Hanzo Hitbox to Big

This needs to be addressed. His arrows are hitting head shots way to easily due to the size of the arrow. Damn near the size of Phara’s rocket from the looks of it. The buff is fine for him, but it needs to be more inline with Widow’s shot.


Hanzo has the second or third smallest hit boxes in the game. The smallest are hitscan, which are still kinda big if you test it. Next is Ana’s primary (unscoped) (might be wrong on this but idk). Hanzo and I think Genji are next, with hitboxes that seem big, but really aren’t compared to Ana and hitscans. Do your homework before you come whine about it. The devs stated before Hanzo has small hitboxes compared to like every other projectile hero.

Nothing to address here.


Hanzo has the smallest projectile hitbox.


I included hitscan, which is smaller than Hanzo’s, and I thought people tested that Ana’s were a tiny bit smaller but I might be wrong.

Death Cam is not “Video recording” the events, it is trying to recreate what happened - The server cares only about numbers - and no the “visuals” so it means the server detected a hit on the head.

Mercy and D.va have bigger projectile hitboxes than Hanzo though…

Also didn’t they nerf the hit box of his arrows a long time ago then revert it because he couldn’t hit anything?

Unfortunately you are quite wrong:


That’s the quote I was looking for!


Take your memes and go home, kid.


I knew someone would have the link for it.

His arrow hit box was fine at launch as well.

Sounds like your another child who just parrots anything he hears a youtuber say.

“xD le tree trunk man”


You got hit with a tooth pick not a Sequoia


Hanzo is an easy mode widow tbh. Prove me wrong


I might have this wrong, but I believe I have a theory on why Hanzo might seem to land more shots than other characters.

As his weapon is a projectile it has travel time. Not only that, but I bet its not just some tiny dot. its a cylinder probably the length of the whole shaft. So, the length of the shaft is probably many times larger than simply the diameter of the arrow. This matters because at slower speeds it means the hitbox persists for more than like a single in game frame before all other hurtboxes change position.

For a given chunk of space the arrow might pass through it for a couple of frames. This means that if a hurtbox moves into that space on either the first or second frame they register as getting hit.

Hitscan I think operates differently as being active for like only a frame. Therefore, if you miss you miss. The other thing too is that as it is a projectile its possible for people to walk themselves straight into the arrow even if Hanzo was leading the other way due to say their random chance strafing changing direction.

The other thing too is that I think games have gotten good enough that hurtboxes match the frame of a body pretty well. So, if someone’s arm flails about as they are moving they might expose that for a frame, get hit, then the next frame they just fall dead. All that is so fast you cannot really register it and it just seems like the arrow hit the air next to you.


White Knight Hanzo to the rescue! :japanese_ogre:


Hanzo has historically had a crit rate of 6.1%

By comparison, McCree has a 9.1% crit rate, Widow has a 15.4% crit rate, Zenyatta (who also uses projectiles) has a 10.1% critrate, Genji has a 9% crit rate, Lucio has a 7.9% crit rate, Hog has a 12.6% crit rate. Soldier is lower with a 6.1% crit rate, but keep in mind his DPS is also way higher and more sustainable.

So, for a character who is supposed to be a sniper, I’m going to say that historically Hanzo has not had a very good crit rate. Meaning, it’s perfectly okay if it goes up some, and with the arrow speed buff, I expect it will. If it gets up to like 20%, then okay, yeah, that might be too high, but I doubt it will. If it gets to like 10%, I think that’s a pretty good spot. But “his way too big hitboxes” apparently haven’t helped him succeed in the past. Just some food for thought


What you say is irrelevant though, sorry. You’re not a developer of this game, nor do you have accurate calculations and behind the scenes information to backup your persistent claims.

They never said Brigitte was balanced either. At least not to my knowledge. Plus she’s getting a minor nerf.

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Lol right b/c stats from your overbuff pull are never skewed smh come back with something better than which hero is spammed more or less to alter hit rates.


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OP giving Genji and Tracer mains a bad name.

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It’s not the size of the arrows that makes landing the shots easy.

It’s the speed. They buffed his projectile speed again.

It’s also his speed. His new mobility is very, very nice and makes getting into advantageous shooting positions much easier than it ever was with him in the past.

Remember, high ground makes getting headshots a LOT easier.

Hanzo has always been a One Shot Kill capable character. The idea that he’s powerful isn’t strange.

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