The fact is Hanzo’s arrows are tied with Genji’s primary for the SMALLEST-sized projectiles in the entire game. This was confirmed by Geoff Goodman, an Overwatch developer.
People need to stop using this untrue excuse to their means.
The fact is Hanzo’s arrows are tied with Genji’s primary for the SMALLEST-sized projectiles in the entire game. This was confirmed by Geoff Goodman, an Overwatch developer.
People need to stop using this untrue excuse to their means.
And? He’s still a braindead character that (most of the time) finds value by complete chance. Doesn’t matter if the arrow is technically one of the smallest projectiles in the game, it doesn’t feel that way when you actually play the game (something these devs don’t do).
Were you so butthurt about my post calling Hanzo’s arrows logs that you had to make a topic altogether? Hanzo’s arrows WERE originally the size of logs.
That’s why it became the meme that it is. Much like the term C9.
Oh yes. I’m absolutely certain that 100% of every Hanzo player’s kills have all been chance. Valid agruement, sir, that no Hanzo ever hit a shot out skill, no, it is only very blind luck.
How utterly absurd.
Yeah believe it or not you might need to learn how to read.
Didn’t claim this at all.
You’re definitely just a low ranked Hanzo player that can’t seem to cope with the fact your hero is pretty stupid and anti-fun for the game.
You misunderstand my intention. I’ve seen this meme and statement so often on these forums that when I saw yours too, I felt the need to bring light to a harmful falsehood that only serves to damage the image people have of Hanzo, as if it wasn’t bad enough.
hero do big damage not hitscan kill fast cool
classic “character I don’t like is braindead, antifun, toxic for the game” forum reply.
The smallest-sized projectile is still a heck of a lot more generous than a hitscan.
My carrier profile is available to all to see, and you can see for yourself how incorrect you are. My want to check your facts before making yourself look uninformed.
If you are too lazy to look yourself (which I wouldn’t find surprising), I’ll just go ahead and tell you: My most played hero isn’t Hanzo and my current comp rank on Damage is Masters.
People like you who disagree with people so they call someone “low-rank” are scam and don’t deserve to Post on this forum. Its fine to disagree with people, but don’t be a schmuck about it, especially when you are completely incorrect.
should be since unlike hitscan you must lead projectiles
I think the profile services are temp down…
Look up a visual of their actual hitbox.
Hanzo’s arrows are MASSIVE compared to hitscan
Every person upset for being killed by hanzo go for the “log” hyperbole. You’re not that original, sorry.
Can you elaborate the chance on a percentage? Let’s assume that most of the time means 75% luck 25% skill. You’re then saying that hanzo only has like 10% real accuracy on their best players.
Also, you’re kind of ignoring that hitscan have even more situations where they have lucky headshots due to no travelling.
people who die to hanzo headshots be open peeking things for several seconds at a time and get mad they get caught out lol.
I don’t care for oneshots but that’s a different story. Of all of the oneshots in the game though, hanzos is most fair. Players who are good at the game don’t typically die to RNG headshot arrows anyways. Only ones with skill. Once you’re aware of hanzo though, he can’t even consistently hit you. C tier hero
ppl joke about it cause most hanzos don’t even know what they’re shooting/aiming at lmao
But the arrows movement is arcing hence it makes the collision detection against enemy crit spots easier
The same as why its easy to land headshots with Torb
This is always such a weird thing to me. People will whine when a projectile hits them by pure chance. Nobody cries when I hit a random headshot with a hitscan that I wasn’t even going for. I play Widowmaker very very occasionally. I’m very bad at sniping. Ill let you know every single time I get a headshot it’s unironically an accident and pure luck. You don’t see this same whingeing on the forum about that.
It is far far far easier to land shots as any hitscan such as Widow, Ashe, Soldier, McCree etc… Than heroes like Hanzo or Torb.
Hitscan it’s instant. Meaning if your curser is on the target you’re shooting, then you are hitting them. However, projectiles like Hanzo and Torb are not so simple. You have to predict where the target is going to be when the shot reaches then to land a hit. That takes far more skill to do consistently than playing hitscan.
And on top of that, if you look to the post above this, hitscan heroes can just as easily land accident shots like projectile heroes and nobody bats an eye.
Projectiles do not take more skill.
If they were actually small then leading would take skill but their sizes are very big and very forgiving.