Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

Most of the losses I’ve incurred as support has been from poor dps depth and inability to counter.

Occasionally, it’s been bad tanks and also not adjusting to complement comp.

I’m a Plat ana, stats track as Plat as well, dropped down to silver. Very hard to move.

Weird dynamic.

Elo hell seems more apparent now than before.

I’m not a dps moira either.


Yeah, I’m starting to lose interest in the game once more simply because it’s impossible to gain any traction. I’ve lost most of my fights today, simply because poor DPS that couldn’t kill anything.

Hopefully they’ll figure out some way to solve it, because as it stands now it’s a roulette on whether or not you get working DPS or not in your match. Out of 10 maches, 8 have been losses.


It is not me it is everyone else. This has been the entire mantra of the forums for days now. It is absolutely possible to climb as a support. Play moira. Get your ulti first. Use your ultimate with orb as engagement for the team fight. win fight. If the other team gets ultis up to stop the push its fine… you can usually get close to a 2nd ulti in that fight. Enemy team doesnt have ultis cause they just invested them… engage with ulti win


2-2-2 happens because of dps hate… people claim it only benefits dps when it comes…still blame dps for there rank…
At a certain point you’ve got to look at yourself


Its more about impact on the game. A bad support is bad, but is it as bad as a bad dps, or bad tank?

It seems to me that the dps holds most of the sway at the lower ranks.

I can dance around only so long healing everyone until someone randomly dies and then starts the cascade / snowball.

It’s a Lucio dance party with random damage spikes. Lol.

Again, stats and prior play doesn’t correlate with what I’m seeing.

This isn’t as simple as it isn’t me.


If your better than your rank you will climb stop making excuses


Thanks for the sanity check.


This is just plain wrong unfortunately, because what you’re saying is that if you’re good you will carry people. That’s just not how the game works, if your team doesn’t contribute you’re not going to climb. Hard carrying doesn’t exist in this game, in the end you’re still depended on your team.

And if you’re unlucky, you’re just never going to be able to climb, simply because you’re punished hard for losing, while gaining less for winning. So unless you win way more than you lose, you’re never going to be able to climb.


Buddy i’m not just talking to talk I climbed from bronze to diamond on this account had a brain surgery fell to 1800 and climbed back to 2800 playing mostly mercy in solo queue there is no excuse if your good you WILL climb


my own exp is I cannot carry with ana/baptiste very easily. even if i can get 3 kills in the occasional fight, with all the shields I just can’t make up for dps getting cut every seconds through healing from not using cover.

so I went brigitte and just carried them all. have been climbing well ever since. basically do dps tank and healer’s role.

However, if healers are underperforming don’t worry too much. the whole point of role queue beta is to find out issues and help solve them.

  1. they could buff supports (my preferred method as supports carrying fights is fun to watch)

  2. they could give sup more pbsr to help determine rank and allow them to climb even with negative win rates if perf is good relative to other supports.

In any case blizz can probably fix it, but it can’t just be a few people having issues climbing as sup. if all the sup mains end up having the same issues then their stats will show that in games in which the highest rank player is support and the lower rank players are tank/dps, the supports don’t win 50% and win like 30-40% instead.

blizzard is using this time to get the necessary stats


If your better than you rank you will almost assuredly win more than you lose and even if you don’t performance baised sr exists


I had a long line of loss streaks while doing support, so I had an idea to help me out: I started to encourage my other teammates to do better, you know, verbally supporting them.

The result has been really great matches with my DPS doing their absolute best to win, and I think that words of encouragement is what’s needed to help win. Even if we do end up losing regardless, everyone comes out feeling good in the end, and most times it’s a well fought match on both ends.

Tell that Widowmaker, Junkrat, Sombra, Reaper: “You can do it!

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


If you can’t generate a second ulti during a team fight as moira… your doing it wrong. It is the fastest charging ulti in the game.

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If only you could swap one healer to a dps and make up for your underperforming dps…

But it guaranteed tanks and supports for your team, I guess.


its not the dps fault when they continuously go alone and die and get no picks or damage. they dont swap to counter or anything. i go four golds with dva all game but its my mistakes i must look at myself. i will do that thanks for the advice.

i played a couple games on dps yesterday to try and place. i DO NOT play dps like at all ever. i can completely admit i am the reason we lost. i sucked so much. but yet people on here would just say its not my fault our team lost? okie dokie


Imagine thinking that you cant climb because unlucky teammates. Imagine. I hate seeing these posts everyday saying they have trash dps when its them, every time. Teammates are never and will never be the problem you cant climb.


Dva basically is a dps… if you play dva and think dps is the problem i have news for you


but not when its 222 and youre supposed to have DAMAGE HEROES DOING DAMAGE.


No, it’s not guaranteed. As said, that implies carrying, and that’s quite hard in this game or down-right impossible. You still need a functional team, else you’re just 1 v 6, and in that situation you’re never going to win.


most of my losses are from terrible tank players. people lock sigma, can’t make space and blame dps.