As far as I can remember, Hanzo’s and Genij’s projectiles are 0.2 m in diameter.
that’s 20cm or 7.8in for americans.
20cm is quite a decent trunk for a tree and big enough to be split into 4 pieces with an axe.
So even though it’s one of the smallest projectiles, Hanzo’s arrows are definitely logs.
using real world scale to measure in game objects makes zero sense.
and yet not any easier to aim… it’s almost like projectiles should have larger hitboxes than the guns that work like a laser…
I mean how many other characters accidently get kills?
Not correct. If you look at the statistics for accuracy among the top 500 players on hitscan, you will see than many of them have accuracies about 50% and even reaching into the 60s. However, if you look at the accuracy of Top 500 players on projectile heroes, it is quite lower than hitscan.
If it truly took less skill to play projectile heroes like Hanzo, then you would see a higher average accuracy for him than on hitscan heroes. But that isn’t the case, because it is harder to hit shots constantly.
It dates back to when Overwatch first came out and Hanzo had incredibly forgiving crit boxes for people’s heads and would regularly get POTG’s where he was blatantly not aiming at the character in question at all and still got a head shot.
This was also confirmed through independent testing. Kiriko’s kunai hitbox may be the smallest now, however.
Hanzo’s arrow speed was changed more than once, but I don’t remember arrow hitboxes being tweaked at any point.
Hanzo’s arrow size was reduced by 33% on the 1st of September 2016, Alongside the start of Competitive Season 2.
That is true, it may be the smallest since the Geoff Goodman post was made well before Kiriko came out. However, I think they would of made it consistent with Hanzo and Genji, so they are probably all the same size. But I wouldn’t know for sure, that’s just speculation.
His arrow size was nerfed in like 2016, but it’s not the hitbox itself that is to blame for people feeling his arrows are “too big”.
It’s the lag-compensation/interpolation. Which is far more generous on projectiles than on hitscan. Given any collision with the arrow hitbox, and a head hitbox will register a headshot.
With hitscan, I’ve noticed some rather weird issues where headshots are being misread as body shots, and misses occasionally registering as headshots. Just because of how they handle hitscan registration with the weird bubble-hitboxes.
No, don’t you see!? He killed me and he shouldn’t be able to do that! I’m always diving him when Storm Arrows is off of cooldown and he’s adequately defending himself, and that shouldn’t be!
Right! He relies on pure chance by charging an arrow, aiming, and studying an enemy’s movement to deal maximum damage on them. Pure chance!
They may be the smallest, but combined with the size of character hitboxes and his damage potential, they’re way too big
Right. They should be even smaller and harder to hit so that I don’t have to learn how to counter Hanzo.
I mean, so that Hanzo is balanced!
That goes for all heroes honestly. It’s not so much Hanzo’s arrows that are the problem, it’s the ridiculous character hitboxes
6v6 it was fine because of shields but now that the game is more mechanically inclined, the old hitboxes are becoming a problem especially for a hero like hanzo.
Widow can shoot the ground between Tracers legs in her wide stance and it’ll count as a hit. You can shoot the air next to zens head and it’ll count as a hit.
I guess it’s more that Widow and Ashe are hitscan so they have smaller damage hit areas while hanzo is projectile based so his is larger than theirs, but also more difficult to hit
Hitboxes need a rework
the hitboxes are for the most part fine as there is no movement acceleration. reducing hitboxes would need changes to the movement acceleration which would be bad imo
The truth is that all Hanzo mains play on McDonald’s wifi
The hitboxes aren’t ridiculous. They have to be generous to accommodate for the style of gameplay. For example, you say
But you ignore the fact that several high mobility heroes exist in the game, too. And with ADAD spam, small hitboxes would mean people would struggle to hit even the simplest targets.
Yet again, nerfing hitboxes would be a change that requires sweeping nerfs and reworks and changes that ultimately aren’t worth it IMO. I’ve never had an issue with the hitboxes in Overwatch, and I’m convinced that the bellyaching about Hanzo is literal salty players getting killed and deciding “That shouldn’t be”. As usual.
Yes, I bet the masters peak Hanzo players in your games are actively “studying an enemy’s movement” in every single game they play. They are definitely not just consistently hitting the easy shots and then spamming down typical chokes in hopes of hitting more valuable shots.
So would I. Since its not that tough to do and, technically, you should be doing this as every hero. Even Brig and Reinhardt.
Do you honestly think most Hanzo’s just “consistently” hit the “Easy” shots. First of all, watch what you say because even you imply a level of skill in the thing you’re trying to denigrate. Could you CONSISTANTLY hit the “easy” shots as Hanzo if you played? If i picked Reinhart, could you consistently hit my head for example? I’m willing to bet no.
Second, as I’m sure you know, your posts just come off as whining. “Hanzo’s bad becuase he kills me. This can’t possibly be my fault, so Hanzo must be an easy character. Nerf him”. This is the same song and dance we’ve seen for years, and you guys seem determined on making overwatch worse by repeating stuff like this.
So stop that, will you?
I think you are very heavily overestimating the talent in a masters peak Hanzo player.
No, no where did I state “most Hanzos should be able to”. Average (by my definition) Hanzos should be able to consistently hit easy shots, though.
If you want to argue that “average” should literally mean the average Overwatch player, then you must be one of those people that are also in favor of balancing the game for the “average” player. Just a reminder, however, Sojourn not getting nerfed was a direct result of this kind of balancing mentality, since she was stated as “not being overpowered” in ranks below masters.
That’s ok, I don’t think I asked for your opinion on what my posts come off as, rather I am asking you to argue with me, which you are doing. Don’t inflate your posts word count with stupid stuff.
Never stated this.
Never stated this.
Never stated this.
Where did I complain about this?
You forum users with thousands and thousands of posts love throwing in random stuff that no one brought up like you’re schizophrenic or something. I love arguing with people because it is fun, but it becomes boring when most of my replies become “never stated this” because I genuinely just never stated anything you bring up.