a 75% uptime vs 50% which is a buff to uptime.

That would depend on the charge rate increase I am sure. A 10% increase for 15s wouldn’t delete tanks, but it would at least give the ultimate some distinct value beyond Hanzo’s arrow.

I think it’s a lame change overall. I mean, come on, a DAMAGE INCREASE? We need to think bigger, better! How about something crazy, like " During her ultimate, while her scope is fully charged and aiming at an enemy, their movement speed is decreased by 20% for 2 seconds." Crazy, right? This would allow for easier shots, of course, and it would even be useful at the lower elos, allowing those budding Widowmaker mains to feel like a true sniper.


I don’t actually want to see anything that makes Widowmaker easier to play.

It could show the position of all enemy objects as well (turrets, teleporters, and generators).

I also have remembered that it does have one unique function, it undermines Sombra’s invisibility. Perhaps it should similarly make Moira visible during her blink.

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Remember, Hanzo still has to “aim” the arrow at a direction he believes the enemy will be in. Either he’s firing it into the enemy team to see them, or he’s just making guesses at where a flanker might be. Even then, the radius of it will be reduced along with the cooldown, and we have no idea what the numbers are, nor the new radius of sonic arrow. Widowmaker’s ultimate allows for full vision of the enemy team, no matter where they are.

What is the duration going to be now? I need to know cuz if he is gonna be shooting them out more often, that can be quite dangerous for Bri with the sonic arrow barrier bug.


Widow is balanced, good ones even in plat can carry games.

Yes! I agree! Especially her ult

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Ehhh not really, sonic arrow can cover a point, but first hanzo has to shoot it there first and foremost. It’s not really effective at discovering flankers unless hanzo catches wind of them first and shoots it where an undercover flanker is. On the other hand, Widow’s ult reveals every player, known location beforehand or not. Anyways, doesn’t Orisa need to be changed first? I mean Valkyrie or whatever Mercy’s ult’s name is pretty much steals super charger’s role and adds more

Not the new hanzo. His new ability can do 600 in a few seconds

who picks widow for her ult tho?

Where is this info?

(argh needed 1 more char)

That’s not a buff that’s a definite nerf.

I was talking about basic fire not abilities

Probably at least 50 tbh. 25 is nice but 250 characters like Reaper and Mei give them proper time to react to their situations. Time that would be very helpful to a pure sniper character

Nobody! Lol she has the worst in game