🛰 Goodman talks about Nerfs and Buffs (Updated with New Video(s) about this Topic. Ironic?)

christ mate why does a video that talks about so little need 12 minutes 23 seconds?

everyone thinks theyre on expert balancer on here :man_shrugging:


Now we know the core problem why overwatch will never be balanced.


Balancing a game with a diverse selection of playstyles and kits isn’t nearly as easy as the community thinks it is.
It’s easy to say ‘‘just nerf damage’’ or ‘‘just nerf healing’’ Every small change will have implications on countless things.


Adding Brigitte was the worst decision they ever made with this game. The chaos and overall decaying state of the game for the past year has all been because of her, and they’re still balancing around her a year after.


Dont take an expert to know bringing back spam the hammer was a dumb move.


The guy who thought of that should be fired.


I’d like to know why we’re a year and a half into Mercy’s rework and still haven’t gotten any indication that the developers are remotely aware of where the concerns regarding the hero are.

  • “We’re listening.”
  • Proceeds to talk about Mercy’s balance state, not the fact that half of the Mercy playerbase has stopped playing Mercy because she is no longer fun to play.

can you link to the original video rather than a video talking about a video?

And it’s not like it is going to change. Mercy’s rework was a disaster and a catastrophic failure, and she remains terrible to play as in game. I gave up on her a long time ago.


‘‘We’re listening’’ doesn’t mean ‘‘we’re obeying’’
They have stated on multiple occasions that they think Valkyrie is fine as it is. You guys are the ones not listening.


Why not just remove it and give Wraith Form a flight ability like it was suggested before. The biggest problem with Shadow Step is that it’s too slow, you can’t see who can see where you’re stepping to, and it’s buggy when trying to step to certain places usually stepping to a platform below it. Making it so Wraith Form can do both re-positioning and retreating then you have to make more choices on how to use it.

Shadow Step needs to be replaced not buffed.


Considering the repeated failings on part of the balance team, I doubt it’s going to go anywhere either.

I’m too flipping stubborn to give up. I’m hoping that one day we will have screamed enough to finally get the message through whatever barrier they put between themselves and the community.


If they were listening, they would have provided an indication that they are aware of the concerns.

They have failed to do so. For all I know, they think we’re still hung up on Mercy’s balance position, because clearly, that’s the one thing they are hung up on.


At what point do you just remove armor altogether? I’d much prefer armor be able to mitigate a significant amount of damage, but there to be less of it.

In Zarya’s case if you go to the wiki it’s 95 (at 0% charge) a second, 20 rounds a second. 95/20= 4.75 damage a tick.

Why what is the point. They said they are happy with her and are not going to change her like 20 times.

They don’t need to explain why past that. They let you know their plans for her.


I understand why the devs are afraid of talking on the forums because of backlash like this…but man. Seeing everyone else talk makes me not feel as bad for the lack of trust I have in the devs at this point.


It’s depressing. Moth Mercy dominated the game for nine months. The reason was a misconception in the playerbase about res. Symmetra, Torbjorn and Bastion were all useless since the game’s inception, suffered through reworks and that didn’t change anything for them. Brigitte was introduced and they’re still adjusting the game to accomodate her a year later. GOATS is still in the game, while they repeteadly nerf things slowly while nothing really changes.

I’m unable to remain stubborn. There have been three megathreads, and nothing came of it. I threw the towel a long time ago, and haven’t played Mercy in about a year now.


because they stated that when making a decision they consider 3 factors 1) the stats 2) their own opinion 3) the community
the community is not happy w/ the current version of mercy! i want a Valkyrie rework and so do many others!
and before you assume or ask NO! I don’t want mass rez back!