Hanzo is getting a nerf

Cool opinion brodude

lol not, its not just a matter of saying so.

How are you comparing this ‘sandwich’ to this ‘meal’? And you ask me if i read the stuff i write. Sounds like comparing a car that costs 1000 to another that costs 1200, what it its the same car sold in different places.

Oh so this is your thrust, lol, but it is besides the point. Just cause X hero is considered UP right will not change a the fact that X will be able to do more for the same level of input than before even though one may perceive the hero to now be balanced. Balanced or not is not and will never be a fact, its all a perception facts will be numbers and figures.

It does essentially, its the proportions of the change which differs. It is after all an ability that Hanzo never had to begin with, so it makes him able to do more than before even though you may claim for example that in Bronze players will be able to utilise is 1/10 times while in GM its will be 8/10 times, its still the same really, that 1/10 will make the Bronze player a better Hanzo.

Sounds like a trade-off for me but one in which Hanzo was left with more than he actually gave up.

So logically if he has increased projectile speed he would be better as he is closer to being a hitscan.

It did reduce his floor man you said this yourself:-

So simply if he was bad before and good now then surely he should be able to do more with the same level of input than before.

Its really not a bad thing and this happens all the time heroes are changed or introduced and a new level of equilibrium which is deferent from before will be reached given the sum-total effects of the changes.


honestly ult charge is what really needs to be nerfed

Yeah, it is. 100% agree.

…assuming you ignore the thousands of posts on the forums and elsewhere.

I hate ignorant people.

Confirmed. Jeff has spoken

Hey, i want your opinion on this one, can you provide?:slight_smile:

I’m pretty heavily medicated but I think the issue here is still that Tracer, in a vacuum btw, remains the best DPS?

Thats probably an accurate statement.

The 150 HP is only an issue, when considerations are made for stray bullets, for splash or cleave, and so on.

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No, and not in a vacuum either. There are multiple times where you engage in a team fight, and within the teamfight, she flanks or in one way or another you are facing her 1v1 for like 2-3 seconds, where either she wins or it becomes more than 1v1, but for those 2-3 seconds it is a 1v1 with a very often outcome of somebody being dead, so its not even close to a vacuum.

And the problem is not that she is the best dps or not, the problem i raised is that when it comes to tracer, she might as well be 200hp hero for those 2-3 seconds since it doesn’t make a difference in the context i’m talking about, which happens all the time.

And this is my problem with the whole affair of her having 150hp, why those 150hp have no bearing on the matchup when it comes to storm arrow? that’s just not balanced. She might as well have 210hp and nothing would have changed in the context i’m talking about.

PS i hope you’ll get better soon :slight_smile:

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Stats say he is OP.
Dev say he is OP actually nerfing him
Pros say he is OP
McCree also got nerfed for the same reason FoTH was too good against tanks just like Storm Arrow.

But Shadowbane is sticking to his guns. I like you guts keep going man

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I don’t see any irony there at all. I reached that conclusion based on my own personal experiences on this forum. Two examples I can cite you is first Brigitte, where within hours, days of her being released, we had Brigitte mains telling us all she was fine and it was actually us who were just getting too close to her and we just needed to walk backwards. I would guess 90% of members knew what was gong on, and could tell she needed some fine tuning, which is why a week after her release to comp, Blizz announced 3 incoming nerfs. Kind of a shame they won’t all get to the OWL stage 4 patch but oh well.

The second example is Hanzo 2.0. The same pattern repeated itself. During the first week, only a handful of Hanzo mains were trying to reassure us he was fine and that anyone even considering any changes or nerfs really wanted Hanzo back in F-tier.

I don’t want to be rude against these types of players, so the most PC response I can give is to simply ignore their opinions since they have proven that they don’t understand the notion of releasing a new hero to live comp, waiting at least a few weeks to see how the hero is really fitting in to the game and then tuning them to a stable state. These types want the new hero to remain exactly as they are, while they teach us how to play around them. It’s actually pretty childish.

This is why I said I tend to ignore the opinions of the players who MAIN those new heroes, because I have seen a lot of bias from them. I would rather read the opinions of tank players like you and me, supports, pros, streamers, and see what the community is feeling as a whole.

Too bad you don’t get what you want :slight_smile:

I love how this Hanzo one-trick thinks he can sound smart by claiming he is refuting everyone and spouting a bunch of meaningless numbers that correlate to nothing in reality. Buddy, we all see that you are just trying to hold onto that little shining pinpoint of light for your chosen main character, despite across-the-board calls that he is overpowered. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people say “Hanzo is fine” in these threads, only to click their name and have a big ol Hanzo portrait pop up on their profile. The same happened to D.va, Mercy, Genji and just about every hero who’s ever been under threat of huge nerfs.

Just because your character thinks he is smart by quoting simple geometry doesn’t mean all his players are.

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so if hanzo gets changed, can the devs also ban ignorant people like you along with the change

I just don’t understand this attitude. “You enjoy the character a lot and have tons of experience on him, so that means your opinions regarding them are useless.” It makes no sense, and would essentially be the same as those same Hanzo players dismissing any thoughts from people who don’t exclusively play the character under the specious reasoning that you are clearly biased against the character and don’t want a character you have no intention of playing to be so strong.

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I disagree, Hanzo is very powerful right now especially in the hands of very mechanically skilled players. The phrase “infinite skill ceiling” comes to mind.

I know you think you’re being reasonable, but dismissing players in that manner just isn’t productive. We’re all members of this community, all our opinions are worth something. The people who main Hanzo and are excited that he is competitively viable across all ranks for the first time since the game was released have a right to be worried about him being relegated back to a troll pick. It’s not as if they are pulling this notion out of thin-air. Blizzard has repeatedely overtuned a character and then hucked them back into the garbage after realizing they couldn’t fix their mistake. The most recent example being Sombra.

I just don’t see why we can’t have genuine arguments based on ideas, rather than trolling through people’s in-game stats in order to dismiss them. Who cares what a character a guy mains, if his arguments are specious, then you can dismantle them with words. You people don’t remember this, but in another conversation you once dismissed my opinions because I didn’t have a 4 kill/death ratio on Tracer like you, and I remember it pissing me off because it wasn’t an attack on the ideas I was sharing, but rather just a way of dismissing me altogether. We don’t need to do this to one another.

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Ppl complain about everything.

And what about other heroes that Hanzo just removed from the game?
Blizzard buffed both Mei and Reaper because they where afraid that the Brigitte meta would not have any counters.
Then threw their buffs out of the window by massively buffing their hard-counter Hanzo, essentially making the only counter to Hanzo another Hanzo.

So what? Most games with a viable esport is balanced around pro play, why should ow be any different?

hanzo absolutely deserve a nerf, and i mean, a bigger nerf than 70 dmg storm arrow…