Hanzo needs a nerf NOW 💀

Hanzo is a jack of all trades master of all right now. The only DPS that has a spot next to him is maybe widow.

He can 1-shot, Break barriers faster than Junkrat, Charge ultimate every 30 sec, He has mobility that makes him a hardcounter to Winston and D.va ect. There is no argument for him not being OP right now.


The most stupid thing about this is Winston is a Hero who was his job to counters Snipers like Hanzo and Widow. Now Hanzo can destroy his Counter easy wow


So you’re comparing someone’s primary fire to a spam ability

Using your logic Hanzo’s primary fire is op since it can be fired infinitely since it doesn’t need to be reloaded and has no CD

I think the issue with Storm Arrow vs Scatter Arrow is the situations in which it’s strong. Yes, Scatter had OHK potential, but it was situational. For Scatter to be effective the target had to be in a confined space, on the Hanzo’s same level or below Hanzo. This meant Hanzo was weak against DPS like Genji and Pharah because of their verticality. Yes, Scatter had insane damage output, but you couldn’t use it in every situation. Storm Arrow has slightly less damage overall, but IS viable in every situation. This is the secondary buff that is making Hanzo a must pick. 1 to 1 on paper Storm Arrow is a less powerful and in most situations higher skill ability than Scatter was, but in practice it has almost zero weakness while Scatter had several distinct weaknesses.

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too much pwr on a short CD.

hanzo’s rate of fire is 1/2 of mccree’s. in 3 seconds. hanzo can fire 4 shots. mccree fires 6 shots in 2.5 second. potential damage potential hanzo will do 1000 if he hs all. mccree will do 840 in 2.5 seconds if he hs all. and if you incorporate roll into it in a 6 second frame. Mccree will do 1680 damage while hanzo does 1750. so mccree will be at a slight disadvantage at about 70 damage which is 1 body shot behind. But the likeliness of McCree HS vs Hanzo HS is about Mccree 2 Hanzo 1. which would actually put hanzo at a disadvantage. so in reality if McCree can put out the theoretical dps of 1680, the hanzo can only do about 1330. so where in the world did you come up with the number that hanzo does more damage than mccree? and in reality, hanzo accuracy is about 35% right now at GM which

the only reason why in GM hanzo can out damage Mccree was because grav/Dragon combo that rough make up for 1k+ damage every fight where as McCree barely lost out on damage/min with his trash High Noon that normally barely does any damage.

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Mccree’s rate of fire is .5 second per shot, in 1.5 second he can do 560 theoretical damage w/o hs within 21 meter radius. Hanzo’s arrow has travel time. mccree doesn’t

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That doesn’t change the fact McCree is obsolete in large part because of Hanzo. Hanzo has a better, faster FTH that can headshot, is basically hitscan, and doesn’t require a CC’ed target to take advantage of. Keep in mind that McCree has insane damage falloff after 22-30 m while Hanzo has none.

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Storm Arrow has a lot of weaknesses.

Barriers - Unless you’re hitting a barrier that has taken a lot of damage you’re not going to take one down with a single round of SA. The only exception is probably Brigitte’s, but with how a good Brigitte player will constantly be on the move as her, it’ll be super hard to get more than an arrow or two into her shield unless you’re lucky enough to catch one unaware.

Aim - He is now heavily aim-reliant and that is a big weakness in and of itself. Speaking from experience.

Hit-Box Anticipation - Hanzo’s also heavily reliant on the player being able to anticipate where a hero’s hit boxes are. You’re not going to get a head shot on anyone without being able to do this. Hell, you’re not going to get any kind of shot on anyone without being able to be able to anticipate when, and where to shoot. Puts him on par with Widowmaker there.

There are several more, as well, but I don’t want to draw this post out just to try and make a point I’m pretty sure no one will get the gist of. :stuck_out_tongue:

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obviously you can’t read, FoH is not even part of the discussion. it is Mccree’s Primary fire i am comparing SA to.

I understand your point, but those are weaknesses shared with the old Scatter Arrow. With Scatter arrow there were situations in which it did not make sense to use Scatter because it would give you no added benefit. For example if a Hanzo was focused by a Pharah then Scatter did not help him. If Hanzo was ambushed by a double-jump spam Genji then he had to get lucky with his single chance at Scatter. If he was fighting a Tracer he had to again get lucky with his Scatter placement. It had zero spam potential. Storm arrow does not share these weaknesses so even though it’s a slightly less powerful ability in terms of total damage output and instant burst damage, it is actually a much MORE powerful ability than Scatter because of how often it is viable.

Scatter was a lot more situational when dealing with certain heroes, I agree with you there.

ill gladly take scatter arrow back any day


I also agree with you on Storm having weaknesses in terms of timing since it doesn’t have the OHK or instant burst of Scatter. There is some counterplay to it, but I feel the increased arrow speed and Storm Arrow has made Hanzo at least respectable against heroes that used to essentially hard-counter him in the past. Like many people are saying there is almost no situation in which a Hanzo should switch off. Essentially his viability floor has been raised and his potential ceiling (which was always quite high) has staid the same. It’s now MUCH more difficult to do poorly with Hanzo.

crying about hanzo …moira doesnt even have to aim and she drains u faster than symetra

True. i’ll admit that my ability to do well as Hanzo has gone up some since they introduced Storm Arrow. Not by a whole lot, but still be a noticeable margin.

Learn to read useless hater.

Stupid and ignorant, as usual. ._.

Symmetra does more damages than Moira and need less tracking.

Her beam just looks like lockon in reality it’s the same type of aiming like zarya big beam. Look BTCs video about the test.

Hanzo is broken. Brigitte is now fallen out of the top 6 and Hanzo is still there as top DPS. They just removed all of his weaknesses with a close range burst attack, consistent damage at midrange and a mobilety tool.

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Sorry for my english.

I still don’t understand how mcree and mei have drop off damage at medium/long range but not hanzo, i know the fire rate of there weapons are different but still.

Hanzo can one shot every 200 hp hero at any range with a arrow hitbox of a car.
And his new “e” allow him to spam at any range to have some (lucky/random ?) shots.

Plus he have mobility and a pre-shot/wallhack ability.

I honestly don’t understand why they didn’t add a damage drop off at long range when they buffed his arrow speed and added his new “e” because it just feels like junkrat but instead of getting 2-shot he only need one arrow or some “e” bs spamming with the hitbox of a car to kill anything.

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