Hanzo‘s Arrow Hitbox

The Arrows have a bigger Hitbox then Widow oder McCrees shots… They are hitscan so thats okay… but because the Arrows are faster now should the hitbox be reduced? What do you think, is it to easy to hit them?


they’re already the smallest in the game. or tied to the smallest. they cant get any smaller.


I believe Ana has smaller hit boxes on her un scoped primary


it was confirmed he is tied with the smallest, so it’s likely theyre the same size.


She doesn’t.

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She’s does and torbs hit box is smaller too on this primary


I think it’s fine. Hanzo is going to hit you with his arrows and you will always think his hit box is big. It really isn’t but that is what you think when you run into a “log”



No, she doesn’t.

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I said they’re smaller not bigger.

Google it

remember: some people think there’s a conspiracy to protect hanzo’s arrow hitboxes.

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No projectile is smaller than Hanzo’s arrows so that statement is factually wrong, if you’re saying Ana’s un-scoped shots are smaller than her own scoped shots then that’s also wrong, projectiles are always larger than hitscan.

Either way you’re wrong.

I’m just glad this thread was made so people can say Hanzo takes no skill because of the size of his hitbox.

https ://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20753726983

There u go


I think it stems from latency and Hanzo’s arrows making 90 degree turns when they hit you sometimes because of it, It creates the illusion they’re much larger than they actually are so you’d never know unless you actually play him.

Meanwhile you’re trying to use anecdotal evidence to try and argue with a developer…


K well it’s pretty minor in the overall scope of things so I’m willing to agree to disagree

If you look on overbuff at Hanzo’s damage, select “last 6 months”, and compare it to “this week”. His damage has increase by 20% in GM, and 16% collectively as an average across all tiers.

You need to factor in that Brigitte comps makes heros simply more bulky which is why teamfights last longer and you have to dish out more damage til something dies.

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You can take that into account sure, however his dps is up in the top 3~4 at the moment, plus he has the ability to one shot.

I think the projectile speed increase to 100m/s was a MASSIVE buff.


Because he does burst which is better against armor than sustained damage over multiple bullets. Junkrat is also pretty good against this meta despite the nerfs.