🛰 Goodman talks about Nerfs and Buffs (Updated with New Video(s) about this Topic. Ironic?)


Also, I wanna be the… well, you.

And if all it comes down to is her ultimate I person don’t think that a huge deal

The hero is still the hero most of the time.

I don;t see how pressing Q makes or breaks a hero when it comes to fun factor but that is just me

TLDR: It’s mostly (but not limited to), about how Valkyrie interacts with Mercy’s skill set.

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It’s not though. Mercy is relatively balanced. Imo, I feel the -10hps nerf was unnecessary and we should’ve had that big support/sniper patch go through without it. Mercy is a mobile healer that pairs amazingly with DPS heroes and such and in that sense them saying “Ashe might make her more relevant” etc is very much true.

At the same time, how much of that relevance do you want? Pharmercy, Mercy pocketing McCree, Mercy pocketing Widow, Mercy pocketing Reaper, Mercy rezzing from cover that pocket when they go down, etc. That has ALWAYS been a big and defining part of her kit. Yet if you tip that scale too much, then you get “REE DPS WATCH DAMAGE HEROES TOO STRONG ETC.”

You STILL get that now, even when the meta is literally no damagee heroes.

I’m sure they’re aware. They probably just don’t consider them a high priority. Neither do I.

I don’t need them to say that directly, I think it’s implied. I think it’s clear they do keep fun in mind, fun to play, fun to play against, even to a fault. Even if they did say exactly what you quoted, it wouldn’t change a thing as far as the complaints. And it’s not like people would be convinced of it’s sincerity and stuff like that. Then you’d have people like Titanium saying the stuff they did in this thread. Achieves nothing.

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Thinking he means a nerf / buff aka a rework to beams

Honestly still waiting on someone else to report this on YouTube

Also rushing to order a pizza (super hungry)

The more I look back at this video, the more upset I get.

I realized a few things. 1. They have no idea how to balance their game, and the reasons for changes or no changes is poor. 2. A lot of these “changes” seem very catered towards OWL. Remember how several people said OWL had no influence on the game? This is getting out of control now.


Ragtagg says he’s gonna play Warframe now thanks to the balance changes.
Blizzard, hire the community

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And you do? No reason for such absolutes. I have lots of problems with their balancing decisions as well, no one benefits from this sort of extreme perspective though.

Tbf I’d rather people kept their conspiracies to themselves.

LOL. Yeah, let’s not do that.

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I don’t actually see it that way, I think some of these changes exist because of what the next hero does. What that is… well still juggling… (Plus hard to entertain ideas on a empty stomach.)

during mercy 1.0 resurrect was one of the fastest charging ultimates in the game because having resurrect ready at all times was very important during mercy 2.0 Valkyrie was one of the slower ones but omg it kept literally everyone alive right now it’s relatively quick again because it does… some stuff i guess… the truth is that mercy doesn’t do much when she’s not pressing Q she’s resilient heals for a considerable amount and has good survivability but she doesn’t have the flexibility that other support heroes have that’s why she heavily relies on her ultimate to be a good hero

And she did before the rework? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This stuff is like listening to addicts rn I’m not going to lie. People got a feeling, a rush of endorphins, and they got hooked, then it was taken away. Now they scream about how much they want that rush again, and point the finger at and blame everyone else. Every little thing they can think of to place blame on they do. Flankers, DPS mains, OWL, whatever.

It’s really kind of crazy to watch.


What a nice person you seem to be lol

i wonder how they view balance though especially in a game like this where some characters might end up low tier but fully functional in casual settings.

is the intention that every hero should be playable without being a detriment to their team in high ranks or is that just something the overall public community wants that can’t actually be realized due to the nature of this game?

or is the intention to force characters to be viable and shift them in and out with patches?

will there ever be a happy medium where you stop balancing the game?

You know what? Yes, I do. I’ve developed for very small indie games (In one right now, actually.) in the past, scheduling, 3D modeling and the time it takes, texturing, mapping the time it takes to create a object/set of code. Not to toot my own horn, but I’d say I’m qualified more than most.

I believe in this absolute because I had lost all my faith in their balance team in just under 2 years. It takes a LOT for a game company to do that with all the games I’ve seen and grown. Overwatch is by far the worst offender.

I’m not wrong though? What is making them the most money right now? OWL. Who plays OWL? Pros. Who do they need to keep happy so they can keep running OWL? The pros. It hasn’t been officially confirmed, but you can’t deny that a LARGE portion of updates have been made and catered towards being flashy and skillful, something that fits in with a esports setting.


What has happened to this once beautiful game


Why shouldn’t armour be adjusted??

It hurts some heroes alot and some hardly at all which clearly need to be addressed. The meta is 3 tanks and 3 support. So what is so horrible about adjusting how armour works?

Tanks are still going to be important picks even after then changes

Scheduling, 3D modeling, texturing, mapping, all has nothing to do with balancing 30ish unique heroes with unique kits in a 6v6 objective based setting where you are given a set amount of time to move the game forward (payload, hybrid, 2cp, etc).

Not really.

Yeah, the balance team can do better. So? I’m not going to go as far as to say they have “no idea” what they’re doing or anything like that.

Like I said I’d rather you kept your conspiracies to yourself. Regardless, what’s inherently wrong with that? If say Reaper starts rolling low tiers, then I hope they will address that. Like they have addressed other heroes that roll through low tiers in the past. The fact they addressed that specific thing so many times in the past gives me hope.

So… Wtf is your point other than looking for something to blame?

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Mmm… well was never a fan of promoting Stereotypes for starters.

Needs to promote like an event against that someday.

Again, she’s balanced, she isn’t, she was, she wasn’t, not the point. Let’s go ahead and assume she is absolutely perfectly 100% balanced, she’s so balanced she should be the measuring stick of balance in every game ever made.

Valkyrie still garbage design-wise.

She’s more relevant with Ashe? Again, also true.

Valkyrie still garbage design-wise.

Lets go ahead and assume Mercy is back at its moth state, the overpowered meta defining one.

Valkyrie still garbage design-wise.

I don’t want Mercy to be more relevant. I want Valkyrie to have more room for player expression.

Also, it would be nice for Mercy to have some independence, you’ll notice most of your examples involve pocketing some other player. I’ll gladly take that as conceit of her kit, that being her dependency, being just a side kick and so on, if other issues were addressed, but as it stands, that just piles on top and saying “Ashe will make her more relevant” is frankly annoying. Mercy pocketing a different hero is just not that important, it’s basically a different avatar on the screen. If Ashe was so wildly different gameplay-wise that pocketing her presented new gameplay for Mercy, I could maybe see the argument, but she isn’t.

They talk as if they were not.

Mercy is not high priority, clearly. I would rather they look at Sym, Reaper, Bastion, Torb, stuns, Brigitte, Sombra, smurfing, other ladder issues, POTG system, interface, etc.

One issue doesn’t make the other go away though. Mercy might also be cheap and easy to deal with. I don’t think she would need any new development, simple tweaks would go a long way.

It would at the very least mean they understand what we are giving as feedback, which is the opposite of what I got right now.


That’s your opinion.

I want Mercy relevant. I also am open to the idea of more player expression, but not at a reckless “I DONT CARE IF SHES RELEVANT” type of cost.

Then I agree with them. Acknowledging it could set up a lot of crazy stuff. If you acknowledge it then you get the whole “WELL WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT NOW!?” “WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG!?” Etc. I’d rather they talked in less specific ways just to minimize the hysteria this community is sooooooooo prone to.

The feedback is pretty basic. I’d be disappointed if anyone didn’t understand it. Doesn’t mean they have to respond specifically, directly, or immediately, to said feedback.