Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

I agree if you are generally play better than your Sr you will go up but that assuming All other things are equal.

Unfortunately they are not.

And the impact of each of the roles are Not the same in the game and may depend on the map, the comp played against, etc.

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That’s awesome for you but that doesn’t mean everyone can do it the same way as you. And it sounds like you didn’t do that during the beta.

A significant factor is probably that more people are just playing competitive right now and so it is literally more competitive in performance stats, so in some cases, people will be lower just because they can’t edge out the competition in the higher SR anymore.

Oh that’s a good point, I would. Imagine that the skill. Pool would get diluted and worse but you are right it is possible that isn’t the case.

Both higher skilled players and lower skilled players are trying out role queue, lots of people that have stopped playing competitive in all the brackets. Competition will be a bit stronger as a consequence in the higher tiers and lots of people coming back in plat and below will probably be adjusting a lot, as well as many that are just curious to try it out.

Way to avoid ‘a couple’ key points.

guys i started a thread on a maybe solution would to hear your feedback it ties in to this topic How about a Soft lock for role queue

You ARE being held back by poor tanking, DPSing, and supporting when solo-queuing. If you want to climb, you get a group together and play together. This can be done with your friends list or through LFG. Your group will have the expectation of following a plan with someone as the de facto team captain.

The simple act of having a plan, ANY PLAN, is an effective win condition. The plan doesn’t have to be fancy… The plan can be as simple as, “everyone goes left through the choke” or “we’re setting up on high ground” or “get the entire team behind theirs with Sym tele”, but as long as everyone is on board, that’s a huge advantage.

Solo queuing is a disorganized mess with no real expectation of working together and either no team captains or too many. It truly is RNG as far as winning goes. It’s a team-based game, don’t be shocked when not playing as a team is less effective.


I think it’s still same as before, " bad tank " and " bad dps " are " bad ", hard to heal and can’t counter anything, this current 2/2/2 doesn’t have nothing to do how skilled players are. Not matter what kind system and forced or not forced game style we have you will be placed to same games with same persons. Now you just focus more what dps is doing and what is he’s position instead of focusing a game and own play.

yea lower elo is all about damage but thats why moira works best at lower ranks because she can do damage and even sometimes initiate with her ult since it builds so fast.

Throw that healing orb towards the tank and dps then spritz them real quick and then start killing!

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Ana has the highest carry potential of all supports besides Zen. If you dropped a whole rank, you have problems of your own.

Or the counter argument say I didn’t have a problem? Etc.

Soldier went in on 1hp. Died
Genji tried to flank, did no damage. Died.
Roadhog walked straight in and behind a wall. Died.

I can’t heal through walls. I can’t heal in the middle of an enemy team. Learn to play.


Code, that’s nice but that’s not my problem.

Theoretically understandable.

I’ve noticed a lot in lower ranks that everyone blamea the DPS when nothing is getting done, but from at least Bronze to Low Platinum, tanks dont do anything 80% of the time, tanks are there to soak damage, create space and peel for the supports and dps, I see a lot of Tank players just stand at the choke with their shield up or trying to get a hook and do nothing and then cry in chat, tanks need to push and hold a space for DPS to do work, tanks are heavily dependant to be doing their job at every rank and you just will never see that. In my experience most of the time at lower ranks, its the tanks fault.


Youre plat, arent you the noob?

I mean, yeah, a lot of times dps truly are not doing their job: kill things without getting killed. However, many supports also don’t heal enough or don’t provide enough utility (I’m looking at you Moira with silver healing and gold elims), and many tanks are too passive/reckless and don’t create any space (I’m looking at you Rein who charges in and dies, or Orisa who just stands in the back plopping down the shield and not moving forward).

It’s a symbiotic relationship of sucking: dps who don’t work with their team to get kills, supports who then take it upon themselves to get kills and neglect their team that needs healing or utility, and tanks who don’t push up and take space for their team to work around.

Honestly, as a tank main, when I’ve gone off of tank and played support or dps, the tank role played poorly is the most likely to sink the team (I can even say when I am not playing well as a tank, I am more likely to cost my team the win than a bad dps or support).

So yeah, there are bad dps at the lower levels who choose some hard hero they shouldn’t be playing (example: Genji or Widow) and proceed to not kill anything. But equal blame should be thrown at bad supports and tanks.


No need to be rude when I’m agreeing with the point that was made. Jeez.

To an extent I agree with you. But I do think carrying is a thing.

The issue is that the ability to carry is not equal among the roles.

Try a little thought experient:

You have 2 teams. Each team has 5 bronze players and a player who is the best in the world at a given hero.

Team A has the best Mercy player in the world.

Team B has the best Tracer player in the world.

What do you think the outcome would look like? After 100 games, what do you think the win percent for each team would be?

It’s not that a good support can’t prop up a team. But support is primarily a role that enables your team and sustains a fight.

Your team has to do something with that, or it has little or no value.

Tanks are in a similar situation, but I’d argue they are somewhere between DPS and support in their ability to carry.

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Same thing happens with DPS though.

The other day I had a loss with 82 elims, 62 final blows, 36k damage. It wasn’t even a super long game, I was just popping the F off and our other DPS wasn’t doing anything. At some point when I had 27k dmg I asked what silver was and they said 9k lol. Some games just aren’t winnable and no amount of healing or damage is going to make up for that.