Gutting Mercy Isn't The Play

I’ve seen most of them. They are usually not that convincing.

And the vast majority aren’t even actionable.

Or stuff like “Replace Damage Boost or Rez with… Some sort of thing…
Dunno devs figure it out.” Which is kinda worthless feedback.

Here goes the mercy crying again…

Devs can’t win for nothing.

You buff mercy, people cry.

You nerf Mercy, people cry.

I’ve come to realize no matter what devs do to Mercy, people will cry.

Hell, people was crying about Mercy in LoverWatch.

Gonna start calling the forums CryWatch.

If there has to be a higher than pre season 3 mercy deathrate, just make her a 175 hp hero and fully revert GA.

The devs hate Mercy, there is no other possible reason, now that they prepare for a real exodus of players, the hornet’s nest has been stirred up too many times and only those who adapt to the nerfs will remain.

Not entirely. They make the game and design it.
They know better than anyone else what can work as a possibly conceivable function of an abstract idea better than these or other forums as a whole. (or should)

The community mainly just has an idea of how a concept, implemented or not, will function. Normally regardless of what hero we are talking, the community on a hero usually just wants a hero to stay strong without removing entirely a thing and not replacing it with something else.

Either way, the Mercy community was completely valid before when Mercy became a point of controversy because Soujorn and that they’d talk fixes after if it was still a problem.
Except both were touched at once so now it’s difficult. Goal posts and reasons keep changing. That’s hard to ask a community of anything to have a rational, well-constructed conversation on.

I have made several suggestions for DB changes and rez changes

That’d just make her way too vulnerable to burst damage.

But I appreciate actually having a solution that isn’t “muh revert”…Which is weirdly a standard that rarely gets met.

It’s a fair sentiment when the outcry before was everything but.

You and I even had conversations about good solutions for Mercy changes, such as giving Damage Boost a cap so it isn’t super strong on burst damage. Damage Boost was the flavor of the month argument right before they nerfed Roadhog without good reason.

They buffed part of kit that nobody asked for (GA in OW2) or in a way that many already knew was going to be broken (the healing increase at 50%).

Because they Nerf what wasn’t the biggest issue-Damage Boost and to a lesser extent Rez.

Even now the “revert” isn’t a revert. It’s only for a straight a-to-b GA.
Any techs like slingshot, Superjump, and I think just crouching even extends the cooldown.

And Mercy players even said they’d be fine if Superjump went on a cooldown-so long as it didn’t hinder how GA worked.

And even more have been wanting a revert of the Superjump rework because it’s causing more problems than before.

Id rather have fast mercy thats 175 hp over slow and clunky mercy at 200 hp

They supposed to know better, than anyone else.

Unfortunately, developers are still only humans.

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Right, but attack speed was a nice discussion, but it would be too jarring on muscle memory to have that constantly switching around on people.

Which incidentally was either Skiesti or Niandra saying the same.

I don’t think I’ve seen a damage boost alternative that “fits”.

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I guess, if it were me, I’d just increase Mercy’s wing hurtbox and shorten the Valk beam length to 20m.

Attack speed just replaces one category of heroes getting busted with another.

With damage boost it’s burst damage heroes, with attack speed it’s heroes like 76, that now can shoot his entire clip so fast, that it’s almost burst damage.

I already did propose the sanest DB fix.

Just have it only bloost base damage not crits. For example cass boosted HS will do. 161 dmg instead of 182

Then buff another part of her kit

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That’s fair. Asking a group of people that play video games for game development ideas that go beyond ideas or criticism isn’t fair.

It’s a tough issue. Either way, the core problem is simple:
All of Mercy’s abilities rely on GA to do and vice versa. GA enables being able to commit to them in a timely fashion.

However, all of Mercy’s abilities are basically independently functionable on their own relying on GA working in sync to do it. GA is just the foundation. Which is why the community says that if one of the abilities aka Damage Boost/Rez/Valk is a problem, change it to something else. It’s why this balance is a tightrope. They are kind of planned to work with each other veeeery tightly.

Whatever it gets changed to supposed to be versatile, aka useful on any hero, regardless from their specifics.

And only constant thing, that is useful for any hero in this game, is health increase.

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That’d work, heck I’ve suggested they do that for all damage boosts.

But I dunno if that’d be enough by itself.

But maybe that plus 25% damage boost would work.

Heck, they could throw in 125 base damage for Widow, with a 2x headshot modifier.

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For discord orb not so much.

For DB it will gut her pocket playstyle completely. Think of all the meta DB targets - burst hitscans that cna headshot. Symm mercy with the consistent bodyshot beam isnt killing the meta.

I think my rework idea stands where I doubled down on her healing, nerfed db, put it on a resource and changed rez completely to a death prevention ability that can be used as rez in valk

An other way to reduce the effectiveness of damage boost would be by giving it a resource that replenishes.

Like a 3sec damage boost, minimum 1sec burnt on activation (1 second still used if the beam was activated for less than that)
If the resource is spent then it needs to recharge completely.
Recharge rate at 1sec/sec, infinite charge during ult.