Good news! Support nerfs incoming

Every single support has been nerfed from their OW2 launch state except Lifeweaver, Moira, and Lucio.

Every other support has had their utility, healing, or damage nerfed


Maybe… its cause they needed it. Then needed it again. and again, because they have power krept for 7 years.

Istg if she gets nerfed AGAIN I’m just not playing Support anymore. She already sucks


Deserved honestly. I hate mercy

Oh, I do…

This is all I need to see along with you saying he is only popular and performing well due to being cool to know trying to present any objective truth that suggests he isn’t weak a waste of time.

Trying to argue with Genji mains is like trying to explain actual science to a flat-earther, you’ve already decided Genji’s reality for yourself which is independent of the reality everyone else exists in. Don’t let the truth ruin your good time, have at it, brother!


Power creep, when most supports have been nerfed? Ana, Mercy, Zen, Baptiste, Brig, and Kiriko have all received nerfs. The only buffs any supports got from ow1 to ow2 were Baptiste, Ana, Moira, and Brig; most of which have been nerfed or reverted


The last major buff to a support was Lucio’s self healing when using amp it up?


What part of him is overtuned? His healing is average and only high in practice because its what he most stays healing for a bit.

His ult is average within the role, and in general. His only meaningful change lately was giving overhealth once a target is fully healed and receives a wave from it.

It is a bit fast, but honestly its fine for a hero whose ultimate does not win teamfights alone. A 5% ult charge rate nerf would be fine and not breaking anything either end.

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in one where she has a second support helping her

At this point you can point out that most supports have been net nerfed in OW2 and that is still not enough for most people.

Mercy received more nerfs during OW2 than the nerfs that most popular DPS heroes have received combined.


Except you dont? cause you dont know who I am, at all.

I only speak truth, hate to break it to you. Also you really went searching for that quote.

Stop bolding it, they arent different from any other mains.

Bro do you know what its like to explain science to a flat earther? its much harder than convincing a genji main that their hero is good, you just need valid evidence. None of this stat bull(cause hes not even played that much among top 500 players, yuou can check in overwatch.)

Maybe…, because power Creep keeps happening. Just because they nerfed them a handful of times doesnt mean that they arent broken. Look at the game right now, supports are the ones that matter. If I lose a game, its likely because my supports were bad. I admit, im not immortal, I lose games because of myself, but most of the time its on the supports. They are the ones playing the most broken heros/

It happens

Could even be any support.

Dont forget about the Cassidy using his 75% DR roll to eat a whole slash.

Which is what happened during the clip people are passing around now.


Dont worry, I wont xD, I laugh everytime it happens. Its so silly.

I’m just not seeing why you’re not seeing why these supports are too strong. It makes me wonder if you play the game. Surely you do, but it’s just so apparent that supports run the game right now. Even the queue times agree.

They are the reason Orisa is an issue at all, but a lot of people don’t realize it and just focus on the thing in front of them, Orisa. She gets all the ire that the supports should be getting.

They’ll probably nerf Brig’s shield again.

I missed my shots while Kiriko walked at me and she landed headshots, support by the way.

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But why? It’s not all supports that are the problem.


i said this before, all supports doesnt necessarily mean all. Just most. Leave lucio alone, maybe kiri, but all the others. Slap em with those nerfs.

yeah it’s a little whacky. I think his survivability is a BIT too strong right now, and his ult charges too quickly. I don’t really feel like his damage or healing is crazy, though, at short range his damage is quite strong but it’s fine tbh. Just nerf his rejuvenating dash regen a bit and ult charge cost and he should be ok. I also admittedly don’t play a ton of weaver though

Also can someone explain to me why brig got an extra 10 damage to whip shot? If they nerf some other part of her kit as a result imma be mad


Again, why? Brig’s not exactly hogging the limelight right now, with her low pickrate. The complaints about Moira are overblown, and stem from bad players primarily. Lucio’s probably the most balanced support, by virtue of being all about his mobility. Zen’s disco orb could do with nerfs, but the rest of his kit is fine.