Congrats Jesterskull

Over the past several weeks you’ve been putting in tons of work trying to figure out the latest hero release, scrutinizing over every detail and keeping the forums updated.

One of your posts implied you were a little disappointed at the lack of recognition you’d received for your hard work investigating the latest hero release.

So on behalf of all of us here on the forums, I’d like to say congratulations and well done for accurately predicting the newest hero!


Could you post a link please? I would like to see this. Did he get it right?

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Credit should also go to Reddit user stmaurer also,

Before Brig, I thought Hammond was Jetpack Cat.

A month ago, I was thinking mouse or rat.

But I have been busy with Job Transfer so haven’t really gotten the time to focus on it.

Also, not really a fan of Hamsters. (More on how they are treated as pets.)

So I would very likely never guessed it.

Also seriously only 1.3k thousands views and only 15 likes for guessing it right…come on.

Never once thought monkey… thats silly.

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