Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

At every rank tank and supports carry games. Tanks enable dps and supports enable dps. They carry. Dps does not.

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Tanks make space.

Healers sustain a fight.

All of this is to enable opportunities to get picks.

If the DPS aren’t taking advantage of the space and using that extra time effectively, eventually the team will run out of resources.

Cool downs will be spent. Barriers will fail.

A doctor can help keep a soldier healthy enough to fight, but they can’t help him aim correctly in a firefight.

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It was never the supports fault, was it?

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Honestly, I personally think too many DPS players in lower ranks just don’t play together as a team, period. They are there to play their game, win their fights, and BM the enemy DPS players, only to lose the game then proceed to call the enemy DPS trash because you killed them all game. No sir, you are trash because you let 1 person on a team of 6 distract you all game to the point you never played with your team.

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Mercy is the most team reliant support in the entire cast, this example kind of sucks. You’ve also conveniently chosen a DPS hero that hard counters the support in question.

How about Team A gets the best Lucio in the world and team B gets the best Tracer? Your example would be better with nearly any support outside of Mercy.

But over seventy percent of time at least in my experience dps can do these things. Maybe it’s because I’m on the role contributing. I have been on both sides though and having bad tanks and supports are far more common. Less common now with role q but still an issue. You can also carry bad dps. If you have bad supports and tanks. That game is over the second it starts.

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Exactly this. I can’t say who the best Lucio is but I will use eskay as a reference and for the best tracer we will just say kabaji. Lucio players frequently dominate tracer players. Kabaji will get no heals from the bronze players while his tanks fail to create space. Eskay will enable his tanks and dps while fragging with the added bonus of countering ultimates.

I’d still put my money on the team with the best DPS in the world.

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it has 0 to do with the dps, it has all about how the team perform together. so thats meaning its everyones fault

At low rank, you can get a bunch of kills with tanks and supports, it is only higher rank that it harder to do so.

i think this is the number 1 misconception of the matchmaker, it doesnt know exactly how you are playing or what you are capable of game to game.

Ive been getting 50/50 stomps in 2300 as dps, every other game its literally 0 deaths 40 kills, and then 5 kills 20 deaths the next game. this happens EVERY OTHER GAME. it puts me against bronze and then it goes " oh crap hes not bronze" and then it puts me against gm and i lose and then it goes “oh we overcorrrected go back to bronze” and it just repeats over and over.

Weird to say this, but tanks and supports have to do more damage now to compensate for low DPS brought about by guaranteed tanks and supports.

plz i can tear double shields up with only one damage :smiley:

Such a hero. Wish I had you in every game.

I have not had this experience at all in gold. Most of my games have been extremely close. There were defiantly a handful of stops here and there, but generally not to many.

you had what people like to call a fluke loss.

Look I went 58-1 on dva once and lost…

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I am experiencing lopsided wins and losses too.

last night was such a miserable experience in comp I just turned the pc off and watched netflix. I had 3 straight games with a leaver one of them was a winning game…


with the stats you just described soujnds like you were playing well below your normal rank.

As a Tank or a Support, the game now gets reduced to a coin toss. You either get competent DPS or you don’t.

Some DPS are placed waay higher than they should be. Some DPS that are in Gold or Plat clearly belong in Bronze!


I completed my first 5 matches as a healer. One match particularly, I did 25k healing and our team consisted of a bastion that im pretty sure didnt even register an elim and a penultimate diamond portrait hanzo that was very ineffective, pretty sure he was throwing. I ended up the 5 matches with 1397 sr. I constantly heal as moira unless im picking off low enemies so wth is going on :frowning:

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