Hammond the Hamster Hero 28: Reddit Highlight (We were right, Hammond Revealed)

Ham for hamster and mond for Mond, the german word for moon? :smiley:
Just joking. I’d love it though. :’)

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Wont find out till, 7 hours from now… unless they change something.

Could be in 30 minutes, could be tomorrow, who knows? Maybe today’s just another teaser day.
I’m positive though. =u=

Doesn’t say how tall he is from what I can see.

Also those feet are from the outside of the door. Most likely a gorilla that tried opening it and then walked over it. Otherwise the door wouldn’t be broken INSIDE his room (It would be outside, had he opened it from the inside), with the footprints facing the inside and not the outside as if he was walking out.

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Sincerely hope this is wrong, Hammond sounds so incredibly stupid as a character.

That is very likely, since Brig had 3 teasers, but the ptr Sombra Changes are happening soon. So only time will tell.

Moira remember had no teasers

A rat would be SOO dope.

I hope “calm before the storm” means whatever it is (animal) people are gonna FREAK OUT.

A rat would be dope as hell and Jetpack Cat is still awesome and needed. Another primate would be a huge wasted opportunity BUT…we will see…


A quick google image search of Hamster feet will show that the feet in your first image aren’t totally unlike hamster feet.

Granted, that’s a big frickin’ hamster if so.

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We already talk about this, (read before typing) there are other apes that could bust open that door from outside I might add. Plus Vents are too small for any of the monkeys we have seen.

What foot prints?
You mean on the door?
Thats Winston isn’t it?

Just read the others please.

Rat with rabies on a mech pls.

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Just a heads up Overwatch Twitter has use the Evil Emperor laughter from Star Wars when someone thought another tweet was about 28.

It’s a Hint something is about to happen soon. Star Wars fan

Mind linking it, please? I’m curious!

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Could be build hype because we don’t know how soon, but it’s a bone. Gonna chew on it.

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Let’s hope we get something today! Or at least tomorrow.


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Suddenly want to play a Sci Fi game or Sci Fi Movie.

A monkey ate Hammond the Hamster, absorbed his power, and escaped in a Super Monkey Ball to Junker Town where he became the Junker Queen

“prove me wrong”

Maybe in three hours or tomorrow, we’ll have to see.

You did it!
I hope they explain how he gets stuff done with no thumbs.