Good news! Support nerfs incoming

I don’t agree but the imagery is hilarious. I’m picturing men with black suits shoving a bag over his head and then dragging him off then two of their guys beat Kiriko’s legs with crowbars. Leaving with a “You move slower, you understand?”

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I’m just going to quit. The matchmaking being so bad and nerfing my main role is a bridge to far. Nobody plays as a team, so losing self sustain is terrible.

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source? I’m out of the loop on this one.

I’m curious to see what they mean by vulnerability and utility.

Wake up Honey, is time to Nerf Brig and Ignore Ana, Bap and LW.

Ah! Thanks for the post!

Their Sombra stats are interesting.
So she is below the 50% mark across the board.

Masters / GM average win rates land quite a bit above 50%, because they have people below them in more of their matches. The bell curve takes no prisoners in that front, so Masters and above around 46-47% is still on the quite low side.

We have seen a lot of talk around supports and their rising power level in the meta. We’re making a series of changes to many of the support heroes in the game for the midseason patch with the intent of targeting their utility and opening up windows of vulnerability. We want to be careful here in order to avoid some of the feelings of helplessness that Supports had at launch, but we want to lower some of the overall sustain and survivability that’s present in the game currently.

I think they will find that tricky.

It sounds like to me longer Suzu cooldowns. But I don’t know about the rest.

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Hilarious all these (mainly DPS players i’ve noticed) celebrating this as if this is going to be executed well whatsoever. They’re not going to address any actual issues, they’re going to make the role miserable to play and fuss up queue times overall and bloat the dps queue, and they’re probably going to cause a slew of other balance issues they’ll have to haphazardly ‘fix’ a few seasons from now.

I don’t know if people are just that blinded by their hate for the support class or if these are new players because Blizzard balance changes rarely ever are, well, balanced.

Also can’t wait for a few weeks after this hits for this forum to be filled with people whining about not being healed, etc smh.


Blizzard has a pretty good handle on knowing that they have to keep the roles balanced for people playing them, so they can’t do much drastic there.

I wouldn’t worry about to too much, but they are also painted into a bit of a corner there.

We want to deal with “but we want to lower some of the overall sustain and survivability that’s present in the game currently” is hard to do, if you are also looking at … “opening up windows of vulnerability” on them at the same time, AND keeping them roughly equal in the queues.

I suspect they will be forced to buff them back up, and start looking at reworks across the support lineup.

So what are DPS going to pick to complain about next when they don’t get easy kills?


“The midseason balance patch will include the changes to Support and quite a few others and will be roughly comparable in size to the balance patch at the start of Season 7.”

aaahhh so disappointing… the beginning of the season 7 balance patch was practically nothing… fortify going from 50% damage reduction to 45%, cree got 75% damage reduction on roll, reverting some torb buffs that he never shouldve recieved in the first place, and i honestly dont even remember the rest…

hopefully the midseason patch wont be filled with baby nerfs/changes that might as well not exist…

I keep seeing that but literally the stats prove otherwise

If a hero is weak, why are they one of the top picks for DPS.
If the hero is weak, why are they sitting in a positive winrate spot

That doesn’t make sense if the hero isn’t doing well. How on earth are people making a supposed weak hero work in like every rank, but an “op” hero like Kiriko can’t even break 50% winrates in any rank?


Tanks that live longer than 2 seconds

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there are people on the forums who claim cree is in a good spot or even “op” off of his pickrate alone… and they never want to talk about how he always has one of the bottom 5 winrates in the game

There is a reason for that though. if you looked at when he was picked for the entire game, you would see him having a higher win rate than when he was swapped to later.

There is a bias which pushed “heroes which you typically start the game with and swap from” which pushes their reported win rate up, and “heroes which you switch to, to counter an enemy” which pushes their reported win rates down.

And you have to take that into account for balancing.

So McCree having low win rates, is kinda expected, but maybe not to the degree he does.

Hes cool, hes fun

Cause you have people that ONLY play him, cause that is how you get good with him. Look at most played heros, only a handful of people are actually genji players.

Shes boring, she doesnt have dedicated one tricks that spend hundreds(thousands if your insane) hours learning the hero, and winning.

Genji has a LOT of players.

I only play genji, My next most played hero is 300 hours behind. That is why im good at him. If you are brand new, you cant just pick him up. He is one of the heros that requires you to be dedicated. Kiriko isnt that, shes cool, but shes a genji knockoff for support mains.

Not in top 500, their most 3 are normally sojourn, sym, mei, from what ive seen anyways

It took me years to get to where i am with genji, heros like genji, tracer, doom. These heros need time to master, ill be honest i forgot what we were talking about.

That says more about Genji getting harder to get wins with as you go up ranks, so a lot of Genji players drop him around Plat, when they find that double jumping and spamming right click stops working, and stops working HARD and just is punished massively.

But until then, you do have a lot of Genji players, so it isn’t lack of people putting in hours on him, it is that he gets hard later, and they drop him for easier heroes.

He is a noob stomper, but the moment you are not playing vs noobs, you need to change tactics, and actually get good, and a lot of the people who have been throwing large amount of hours don’t learn that, so they drop at that stage.