Hanzo needs a nerf NOW 💀

A hero goes from troll pick, accused of throwing games, to top Damage pick. How does this happen?

Hanzo was over tuned.
And what bothers me most about this, is that other heroes that have been over buffed in the past (Sombra, Bastion, RIP) were both nerfed hard without remorse.

No other damage is worth picking, teams are stacked with supports keeping Zarya and Reinhardt alive while Hanzo does the work. Hanzo pairs well with Zarya. Always has. Grav + Dragons is almost always a team wipe.

And who pairs well with Zarya? Reinhardt. Reinhardt hasn’t been in a strong position as of late but because Brigette single handedly dismantled Dive, snipers have free reign. It’s near impossible for Genji, Winston, Tracer, it D.Va to do their jobs of flushing snipers while avoiding Zarya and Brigette. Winston should be a viable second tank pick in this meta with all the supports and snipers and Reinhardt shields to zap, but power creep isn’t helping that either.

Hanzo started this whole meta because he’s the best damage pick bar none, and is currently better at everything than any other damage hero.

One shot headshots? Check
Barrier breaking? Check
Mobility? Check
Wall hacks? Check
Long range? Check
Short to mid range? Check
Fast charging ultimate? Check
Hard hitting shots to punch through armor? Check

He needs a nerf badly. Whether it’s the DPS output of Storm Arrows, or a ultimate charge nerf something needs to give.

I’m adding this idea to the OP. My original reply is 103

I’ve had this idea brewing for a while now to balance Storm Arrows without removing headshots.
What they should have done is gave Storm Arrows a minimum range threshold for damage. Meaning within a certain distance, say 4m, Storm Arrow only does 20 damage, and the damage ramps up the further your target is away.

Minimum damage ramp up is used in other games to keep long range weapons in check against short range weapons.


It’s really just the storm arrows, nothing else.

The fact that it can be spammed AND can headshot is bs.


storm arrow = projectile peace keeper. are you calling peace keeper bs?


Peacekeeper’s bullets don’t have the hitbox of a truck.

Hanzo’s arrows do.

Edit: Also forgot to include stuffs about falloff damage, and fire rate. Storm arrows beat peacekeeper.

Edit 2: Also infinite ammo.

Edit 3: Also the user of storm arrows has significantly more mobility than the user of peacekeeper, making it harder to avoid and kill.


All valid points I didn’t include fall off because I mentioned he’s good at any range

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wut? hanzo’s arrows are harder to hit than peace keeper in general.

SA can fire 6 arrows but have a 6 sec cd. peace keeper can fire up 12 times with combat roll.

mccree and hanzo are about the same mobility outside of wall climb. they can both lung or roll during 1 clip’s time. but hanzo will need to wait for 6 sec for sa to come up again. mccree need to wait about 10/8 sec on the roll


he can oneshot me as winston. thats kind of stupid


Wow… That Stupid. Prob Roadhog can survive from Oneshot Storm Arrows, but not Winston and other Tanks. I think Storm Arrows should get Nerf.

storm arrow can’t even one shot a tracer on hs. are you high?


Yeah but FoH does significantly less damage and you can’t really aim it the way you can aim Storm Arrows.

Not saying SA are objectively broken, but the reason people gripe about it is because of its damage potential and the spread.


storm arrow should never have been allowed to headshot.


who said FoH, when i say Peace Keeper, it means Mccree’s primary left click. 70 dmg per shot. FOH is a pos that no one at high level really uses. so stop using that as a comparison.


Lmao sorry, English is my 3rd language. You don’t need to be so freaking hostile about it. Knock it down a peg. :expressionless:


i also play close to 70 hr of McCree. I am not really good at Mccree because i play him like hanzo which often gets me in trouble, or not managing his roll well. but his shots are considerably easier to land than hanzo.

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But that’s not one-shotting if it takes more than one shot to do it…


thats 6 separate aimed shots. if he score all of them you will have around 100 hp left. unless he has to crit 2 out those 6 shots to kill you. you also have a 900 hp bubble that you can dance in and out of too. Maybe you didn’t know that.


yeah when they are that fast and winston is the size of a bus. its not hard to land the whole thing

if you as hanzo. are rewarded for running melee range into a winston under his bubble. there is a problem with the game


so you are telling me you have no time to activate his shield or jump away which both can be done in an instant. and you know that the requirement to play winston is to bubble dance right? that is literally the only thing you need to learn as a winston for starters.


That’s SIX shots you dimwit! :confused:


Yes, McCree’s shots are easier to land but Hanzo’s projectile is larger and does nearly twice the damage meaning, as Hanzo, you only have to land half as many shots and that’s at point blank range, past 22m it gets worse for McCree.
I don’t play much of either of them but I find McCree much easier to fight against than Hanzo and that was true even before the huge buff Hanzo got.