Good news! Support nerfs incoming

If Bap is below half health he gets much more healing. Combined with immortality, he can be excessively bulky for his damage output.

I also hope for these things.

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I really doubt they are going to nerf Nade. Ana is probably the only support in the game that is of any threat to a tank, and you cant really balance her around people who refuse to pick a tank that can block it. It would made her a complete throw pick against a decent Dva, and it would be hypocritical of support hates to be perfectly fine with that.

At most they are going to nerf sleep to 4 seconds, or increase the cooldown a bit.

It has already been nerfed. If its not cleansing anything (which she will rarely get hit by) its healing quite a bit less than before.

I really hope they are 100% going to make changes to incentivize people into engaging in her intended counterplay, like increasing the downtime of pylon once destroyed or reducing her charge time by a fraction of a second.

Nerfing her into allowing Tracer/Soldier mains to just roll her over is just poor taste and bending over once again to popular DPS mains.

LW has been a good hero for like a month. He is fine.

I just want all supports to get nerfed, but not gutted. Except mercy and moira. They should be annihilated. Mercy is too fast, too easy, and rez takes away the thrill of the hunt. Moira has aimbot(dont tell me its something else, i know its something else, but im gonna call it aimbot.), has fade(busted escape), and is ugly as heck.

i mean
there’s an argument that it allows bap to persist in aggressive positions longer by sustaining with regen burst
but unless you’re like windowing and killing 2+, most people would call that throwing at worst, and a bad misuse of burst at the best

I know, but that is not enough to let him ‘‘duel tanks’’, other than idk, JQ.

Most tanks can put a barrier or DM in his face, or even CC him away from his lamp.

Sure, nerf his damage, but people are going to complain anyways because at this point stopping people for killing anything at any time has some people breaking out in hives out of outrage.

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You are really delusional.


Except that doesn’t mean anything?

If Genji is one of the most picked DPS, you would expect to see lower winrates then since if people are just playing him because they like him, they might not be good at him to keep him in the positives. We’re not seeing that at all. You would expect below average for such a highly picked DPS when not everyone is able to play him. You yourself said only a handful of people are actually Genji players, yet he’s doing very well for how much playtime he is seeing

If Genji is “weak” for a DPS, then in the same breath you literally cannot say that Kiriko is “op”


Is there a link to information on this?

Support players when they’re forced to use the smallest amount of skill instead of turning thier whole team invulnerable then teleporting through a wall

I think that the ‘‘support pickrate means OP, DPS pickrate means fun’’ double standard is at this point old enough to go to elementary school.

Some people dont want to accept that gameplay power directly correlates to fun.


I am literally a DPS main. I have… 35 minutes on Kiriko last time I checked.

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Than you have nothing to worry about

He’s overtuned and it’s ok to admit it. Just because a hero was bad in the past doesn’t mean they can’t be overtuned now. That’s a reductive mindset to have in game balance.

He’s one of my highest leveled supports now and I am farming his golden gun because I enjoy playing him so much. I can still recognize that he’s overtuned and gets his ult too fast for how strong it is now.


Never said kiri was op(she was, but the no knockback change was actually amazing.) Shes in a good state now, and i actually said she should be one of the last to get nerfs. Genji is weak for a dps, we have proven that. you are fighting a losing battle if you think genji is broken, or easy.

This person is an actual “genji main”, that stereotype that people used to laugh at and make fun of, you’ve found a real one in the wild.

This person does not care about logic or the truth. In their mind, Genji is a victim, Genji is weak, he always was, and there is nothing that will convince this person otherwise at any time. Genji could have every one of his abilities ohk and this person would still come up with Olympic-level mental gymnastics to try to convince people he is still “one of the worst dps characters” and his good performance paired with popularity is solely due to him being “cool”. Genji mains exist in an alternate reality.

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I never once said Genji is broken or easy; I’m just saying the double standard is insane where “Genji is weak” yet has better stats in every rank than Kiriko, but “Every support is overpowered” exist


You dont know that.

He was when they made dragonblade 6 seconds, and got rid of 6 of his ammo(its back now, but it wasnt that big of an issue, blade is more of the issue.)

False, he used to be busted.

I wouldnt, If genji was great i wouldnt be saying nothing. But hes not great, sorry. (i know i want him to be broken too, these things take time.)

Genji mains are normal people. They dont believe that their main has been treated unfairly unless he has. Just like any other main in overwatch.

For the last time, stats are not everything. “every support” doesnt mean every support. It means most of them. Lucio for example, is fine. NOt broken, not trash. He needs no nerfs or buffs. Therefore he is excluded from “every support.”

Stats have to matter or else no-one would be complaining about supports as they’re the weakest they have been since OW2 came out with Lifeweaver and Moira being the only exceptions

Stat are not the reason. Supports are not the weakest they have been, they are the strongest. Sorry i may have mixed you up. There are 2 stats. The stats of higher players, and the stats of your characters. Bap for example, has a ton of damage, moira also. ana does insane damage and insane healing. All supports do. That is the problem.

This is insane btw. INSANE. its like were playing different games. Supports have been busted for a while in ow2, some of them have been fine, but most of them have been broken. Kiriko for example, was BROKEN OUT OF HER MIND, when she was released. Suzu was stupid, healing was stupid, damage was stupid. Supports are broken, these nerfs are good(i hope).