Hanzo arrow speed can we have it back

The problem with this solution is.

a sniper shouldnt be a shield breaker, because, snipers are meant to be countered by shields

by doing that, you remove counterplay

and also, his “shield breaking skill” is also a tank busting skill, so by bufing it you also make him stronger against dive tanks, and thats EXACTLY the problem with hanzo, he counters those who he is meant to be countered by, and is bad against those that he is meant to be good against

Take away his stupid 1-shot and then do what you like with him. He is the dumbest 1-shot in the game. The number of death cams where he is just spamming in your direction and 1 shot hits you head is infuriating. The fact he has sonic arrow AND 1-shot is the dumbest ability combo in the game.

Why are you attacking me?

You are just one of those people who stands still at the choke point away from cover.


No, it’s because he was absolutely broken after his rework.

He is/was literally the only DPS that has ever determined a meta in OW’s history. Every other meta has been shaped by Tanks and/or Supports, and the DPS are picked because they compliment the playstyle or are decent against it.

Wanna know why Rein was meta during Grav-Dragon and x2 Sniper? Because Hanzo was the must pick, and Zarya had the best Ult to combo with, so Zarya drug Rein along for once.

Hanzo is still a good hero. Double shield just sucks for him. Contrary to belief here, he’s good against Ashe if you can aim.

Bringing back the arrow speed is a TERRIBLE idea, emphasis on that. The hero was ridiculously broken shooting nearly as fast as a hitscan with a projectile sized hitbox. Also as another stated, he was never meant to be a pharah counter anyway, unless you’re as good as Wraxu.

Also, I’d be all for giving him the fast arrow speed back, but only if they give him a hitscan hitbox-- which likely isnt possible. The fast arrow + projectile hitbox is a broken combo. Nothing like taking an arrow to the chest or shoulder and it getting counted as a headshot.

Take in mind each one shot is better or worse on different things…
shields are especially effective against long range since they block sight that close range can go past and medium range got the damage to destroy.
I believe the best counter for Hanzo in the tank category should be bubble and time based shield- being able to block him, use his damage and get the kill quick enough for him not to be impactful.

bubble shield time based shield extra hp resistance interruption
That way
doomfist is weakest to resistance & interruption
Hanzo is weak to bubble & time based shield
Widowmaker is weak to shields & extra hp

They can play around with time instead of damage.
the thing with dive is that divers are all about speed. the faster they get the kills the more advantage they have and the less shots the enemy can pull.
So already dive got a small advantage to him by the time part.
If you want to increase the impact you can let storm arrows do more damage with a longer cast time or let Hanzo shots take more time between shots.
That way you play around with the time (=damage potential) instead of damage

Hanzo’s counters should be quick heroes that can get the job done before he has time to react or heroes that play outside his sight.
meaning Hanzo should be weak to close+long range.
Widow should be weak to close+medium range
Doomfist should be weak to medium+long range.

So Hanzo’s current state is not as bad.
just play a bit with times…


I would be cool with removing storm arrows for something weaker if we got arrow speed back.

I had a game on Busan where every kill I got (except for one on Doom when he hard int’ed into us) was a BS spam headshot. Every one. And only then it was because I have a decent understanding of his angles and arrow drop.

I just want to feel like I’m actually aiming at people and not vague positions on the map where the enemy might move into.


“Aim” and prediction is more required with his current arrow speed. Fast arrow speed was definitely the “spam”. Hes an archer people, not a sniper. He shoots arrows not bullets. If you want strictly aim, play Widow or Ashe. Hanzo requires prediction.

Fast arrow speed was just a McCree that did more damage, more mobility, and less aim requirement due to the forgiving hitbox.

They should increase his minimum primary fire’s speed to 70 m/s, and his max to 125 m/s. Then they should make his Storm Arrows’ speed 70 m/sec instead. Then you get less spam with primary fire while keeping Storm Arrows at a speed that is the same as other parts of his kit, while keeping Storm Arrows from becoming too good at long range against smaller frame targets.

I would not mind them buffing his primary fire’s minimum damage to 50 dmg either while they are at it. Combine this damage with faster arrow and no charged shots becomes an almost as good alternative to quickly finishing already weak targets as Storm Bow.

It’s quite possible, just a matter of adjusting some numbers. However, if you go to an Overwatch resource site and compare various projectile sizes to each other (and also in relation to hitscan), you may be surprised to find that Hanzo arrows are not as gigantic as people purport them to be.

hanzo and “if you can aim” doesn’t exist.

Look, I’ve played Hanzo in all his iterations; he’s currently my most played DPS.

His current arrow speed means there is almost no “aim”, as you put it, beyond 20m. It’s almost 100% prediction, and in game like Overwatch, with hyper mobility heroes, this amount of prediction makes him almost impossible to get decent value out of.

Everyone is preaching about how he should be mid range, but he can’t even do that consistently. His winrates are negative until they hit GM, and then he squeaks out a measly 50%.

He’s not in a good place, and I really think his consistency is the issue - not storm arrows, not lunge. I’d even be happy with a half revert to faster arrow speed. I mean, right now, Mei’s alt fire is faster than his arrows at full draw.


He was ok before the buff, only thing that needed was replacement of his scattered arrow since it was seen as an unhealthy ability for the game. It could deal up to 400 damage, so it could basically one shot a majority of the cast and blizzard wanted hanzo to be more skill based instead of relying on an ability like that.
The speed buff made him spamzo and overpowered. It took blizzard more than a year to realize that and fix him

I remember when pre nerf to arrow speed and storm Hanzo could kill shields, tanks, and squishies from any range. Lmao.

i mean, I can hit pharahs on hanzo and im not even that great of a hanzo. Maybe you’re just bad?

Hell even if the old back and just reduce by 10% would enough

Ya even a bit more speed so it feels like a arrow and feels better than mei right click.

I’m not attacking you.

But your “why do you think that is?” sounded sarcastic and pretty much implied why people hate him: his one shots.

At the end of the day,heroes like Hanzo,Widow,Symmetra,Sombra,etc will be hated whether they’re good or bad.

And you can only do so much to change community perception.


GravDragon and Double Sniper happened because of Brig.

She made sustained damage irrelevant (to counter dive) and so burst damage became a must.

You can’t blame Hanzo or Widow for those metas. And if it wasn’t GravDragon,it would’ve been GravBarrage or any other ult that goes well with Grav.