I have 1950 legacy points and 4500 comp points , could not unlock gold weapon.
Error message said you do not have enough.
I have 1950 legacy points and 4500 comp points , could not unlock gold weapon.
Error message said you do not have enough.
Last time this happened it took 2-3 weeks for them to fix which is a joke when its something as simple as fixing a purchase, I guarantee if this was a shop item they’d earn money from they panic and sort it straight away but because it doesn’t benefit them it’s last on the list xD
Kind of sucks to have a whole event and then not be able to use any other rewards. My nameplate is no longer there, and I had the second version of it, and of course I can’t buy the golden weapon. Just seems like this could be a quick fix after several days but nothing.
You think this issue would be a priority, considering half the reason anyone participated in the Drive Event was for the comp credit rewards… Please fix this ASAP. Me and my 4 friends are ALL having this issue. Surely it wouldn’t be too difficult, considering this has happened before.
pretty sure it’s only gold, my friend got a jade weapon with no problem
ok so i did some testing cause i thought it was a bug with my battlenet acc it has happened with cod stuff its ONLY gold weapons it is the drives thing where they added more credits via rewards it happens alot on any other game that does the same thing for a small event and you can buy jade guns my friends have tested that part for me and thats with me trying to buy with the tokens i allready had that was not from event so event just bugs it i had 3k roughly before and wanted a skin when the evvent came out and couldnt but friend got a gold weapon a few days before
not working for me either, hopefully it’ll get fixed when the new season comes out
the better question is what the hell do i do with my 2700 legacy comp points?
Por aqui aconteceu a mesma coisa, tentei comprar a skin dourada da arma do Junkrat e não foi possível, sendo que a uma semana atrás comprei a arma dourada do Soldado 76 e foi normal, depois do evento para farmar pontos competitivos todo mundo quer usar esses pontos e a Blizzard não está fazendo nada!
You just wait for the end of the competitive year. Your remaining regular competitive points will be converted into legacy competitive points. Once you’ll have 3k you’ll be able to use them.
Did blizzard acknowledge this bug ? Didn’t see any communication… at least they could tell us that they are working on it.
They said they are “aware” of it. That’s it.
I wish they’d at least let us know that they’re fixing it and when it would be fixed by. It’s honestly kinda upsetting how low communication they have
I had exactly the same issue, I was pissed when they said they couldn’t do anything about it when it was a bug on their part. All I want is a refund
Bruh, we are the same. i have like 6000 comppoints and still after 5 days i cannot buy reaper and reins gold gun
It is unbelievable that 5 days have passed and still not being able to buy lar golden weapons I am sure that it is something from the payment store and it would be solved within the hour. Blizzard you need to get out of bed and do some work.
same here, i have around 4k points and can’t buy Lucio gold ;-;
Nearly 200 replies and not so much as an acknowledgment of the issue from Blizzard.
Honestly, as a software product manager it BLOWS MY MIND that they don’t have basic smoke testing / regression testing to catch this stuff. This is the second time this year there’s been an issue blocking gold weapon purchases. It’s not hard or costly to test for this stuff. This is straight up negligence, and disregard for players.
Well the did say they were “aware” of it, I also submitted a ticket and they responded telling me to post about it on the forums…so what’s the use of submitting tickets lol! But yeah maybe they’ll fix it…soon? lol
thats what we were saying 5 days ago but looks like it still dosen’t work even tho i feel like its a simple issue