Hanzo arrow speed can we have it back

Just… Just stop buffing DPS for while, please? Just leave them alone a tiny little bit?

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Hanzo is currently balanced. We dont need more power creep. Let’s nerf widow, Ashe, and cree so we don’t break hanzo again for over a year?


He wasn’t broken. Statistically he was balanced.

Y’all just complained cause you didn’t want to learn to play against him.


He is not balanced, he is completely garbage because he cannot be consistent. Spamming at targets who can’t take cover properly and move position isn’t called balanced. Only way for hanzo to be efficient is to flank from behind and get close enough so you can actually headshot some people, if you are lucky predicting


I actually agree that Hanzo needs the arrow speed back, but only in return for other changes. People forget how much of a meme Hanzo mains were before he got the speed increase plus storm and lunge, but with those changes and the faster arrows he was undeniably busted and a meta formed around him almost immediately.

Revert the arrow speed nerf
Change arrow damage from 27.2 - 125 to 35 -100
Increase Lunge CD to 8 seconds
Reduce Sonic arrow duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
Make Storm four 75 damage arrows that can’t crit


Agree with everything except the damage nerf. He doesn’t benefit from a multipler like Widow. HS 250 HP heroes is fair enough if you gonna nerf his lunge cooldown and have heroes like reaper or doomfist come at you

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Honestly i think hanzo cant be viable without beeing overpowered or underpowered in his current state…

he is a sniper, designed with a close range anti-tank ability…it just wont work, its countrary to his design

thats like if you gave reinhart a sniper rifle.

Don’t know what straws you are using that can kill you in two bodyshots or 1 headshot on an incredibly forgiving hitbox.
If they want to bring back his arrow speed they’ll have to nerf him elsewhere. Either give him a reload so he can’t just endlessly blind spam chokes and get lucky kills or lower his non headshot damage.

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Window can spam faster HS than hanzo.

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Honestly…ive attempted a few designs at a hanzo rework myself.

i personally would out right remove headshots, and then just, buff him elsewhere

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And to maximize the accuracy of your post, see the on below your post

I think the reason for it is to put hanzo more in place.
Hanzo is the medium range one-shot hero with Widowmaker being the long range and Doomfist being the close range.
Before Hanzo was just too strong in Widow’s field…
Now he’s better in the medium range.

Your main goals should be tanks, big heroes like mccree or soldier:76 (both are not only have good hit box but also play at the same range as you, giving you the advantage)

Hanzo is best when you use your storm arrows to burn shields down giving you the advantage in the shield wars and then go for quick picks with your bow.
You don’t need to get in enemy face but you don’t want them to be too far.

these are the heroes you should go for using your bow.

Pharah was never meant to be something you’re strong against.

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Wasn’t the point of the arrow speed nerf to combat aimbot?

Not arguing it was a good move. Yeah lets have a professional lifetime archer shoot arrows at the speed of a 13year old picking up his first bow. Makes sense.

Oh or a better idea. Fix your cheat detection and drop the ban hammer.


Every hero should be looked on before judging his use.
each one shot hero in the game was meant to be good against the heroes with the same range as its.

Widowmaker being strong on long range
Hanzo being strong on medium range
Doomfist being strong on close range.

Hanzo right now is really fine but with shields controlling the game it’s kind of problematic for him to do the job…
I think the best way they can deal with his state is increasing his shield spam skill while keeping his arrows the same way.
I would increase the amount of arrows in the storm arrows abilities but decrease their damage in order to be better on big targets but weaker on smaller ones

Even so, hanzo was mostly used because he could get damage boosted his ultimate into a grav and 'cause storm arrows 75 damage allowing for a bodyshot and one quick shot to 2 tap a hero. Just buffing his arrow speed back would allow him to be more consistent on his shots


I agree with this. Slow arrow speed makes him highly unreliable in a ranged fight. I would much rather have faster arrows and 60 per storm as well.


They should totally bring back the speed. Every medium to long range shot feels like a 900 IQ prediction, and good luck trying to 1v1 a good widow


Just a Gold DPS players perspective here but I kinda agree. I main Widow/Ashe and during this pandemic I decided to grind Hanzo just to see some different picks in comp.

After putting 80+ hours into him I’ve kinda given up. He doesn’t feel like a sniper or a marksman with the current arrow speed. I found the most intentional success with him playing him in more of a McCree range but was highly punishable. If I played him at marksman or snipe ranges it was to spam a choke and yeah lucky headshots feel lucky.

He just doesn’t feel like he fulfills the role he was designed for.


even if your enemy is 10 meters from you, you still gonna have hard time.

was that actually the reason? lmao