Good news! Support nerfs incoming

And post support nerfs, dps mains will be like: “why am I suddenly getting 10 minute queues? Fix your game, Blizzard!”



I don’t care how miserable they make support, give me good queue times and I’ll play it. If they somehow ruin Lucio and Brig, mace right to their faces

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they can nerf literally everything in her kit but keep that hs dmg high and body low, THAT’S ALL I’M ASKING FOR.

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praying they remove lifeweaver and take kirikos kneecaps :pray:


with this team balance? they will nerf the support passive on 0.2 seconds

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I’ve never in living memory seen a bap 1v1 a tank and win. Unless it’s bap vs rein and bap is up on a ledge where rein can’t reach.


I almost exclusively play support and illari ana bap desperately need some nerfs/changes. hopefully a revert on the lifeweaver dash self heal change, its too much ontop of his 225hp buff

masters support players are getting 10 min ques, thats how overpopulated support is rn…

They already tried to nerf her mobility recently, (within the last few months,) and then reverted it because mobility is so central to Mercy’s kit. I very much doubt they’ll try comprehensive nerfs to her because of that. They sunk soooo much effort into it already, and recently.

I’m gonna need you to explain your reasoning there

Bap does too much damage ever since they changed how regen burst works. Change it back or lower his damage and Bap will be fine.

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Let me guess? Ana will get a pass and they rather nerf Kiriko (the supports with the second lowest winrate across all ranks) or some other BS that will never address the problem…

I am pessimistic, because Ana has evaded everything, including the removal of hard CC outside of the tank role. Will this finally be the time we have some other support take the crown?


Haha nah, that’s never how it works. They’re going to give Ana compensation buffs that make her stronger than before.

Then they’ll revert her nerfs a couple months later.


I will hold my feedback until I see what the nerfs are. Will they nerf Ana? :slight_smile: Or will they take it all out on poor Kiriko. :frowning: Will they eliminate the passive? :angry:

Basically these could be great changes or awful changes, it all depends on what they change.

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That’s a good thing though. Support design isn’t necessarily the problem but they do too much too often imo. Suzu should not be on a 14 second cooldown lol. Same with life grip at 16. They should be near Bap and mercy rez. Maybe even more if you consider they’re just as effective yet easier to pull off than those two.

You say that like they’re nerfing them correctly. Outside of Ana’s busted @ss grenade, their utility isn’t really a problem. It’s their healing numbers.

Illari can outheal a Nano’d Dragon Blade. With no effort.

Before, the only way you could do this was with another Ultimate - Transcendence or Sound Barrier (okay, Sound Barrier isn’t actually healing anyone, but it does the same job).

Illari needs her base tool kit. Her beam and her Pylon is sufficient enough to outheal Nano Blades. And if Genji isn’t Nano’d, Illari can do this without her Pylon.

And that’s just one example. And for context as to how absurd Illari’s healing was pre-nerf, here’s a horrific comparison:

Moira’s Coalescence heals allies for 140 HP/s.
Illari (pre-nerf) healed allies for 120 HP/s.

Now, you tell me what the problem is there. That was Illari’s secondary firing mode, compared to Moira’s Ultimate. And Moira is supposed to be the game’s big d##k exclusive healer. And she’s now outhealed, and outgunned, by the new girl on the block.

Barring a few exceptions, Support utility isn’t a problem. It’s the fact that they can effortlessly outheal insane amounts of damage. Supports will still be top dog, in terms of comparing the roles directly. They’ve got the healing numbers to keep 2 Tanks topped off - None of them had healing reductions, moving into OW2. And that’s a massive problem.


im really not even going to complain, blizzard knows what they want to do with the game, with the current state of the matchmaker, the complaints about supports. ive realized that…complaining really doesnt help, blizzard is going to do whatever they want to do with the game, and the game will either improve, or die a slow death. either way, im tired of the fuss, and im just going to sit back and watch, no matter what happens.

if the game manages to pull itself together and becomes something fun again, that’s awesome, if it continues down the road they have been for so long and it dies a slow and painful death…then RIP…and we can all move on to something else.

either way…it’s just not worth worrying over

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Where is the source???

They will take it out on Kiriko and Illari

And watch Ana’s pickrate climb even higher when people realise Bionade’s heal boost counters the now-partial anti effect! Genius!

Nothing says good balance like heroes that counter themselves!


Illar has 37.5 HPS from turret + 105 HPS for 3 seconds from secondary

So for 3 seconds with perfect aim she has 142.5 HPS

Genji Dragon blade is 122.22 DPS + 50% from Nano is 183.33 DPS

Dragon blade last for 6 seconds or 7 swings so that is a total of 1155 Damage with nano.

Illari has 38 HPS from turret for 6 seconds or 228 total health + the 105HPS*3seconds=315 Health Or a total of 543 total healing for the duration of nano blade


In what world does illari out heal nano dragon blade?

You do relise that people have acess to number right?