Hammond the Hamster Hero 28: Reddit Highlight (We were right, Hammond Revealed)

A monkey ate Hammond the Hamster, absorbed his power, and escaped in a Super Monkey Ball to Junker Town where he became the Junker Queen

“prove me wrong”

Maybe in three hours or tomorrow, we’ll have to see.

You did it!
I hope they explain how he gets stuff done with no thumbs.

Wait… did I miss something?



Well played sir :slight_smile:

Bwahahaha, Hamster for the win.


you’re a legend, actually amazing

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Dumbest character yet.

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Not really, it wasn’t me who thought of it being Hamster, I suggested a Mouse or Rat a month ago.

This other guy thought Hamster a few days ago, (one of my least favorite animals.)

But I never thought Hammond was a monkey.

Google said Mond is German for Moon.
I wonder if that went into naming him.

You’re a genius. tips hat

This was a Reddit Highlight, not me.

Personally I was thinking rat, since like a month ago but never monkey.

Cause I already came to a similar conclusion.


I also thought Jetpack Cat, Till Brig, Then dismissed it.

But never thought monkey.

That would be silly like only having 15 likes but 1.2K views and for getting the guess right.

Ha aha hah hah You guys are cruel.

You nailed it friend and I’m glad you were right!

So excited! ^.^

I’m gonna roll about in little deathball

God, thought this post was lost to time, because the sudden influx of Hammond post.

Here comes HAMTARO!!

I hope his golden gun looks cool. I’m at 2,178 CP right now… I mean I only have 1 other golden gun (Roadhog) and it takes me FOREVER to get 3,000 so I have to choose carefully. My next golden gun is likely my last.

**I always feel the need to explain why too: I only play 10 placement matches per season placing at Gold or Platinum in all 10 seasons so far.