Good news! Support nerfs incoming

I can’t wait to see how that Hearthstone guy will ruin even more of the already poor balance this game has.

yeah, im diamond, and i play genji the most. But people know how to counter pick in diamond, and how to aim(unless they play moira, which sadly alot of them do.). Ive been considering going to an easier hero. Thats my issue with genji, is he takes so much work, and I could get the same outcome with sojourn for half the input.

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hey, hearthstone is a great game, he cant do that much worse

Totally. He is crazy good in low ranks, but he is just hard hard work in high ones. Anyone who can play him diamond and above has my respect.

I can’t make him work there.

They are good, but sadly, other heros can get more value. Its not like their trash or bad at the game, they just only know how to play genji, cause there is no other hero like him. I suck at heros like widow, cause I dont have to aim as much as widow mains do. Im more about speed, getting picks fast and getting out. Widowmains have to wait for the perfect shot, and they dont miss cause they have practices aiming a lot, thats their whole hero after all.

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Yep, which is honestly unfortunate. Genji is a LOT of fun, and Genji likes would be pretty popular.

I think it is in part why Mercy mains are so crazy. There is nothing even close to like her in the game. So, if you like that style of play, you will throw in crazy hours to try to make it work.

In ow1, when i was just starting, i tried comp, and cause i was new i got bronze. I was hard stuuck bronze, 800 sr, until one season before ow2. I had finally hit that sweet spot with genji, where I could melt ANYONE. I rose to silver, then gold, then ow2 hits and i get to plat and now diamond. Im still playing genji in diamond, and sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. As much as I want to win, im not gonna abandon my main.


exactly, hes a ton of fun, but also too hard for the average player(not a genji one trick). You can get picks with him sure, but not as much as you could with soldier, or sojo, or sym, or mei, or anyone else.

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I mean, I play Mei / Sombra, so I am the scrubbest of scrubs in that regard :slight_smile:

You single handedly made me see mei and sombra mains in a new light

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I am so sorry about that.

You mean since they nerfed his regen burst? The last change to Regen Burst was a nerf down to 40/40, a whole 20% nerf to its total healing. A flat 40 self heal is not going to make him ‘‘duel tanks’’.

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hes talking about damage, not healing.

Finally. The game might be playable again but I doubt they will actually do too much.

no shot you included dps when goats dominated the game for an entire year and required a format change to the entire ruleset successfully break up

He literally mentioned regen burst. I am just confused by the entire sentence because regen burst has no impact in his damage ability, which is still relatively middling for a support, and mediocre compared to just any DPS.

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after mentioning damage

im as confused as you are, idk how regen effects damage, but he was talking about damage

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I wouldnt mind a damage nerf for bap, actually. That is just about the only thing I agree is a tad too high, his dps is pretty high even if its half excused for not having any other extra damage ability.

But people are not really just asking for a damage nerf, they want to obsolete the entire hero with nerfs. And they are going to be disappointed when no support gets obsoleted as they are asking for.

My hope:

Anti nade nerf, especially on tanks

Discord nerf on tanks

Kiriko suzu nerf, mostly on her self suzu

Baptiste nerfs

Illari power shift?

Lifeweaver ult cost nerf

Mercy GA changes to be more like OW1 GA