Good news! Support nerfs incoming

Support nerfs are long overdue, I hope they are some severe nerfs to finally balance this game out and not just some useless slight number changes like the have done in the past.


For the queue system and match making you need just as many support players as DPS players.

How do you propose they do that?


This makes me sad. They are the most fun supports. And Kiriko already has a terrible win rate so I guess she’ll just not be good.


Blizz really do be fixing a headache with a hammer. Supports were only ever “OP” because a tank to mitigate damage was removed. All a support nerf would accomplish is teammates QQing they weren’t “being healed” when their supports are walking back from spawn.


Playing supports the first few seasons was a lot of fun

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Yep, and only half as many tank players and they STILL can’t get enough tanks. :sob:

Keep Moira safe too. Brig(on knifes edge), Lucio, and Moira are the only supports that feel like they’re in a good spot. The rest need nerfs or reworks.


Bap can 1v1 tanks is the best propaganda I’ve seen since fox news.


More realistically, Genji dashes into someone and slashes them for 255 damage and Illari’s healing does nothing. Nano blade can even kill through Transcendence.


I can’t help but feel uneasy about this. Blizz has not exactly inspired confidence that they can make balanced characters (Hi release lifeweaver and kiriko!)

Supports do need to be dialed back a bit, imo, but I just don’t know how Blizz will do it without nerfing characters too much or not doing it enough. I just don’t know, hence my apprehension.

At this point though, its worth a shot.

First season sucked. (Ow2)

They’re nerfing supports?

I’d be interested to see what those changes are and how they will impact the game.

At the end of the day, everyone playing deserves to have fun, that includes people playing roles I don’t frequent and characters I personally dislike.


Definition of broken. but go on.

all of ow2, but go on.

As true as this is, its nearly impossible with the amount of boops in the game. In fact, a bastion can tank a whole nanoblade if he has two pocket healers. Its less of an ult and more of a chargeable ability. Its stupid difficult to get 5k’s, even 3k’s are rareish.

If they nerf Kiriko, then they had better nerf Genji as well

Literally has a better pickrate and winrate than she does in most ranks.



Your funny. Genji is one of the weakest dps rn, especially in higher ranks. Pickrate and Winrate mean very little, as we have seen. Reworks have been done, and are going to be done, reworks that were not needed, but hey, stats said they were.

I do hope that the nerfs are good, and not crippling. I dont want my support mains to get gutted, but I do believe that all supports, especially LW, Ana, and Mercy(just cause I hate mercy) need and deserve a nerf.

Summon the Lamp nerfs! Also I hope Kiriko is not dumpstered.

agreed, kiri actually seems to be one of the supports that doesnt need nerfs that bad.

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She’s actually killable IMO, I’d say all they really need to do mainly is increase her torso hitbox size so she isn’t smaller then tracer and nerf her strafe animation maybe.

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Thats funny. Just came from a thread where they were arguing the exact opposite. That Kiriko is the reason for the nerfs.

Balance is such a super subjective concept :upside_down_face: