The official DEV policy with regard to hero balance is the same that was given here when asked about Ana…
Hanzo is pretty good. But, he’s no Orisa. Struggling to win games? Play Orisa! - OW 2k19
Then he shouldn’t have the benefits of one-shot kills. Not sure if you were saying this to point out why he’s “fine the way he is”.
Once again, what exactly is Hanzo’s weakness? He practically has everything minus a self heal.
That’s not my call. I don’t play him. The point of the post is that’s their policy. What is his glaring weakness is for them to express.
However, glaring implies obvious. The fact that we don’t readily see one does suggest that he needs one or needs that weakness amplified to be more obvious than it is.
Perfect hero = Torb.
Short range - Shot gun
Long range - rivet gun
Spam - Turret
Speed boost - Overload
Devastating ult of boiling lava - Molten Core
Good looks
Large muscles
Long range damage?
Not really. Hanzo is a projectile hero. Past a certain distance, his damage is never guaranteed no matter how skilled you are and always has an element of luck to it.
Spam arrows in a general direction to randomly hit a ton of head shots every game?
Widowmaker can do the same thing, but Hanzo is balanced by the fact that he’s not hitscan and has to actually get close to his targets to be effective.
Seriously, what is supposed to be Hanzo’s weakness because I just can’t seem to figure it out. I absolutely despise this hero.
Widowmaker obviously does well against Hanzo as she does against any other hero. McCree does well past that certain distance where Hanzo’s shots become more luck than skill-based, and at close range you have flashbang. Genji can also do incredibly well against Hanzo with his dash+RMB to get in Hanzo’s face and deal massive damage at the same time, and well-timed deflects punish careless arrow spam.
Sporadic movement making it more difficult for other snipers to land shots?
Any hero can have sporadic movement with A-D spam. Hanzo has one small burst jump that’s on a cooldown and makes him easy to headshot if you don’t panic fire.
They havent gave him is self heal yet. Then he’ll be the perfect hero
cool cinematic? Check.
He has no self sustain? You asked for A weakness, you didn’t specify how bad it had to be…
I don’t even consider him a sniper.
It makes zero sense that a sniper is rewarded for closing distance like he can.
I got no problems killing him with Genji… everyone claims that you should just counter switch right? then why not do it with him?
I have said this a MILLION TIMES
Hanzo is OP because he has the strengths of a sniper without the weaknesses of one
he has a lot of mobility
has the 1shot kill potential of a sniper
is super strong at close range
accuracy? he is practically hitscan unless you are going super long range
in my opinion they need to increase leap CD
reduce projectile speed to before the rework of 85 M/S
make storm arrow UNABLE TO HEAD SHOT
(this nerf is just an idea)
increase the CD of storm arrow but also increase its duration while also increasing the minimum time between each shot so its less of a Gatling gun of arrow, for example, say the time between each shot of storm arrow right now when holding down left click is .25 seconds, increase it to say .5 seconds (this is just an example)
edit, btw if you think you have seen this comment before I am just copying and pasting this comment I made from previous posts about hanzo
There’s a reason why he’s the most top picked hero in GM now.
Dive works decently enough, pull hooks have been very effective and he also loses in a lot of 1 v 1s.
He’s a hipster, though, so he loses 1 point.
I talk about this a lot to other dps players, and it’s a common agreement. It’s very weird how they reworked Hanzo to give him consistent dmg, when the trade off of player sniper was either hard carry the game or be meh, as no other dps type has this potential (except maybe tracer). I know scatter was very dumb, but it was a ability that lacked consistency, but had high potential along with a LONG cd.
Them giving him storm arrow along with (for some weird reason) increased arrow speed on top of giving him horizontal mobility alongside the vertical mobility he already had, made him basically have very very few weaknesses. Dive is probably his worst enemy, but considering dive hasnt been the meta in 7 seasons (the time he got his change) it hasnt seem much light.
the cooldown was reduced, but the radius was as well. it isn’t really that strong imo
Everybody always forget a few more of the annoying things to deal with which Hanzo has just because:
-Very small hit box (especially crit box. This is due to his posture with the bow.
-His peak time is super minimal. He charges behind safety in cover, peaks for less than half a second to release his tree log, then back to cover super quickly. This combined with his tiny hitbox, makes it VERY hard to actually damage or kill him with regular, non one shot characters.
-SUPER quiet primary fire noise… This effectively keeps him out of focus, until he one shots you and then you’re aware of his location. Compare this to even Widow… where when she shoots, everybody hears it and easily locate her.
-One of the most quiet footsteps! Because wallhack isn’t enough to give him advantage behind covers. He will flank and kill 1-2 people before he’s heard or noticed.
Everything else was already mentioned and listed in the comments above of course. Yet I genuinely believe he’ll never get nerfed down to the same level as the rest of the DPS roster.
Zen’s projectiles don’t one-shot kill. Zen can contest an enemy sniper though, just saying.