support players try not to be the victim challenge:impossible
And what compensation you propose for it?
Damage boost is nearly only “game winning ability” Mercy has at her disposal, when there is busted DPS to use it on.
unironically a bronze take
Compensation ?
Keeping it.
So you just want to make Mercy even weaker, once again.
I mean, I do, a lot.
But I wonder if that would be enough.
They’d be to drop Mercy to a 5% damage boost for it to not apply to Sojourn breakpoints.
she needs more nerfs ngl
That just promotes even more hard pocketing though.
Which is why nerfing doesn’t really work. More you nerf damage boost, smaller list of viable targets for it becomes.
As complete lack of healing, while you boost someone, requires quite heavy payback to be worth it.
That is a sojourn problem.
But so was season 2
Not of that resource replenishment is contingent in healing. Then emrcy woukd have to move so she can grab all the healing she can get
Sounds like you may as well just forget it exists. Since most players aren’t viable targets for it, for various reasons - from hero picks to inaccurate aim.
On one hand, kinda like the idea and it’s getting somewhere.
On the other hand, to play Devil’s Advocate, I would like to revoice a sane take from the Anti-Damage Boost community. People worry their DPS heroes are being gate kept because of Damage Boost and they are not entirely wrong. Their damage has to be planned with the idea that they COULD be DB’d and, thus, their overall strength is held back entirely with that in mind. Not entirely a bad thing, but
One thing mentioned when Soujorn was tweaked is she can not one-shot anymore on her own. However, any form of DB tweaked or not will mean any Hero at 200hp is on a Death List.
From the Mercy Community stand point of not liking Damage Boost, Mercy players think the Hard-Pocketing issue would be entirely removed if it was theoretically replaced with an ability that gets value wherever they decide to travel around the map or their allies without being forced to stick to one person.
It’s a tough question, but the reason why people wonder if Damage Boost should even still be on her kit or not.
Tbh, I think they should just nerf/rework Sojourn/Widow/Hanzo/Pharah.
They’d get more players than they lose by doing that.
In a way I agree but that also reduces its effectiveness a lot.
The mercy would need to predict when her pocket would fire and her pocket would need to use those windows of opportunity to deal damage.
Such a system would reduce the potency of DB on snipers as they their window of opportunity might not be predictable or large enough, as a Mercy you wouldn’t be able (unless constant communication from the pocket) to know when to start boosting without actually exposing yourself.
Correct. As long as you have ability, that is most useful on one specific player, you are heavily encouraged to stick with that player.
Good, just let me unlock my psychic powers, so I can predict not only when my pocket will fire, but if they will hit that shot.
Even further to push this point and to continue with the “Mercy Damage boost is not that strong” argument, it’s all a radical Catch 22.
On a bad DPS it is useless for one.
On the other, it isn’t just you supplying overall damage for your team. You are making another DPS’s damage better and more likely for them laying down damage to get an Elimination.
and Elim>Damage
Well there is a trade off for the nerfs Im suggesting. Reactive damage boost being brought back. Let us dmg boost forestrikes and dynamites that are already fired again. Let us DB big abilities reactively again. That change was an abortion
Also buff heal
While it would be good revert, it doesn’t answer, what to do with boosting hitscans.
Since on hitscans, you basically need to be able to see the future, and boost before shot is fired, and only if that shot will be a hit. Something not even player firing that shot knows, until it happens.
That’s the thing, you cannot easily, it is not impossible though, example, a Torb that activate his overheat will probably attack, that kind of thing.
You know the rest of players have to try to predict what other will be doing right ? We don’t get to just float and zoom around with consistant regen and not being as targeted because it’s usually hopeless to kill a zooming Mercy.
Ideally hitscan long range heroes become less favorable as DB targets over other heroes